国际公法的名词解释请用英文解释下列词语的含义.1、territorial jurisdiction2、asylum3、human rights4、public international law5、sovereignty6、extradition这几个词都是用英语做名词解释。
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/26 17:36:12
国际公法的名词解释请用英文解释下列词语的含义.1、territorial jurisdiction2、asylum3、human rights4、public international law5、sovereignty6、extradition这几个词都是用英语做名词解释。
1、territorial jurisdiction
3、human rights
4、public international law
国际公法的名词解释请用英文解释下列词语的含义.1、territorial jurisdiction2、asylum3、human rights4、public international law5、sovereignty6、extradition这几个词都是用英语做名词解释。
1.属地管辖Its territory within the scope of all people, things to enjoy the complete and exclusive jurisdiction.国家对其领土范围内的一切人、事、物享有完全的和排他的管辖权.
2.庇护Refers to a country for political reasons of his country suffered recourse (including the possibility of prosecution) or departure of foreigners (including stateless persons) protection and refused to surrender or extradition of a system of international law.指一国对因政治原因而遭受他国追诉(包括可能追诉)或出发的外国人(包括无国籍人)给予保护并拒绝将其交还或引渡的一项国际法制度.
3.人权 The so-called human rights, refers to a certain degree of social and historical conditions of each person according to their nature and enjoy the dignity or the fundamental rights should be enjoyed. The so-called human rights, on its full sense, everyone is free and equal right to survival and development, or that everyone on the survival and development of the necessary freedom, equal rights.所谓人权,是指在一定的社会历史条件下每个人按其本质和尊严享有或应该享有的基本权利.所谓人权,就其完整的意义而言,就是人人自由、平等地生存和发展的权利,或者说,就是人人基于生存和发展所必需的自由、平等权利.
4.国际公法Public international law, also known as international law, is defined as the formation of international exchanges for the adjustment of international relations (mainly the inter-State relations), with legally binding principles, rules and systems collectively.也称国际法,是指在国际交往中形成的,用以调整国际关系(主要是国家间关系)的,有法律约束力的原则、规则和制度的总称.
5.主权Sovereignty, namely, national sovereignty, is the country's most important attribute of the country in terms of international law to deal with the inherent independence of the internal and external affairs power.即国家主权,是国家的最重要属性,是国家在国际法上所固有的独立处理对内对外事务的权力.
6.引渡Means to flee a country in its territory of foreign criminals to the requirements of the trial of the criminals of another State. Signed between countries unless there is mutual agreement on extradition of criminals, or else do not undertake the obligation to extradite.指一国将逃亡在其境内的外国罪犯转交给要求审判该罪犯的另一国的行为.国与国之间除非签订有相互引渡罪犯的协议,否则不承担引渡的义务.