
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 21:04:03


I'm a person with cool appearance but passionate inside.I'm always ready for accepting new knowledge and things.While lacking of social experience,I am regarded as a hardworking,practical person who keeps on running exercise everyday.I passed CET-4 during sophomore year by self-study.And my motto is:no pain,no gains.The pain will be your wealth for your future success and excellence.

I belong to surface indoor and inside heart fill with emotion person, happy to accept new knowledge and new things. although no what soceity experience, but long-term insist long run I in my friends' eyes hardworking
我云 我实在翻译不下去了

My heart belongs to the surface, passionate person, be willing to accept the new knowledge and new things. Although no social experience, but in the long run on my eyes, diligent, pragmatic and friend...


My heart belongs to the surface, passionate person, be willing to accept the new knowledge and new things. Although no social experience, but in the long run on my eyes, diligent, pragmatic and friends. During the two, I tried to self-study, passed the CET - 4. My motto: the world does not have bilked bitter, every eat a bitter, you for future success and brilliant save a little money.


I belong to the inner surface of introverted and passionate people, willing to accept new knowledge and new things. Although no social experience, but the long-standing long-distance race in the eyes ...


I belong to the inner surface of introverted and passionate people, willing to accept new knowledge and new things. Although no social experience, but the long-standing long-distance race in the eyes of my friends, hard-working, practical. During the sophomore year, I tried to self-study, the adoption of CET-4. My motto: There is no such thing as a bitter, each eating a bitter, you are brilliant for the future success and accumulated a little capital.


英语翻译我属于表面内敛而内心充满激情的人,乐于接受新知识和新事物.虽然没什么社会经验,但长期坚持长跑的我在朋友们眼里勤奋、踏实.大二期间,我努力自学,通过了CET-4.我的座右铭:世 英语翻译这里的“红色”代表的是一个人内心意境及思想的反映,红色是鲜血,是生命的活力,令他充满了激情,以至于分不清浮世的虚像.而“狂想”则揭示了他的另一面,即陷入了幻想的深渊,似 英语翻译有谁能明白我的内心。表面开朗,无忧无虑。能懂我内心的有几个。在别人眼里,我一直是个开朗的人。可是我的内心确截然相反。只是想要一点重视,一份关心,一点话语。 有关于好的流行歌曲,老歌,中文歌,英文歌我今天听到一首蔡淳佳的《依恋》,感觉好安静,思绪很远.朋友说我是个充满激情的人,可我也很享受独处,也许我的内心是安静的.我学的是小提琴,感觉 英语翻译英语翻译:为了理想而奋斗不息,尽管前进的道路充满艰辛,但是只要心中有希望,就不会气馁,哪怕最后失败了,只要奋斗的过程充满着激情,也虽败犹荣,虽输犹胜! 形容社会险恶的成语形容表面善良而内心险恶的人 他的声音时而铿锵有力充满激情如同喷薄而出的朝阳.(仿写) 求奋发向上、充满豪迈激情的诗句! 求奋发向上、充满豪迈激情的诗句! 英语翻译我是一个充满动力和激情的人,喜欢做有挑战性的工作和任务.我特别喜欢并善于与他人沟通,进行团队合作.进入银行领域是我的梦想,我对投资银行充满了浓厚的兴趣.相信这两点正是 每当我从桥上走过,心里充满激情,把脚步放的轻轻…… 比喻表面和善而内心阴险狠毒 帮我评价一下作文 这就是我你别看我外表不大活泼,其实我的内心却是充满着激情.或许我会展现出文静的一面,但更多的时候我是保持着开心的一面.我,幽默爱笑,向来不喜欢看别人满面怒容的 求几句激励人奋进的话我需要一些催人奋进,激励奋进的诗,名言,甚至是用充满激情与自信的话语 谁都别想再次触动我的内心英语翻译 英语翻译我喜欢口味清淡的食物,它保留了食物原有的味道和营养.我喜欢四季分明的天气我喜欢有爆发力的歌曲,它能让我充满激情 有人说我的气质内敛是什么意思?有人说我的气质内敛 谁能进来帮我解释一个很三俗的词儿我看了一篇文章:△拥有多重人格,内心复杂而强大.△越混性格越内敛,越说声音越平和.△接受世界弱肉强食、势利冷酷的一面.△从贫穷、失败和人际交