
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 21:25:18

还有中国的陈冯富珍 吴仪 杨绵绵 都行

Good moring everyone.
Today I'm going to talk about myself ,that is carrot.
As we know,carrot is a kind of radish .But do you konw where it came from and how to plant it If you don't konw,let me tell you.
Somebody consider that carrot is from some western countries in Europe.But it's not the truth.In fact,carrot is from southwest Asia.The first man who grew carrot was an Afghan ,he planted carrot in 2500 years ago.So the history of planting carrot is longer than the history of Christianity.At about 1000 year's ago,carrot was spreaded to Europe .Then in the 13th century carrot was spreaded to China and in the 16th century spreaded to America and Japan.
It is easy to grow carrot.In the ordinary way,we should plow the land at first ,and then sow the seeds of carrots .Of course,we must water them everyday,and apply fertilizer some time .If there are some harmful insects,we have to rid of them.After they grow into small plants.We could wait three month then the carrot will be ripe .
With the development of human beings,ways of growwing carrot get more and more.
There is another interesting way for the agricultural scientists to grow carrots .They sent the seeds of carrot into space by spaceship .The cosmic rays made the gene of carrot changed.And the carrots will get very large ,some of them can reach 20 kilos .But scientists said that kind of carrot will be delicious.
So ,why not try to plant carrot in a new way to make it both big and delicious?
That's all .Thank you~

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