英语音标子音母音还有th ch sh er ar ir or ur au ow这些发音,还有什么变音,请问音标到底还有什么学的
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 16:08:18
英语音标子音母音还有th ch sh er ar ir or ur au ow这些发音,还有什么变音,请问音标到底还有什么学的
英语音标子音母音还有th ch sh er ar ir or ur au ow这些发音,还有什么变音,请问音标到底还有什么学的
英语音标子音母音还有th ch sh er ar ir or ur au ow这些发音,还有什么变音,请问音标到底还有什么学的
2009-08-13 | 阅: 转: | 分享
u 英语音标表、字母表----- 字母、字母组合发音规律记忆口诀
印刷体:大写 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
小写 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
大写 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
小写 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
[ ei / bi: /si: /di: / i: /ef /dVi: / eitF / ai / dVei / kei / el /em /en /Eu /pi://kju: /B: /es /ti: /ju: / vi: /dQblju: /eks /wai /zi:]
u 先观察以上字母的读音,然后,把含有共同元音因素的字母进行分类:
(1) [ei] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(2) [i:] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(3) [ai] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(4) [Eu] ___[ ]
(5) [u:] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(6) [e] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ]
(7) [B:] ___[ ]
二、 英语中元音和辅音(母音和子音)的分类表
英 语 音 标(采用口腔后部发声法发音)
前元音:[i:/ I:] [i] [e] [A]
中元音:[Q] [E] [E: / \:]
后元音:[B:] [C:] [C] [u:] [u]
[ai] [ei] [Ci] [iE] [ZE/ eE] [uE] [au] [Eu]
[p][t][k] [f][s][W][F] [h] [tF][tr][ts]
[b][d][g] [v][z][T][V] [r] [dV][dr][dz]
[m][n][N] [l]/[l] [w][j ]
[pr][pl][br][bl][kr][kl][gr][gl][fr][fl][sn][sl][sk][sp][sw][dw][hw][kw][tw] [Wr] [pju:][bju:][tju:][dju:][kju:][gju:][fju:][vju:][lju:][mju:][nju:][hju:][zju
拼读口诀:元音为中心,划分音节、按音节拼读;多音节加重音、多音节一重多轻发音,轻音节怎么轻怎么发音.重开音节读长音,轻/闭音节读短音.例子:he[hi:], name [neim], table[`teibl], bicycle[`baisikl], teacher[`ti:tFE], red, cap, and, thank, basket, yellow, umbrella,
u 提前练一练,看看有何难.小测试:
1). 见字读音: 写出下列单词的音标.
class [ ] this [ ] your [ ] you [ ] here [ ] Sandy [ ] Crisp [ ]
2). 音义结合:写出下列读音所对应的汉语意义.
[klB:s] _______; [hiE] ______; [blu:] ______; [sku:lbAg] ___________; [kQm] ______;
3). 听音写字:根据音标写单词.
[klB:s] _______; [hiE] ______; [blu:] ______; [sku:lbAg] ___________; [kQm] ______;
[hu:z] ________ [it] ___ [pli:z] ________ [daun] _______ [`ru:lE] _______ [kQm] ____
4). 形义结合:英汉互译(即,写出对应的英语或汉语意思).
her -____; thank-_______; 定冠词/ 这个或那个-______; 书-______; rubber -_______;
小姐 -______; 帽子 -_____; Sit down please. ________; Thank you. _______; Here you are.
_________; Yes, it is. ________; Come here, please. ___________;
?字母L的两种读音口诀:音节开头发清音[l -], 音节末尾模糊音[- l],
[l - ] lazy, like, look, long, lubber ([`lQbE] adj.粗笨的, 笨拙的n.傻大个), black, please, clock, color, toilet, holiday, English, Italian, nationality, lollipop,
[- l ] girl[E:l], ball [C:l], small, school[u:l], well[el], smell, level[(E)l], smile[ail], hill[il], old[Eul], cold, child[ail], children [il], full [ul], beautiful [ul], apple [pl], people, pupil, table [bl], impossible, label ((贴)标签), little [tl], bottle, title, middle [dl], cradle(摇篮),bicycle [kl], eagle [gl], pencil [sl], puzzle [-zl], dazzle[5dAzl](眩目,晃眼,耀眼),
常见音节尾音总结:[i:l / il / el/ Al / Ql / El / E:l / C:l / Cl / u:l / ul / ail / eil / Cil / iEl / uEl / aul / Eul / ]
[-pl / -bl / -tl / -dl / -kl / -gl / -fl / -vl / -sl / -zl / ]
[-pEl / -bEl / -tEl / -dEl / -kEl / -gEl / -fEl / -vEl / -sEl / -zEl ]
?元音字母a e i(y) o u 的发音口诀: 元音字母音多变,熟记规则也不难.
a接r /ss常发[B:/A], 还有[ei][A] [C/C:][i] [E].e的发音首数[e],空尾/重[i:]轻[i][E].
