Meaning of Life 生命的意义 英语作文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/06 12:36:03

Meaning of Life 生命的意义 英语作文
Meaning of Life 生命的意义 英语作文

Meaning of Life 生命的意义 英语作文
Life is important to anyone in the world.But what the life mean is not clear to anyone on the earth.
What is the meaning of life?Someone thinks that life is working and working.They think that they don't need to know anything outside the field of their specializations,so they don't care about many things such as sports,entertainment,music...
Life is more than working.Of course working is important to our life,because it supports oppotunity to get money,and make our life better.However,working is not enough to life.As a human in today's society,he or she should know much more knowledge than his or her own field.The knowledge outside one's specialization can help him or her build up the moral sense.
The meaning of life is difficult to explain.No one can give the clear identification of it.But the life is not difficult.The meaning of life is to devote.If anyone in the world is ready to devote,the life of the world will be more beautiful.

Ⅳ. The Meaning of LIFE

Knowing the origin of LIFE, we will know the meaning of LIFE.
Without universe, there is no LIFE; without LIFE, there is no universe.
Universe exi...


Ⅳ. The Meaning of LIFE

Knowing the origin of LIFE, we will know the meaning of LIFE.
Without universe, there is no LIFE; without LIFE, there is no universe.
Universe exists for LIFE; LIFE exists for universe.
We construct a building with the purpose of providing a place for various activities for people. The building would be of little value if nobody moves around in this building; and if somebody moves here and there, the building would exist relatively longer. But, if nobody makes any activities in this building, certainly it will collapse soon.
If there are no LIFE activities on the earth, the solar system would have no value and meaning, and the solar system would not come into being. If there is no life in the galaxy, the Milky Way will not be born either. If there is no life in the entire universe, the universe would have no value and it is unlikely to exist.
We are talking the meaning of LIFE is from a broad perspective here. But in the narrow sense, the meaning of micro-organisms and bacteria is to serve the insects and vegetation; the meaning of insects and vegetation is to serve the existence of the animals; the meaning of the existence of the animals is to serve the human being. The meaning of the existence of human being is to serve the celestial beings in the celestial world. The meaning of the existence of celestial beings is to serve the gods. The meaning of the existence of gods is to serve the Greatest Creator. And the meaning of the existence of the Greatest Creator is to serve all LIFE forms.
All in all, the meaning of LIFE is to serve the Greatest Creator, and the meaning of the Greatest Creator is to serve all LIFE forms in the universe.


Many people used to doubt about the question: What's the meaning of life? Some of them get the answer when they become older and some people never get the anwer, and they gradually forget the question...


Many people used to doubt about the question: What's the meaning of life? Some of them get the answer when they become older and some people never get the anwer, and they gradually forget the question. In fact, in my idea, making sure the meaning of life is so important. One is clear of that, he chooses his way of life. One is clear of that, he sets up his attitude to deal with things. After my deep thinking, I've got the answer that the meaning of life is love. With with help of love of our parents, we came to the world. With love, people become brave to face difficulties. with love, we make the world lovely to help more people know the meaning of life. Maybe different people have different ideas about the meaning of life, I'm willing to know more.
