来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/23 05:51:57
不少探索者认为提高语文教学质量最主要的途径是搞好课堂教育.本文对提高中学语文课堂教学的质量做了简要的探究.关键词:中学语文;教学质量;兴趣;写作;师生关系Abstract:the language discipline is the high school stage important basic subject,the discretion of the quality of the Chinese teaching,not only directly affect the students to other discipline study,and related to the construction of the quality of the modern people today.Many explorer that improving the quality of the Chinese teaching is the most important way to improve the classroom education.This paper improve the middle school language the quality of classroom teaching a brief explored.Key words:the middle school language; The teaching quality.Interest; The writing; Relationship between teachers and students中图分类号:H09文献标识码:A 文章编号:1.激发学生的兴趣语文课堂上,教师首先要用自己的激情点燃学生的激情.