重开音节i发[ai],重闭/轻音短[i][E].o发长音[Eu][C:][u:],短音[Q][C][E] one殊.
u字多发 [ju:]和[Q],忙碌busy(i)加[u:][u].y头发[j]重读[ai],轻音/结尾[i]变来.
ay ,ey, o/uy,多发[ei][i],[Ci][ai].r前元音常卷舌,S后弱音须强化.
a--- [/ ei / B:/ A/ C:/ C/ E/ i / ] 强化音[ei],弱化音[E]a接r /ss常发[B:/A], 还有[ei][A] [C/C:][i] [E].
name [ei], table [ei], car [B:], park [B:], class [B:], basket [B:/A], as [A], ass [A], father [B:], afterward(s) [B:/E](然后, 后来), dollar [E],cap [A], catch [A], grammar [A/E], America [E], asleep, alone, afraid, banana [E /B:/E], woman [E], water [C:], watch [C], what [C], war [C:], orange [i],
e--- [/ i:/ e/ i / E/ -*(词尾空音) / ] 强化音[i:],弱化音[E/ i ] e的发音首数[e],空尾/重[i:]轻[i][E].
he [i:], she [i:], we [i:], me [i:], evening [i:], red [e], pencil [e], empty [e], desk [e], umbrella [e], French [e], basket [i], women [i], pretty [i], the [E / i:], children [E], open [E], hundred [E / i:],
/ -*(词尾空音) /---- whose [z], house [s], nice [s], face [s], white [t], name [m], give [v], side [d], wake [k], prize [z], fine [n], tube [b], orange [dV], employee [i:] (职工, 雇员, 店员), apple [pl], table [bl], little [tl], middle [dl], bicycle [kl], eagle [gl](鹰),
i--- [ /ai / i:/ i / E / ] 强化音[ai/i:],弱化音[E/ i] 重开音节发[i: /ai],重闭/轻音短[i][E].
right [ai], bicycle [ai], white [ai], police [i:], this [i], which [i], his [i],building [i], beautiful [E], holiday [E],
o--- [ /Eu/ Q/ C/ C:/u:/ u / E / wQ-] 强化音[Eu/ C:/u:],弱化音[E]
o发长音[Eu][C:][u:],短音[Q][C][E] one殊.
no [Eu], cold [Eu], those [Eu], come [Q], some [Q], mother [Q], brother [Q], son [Q], month [Q], dog [C], not [C], hot [C], sorry [C], shop [C], locker [C], box [C], orange [C:], whose [u:], who [u:], do [u:], to [u:], two [u:], woman [u], policeman [E], today [E], occasion [E](场合, 时机, 机会), aeroplane [E], // one [wQn], once [wQns], reservoir [`rezEvwB:],
u--- [ /ju:/ Q / u / u: /i / ] 强化音[ju:/u:],弱化音[i]u字多发 [ju:]和[Q],忙碌busy(i)加[u:][u].
use [ju:], usually [ju:], tube [ju:], music [ju:], pupil [ju:], rubber [Q], umbrella [Q], mum [Q], hungry [Q], bus [Q], just [Q],cup [Q],put [u], full [u], pull [u], ruler [u:],Sue [u:],blue [u:],minute [i], busy [i]
y--- [ /ai / j / i /] 强化音[ai],弱化音[i] y头发[j]重读[ai],轻音/结尾[i]变来.
your [j], you [j], yes [j], yellow [j], young [j], my [ai], why [ai], tyre [ai], style [ai], fry [ai], cry [ai], bicycle [i], baby [i], ready [i], hungry [i], very [i], thirsty [i], empty [i], busy [i], body [i], slowly [i],
?常见元音字母组合发音口诀: 字母组合固定音,常受影响发音变;千锤百炼习语感.
a--- ay [ei] day, say, play, way, weekday, birthday, // [i] Sunday, Monday, …
ar [B:] car, star, farm, are, park, garlic, // [E] dollar, collar, grammar, particular [pE`tikju:lE],
al [C:] all, ball, small, hall, walk, chalk, // [B:] half,
[C:l / Al / El ]非组合式的情况:although[C:l], alga [`AlgE](藻类, 海藻), algal [`AlgEl](adj.海藻的), algebra [Al`dVibrE] (代数学), signal [lsigEl](信号/发信号, 用信号通知),
au [C:] daughter, fault, audience, cause, August[`C:gEst] (八月), august [C:`gQst](令人敬畏的