
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:54:23


I'm in truble because I am still single and have no girlfriend now.I know I am young and needn't to hurry.But my parents are very worry about me because I came from countryside.So I must meet a girl whom I never knew about before. But I am a introverted and shy boy,I don't even know how to communicate with girls.I am very contradictory.Can you give me some advice?

I am in trouble now, because by now, I am still single. I know I am young, no need to worry about that, but I am from countryside. So, my parents are very worried and they let me go to a blind date wi...


I am in trouble now, because by now, I am still single. I know I am young, no need to worry about that, but I am from countryside. So, my parents are very worried and they let me go to a blind date with a strange girl, but I am a shy boy, I do not even know how to communicate with a strange girl, I am in a dilemma. Can you give me some advice?


"Now I am in trouble, because, until now I still single, don't have a girlfriend. I know I was very young, don't try so hard, but I come from the countryside, so parents worried to me, so I'm going to...


"Now I am in trouble, because, until now I still single, don't have a girlfriend. I know I was very young, don't try so hard, but I come from the countryside, so parents worried to me, so I'm going to meet a girl, I don't know but I am a more reserved and shy boy, I don't even know how to communicate with a girl, I am very contradictory, can you give me some advice?\"


I'm in trouble.Because I'm single now,I don't have girlfriend.I know I'm young and I can take it easy.But I came from rural, my parent were vrey worried about it.They wanted me to meet a girl I have n...


I'm in trouble.Because I'm single now,I don't have girlfriend.I know I'm young and I can take it easy.But I came from rural, my parent were vrey worried about it.They wanted me to meet a girl I have never known.I'm shy and introversion,and I even don't konw how to make a Communication
with a girl.I am in a dilemma.could you give me some advice?


I am in trouble now.
I am still single without a girlfriend.
And I know I am still young and there is no need to hurry to get out of being single.
But since I come from countryside, my par...


I am in trouble now.
I am still single without a girlfriend.
And I know I am still young and there is no need to hurry to get out of being single.
But since I come from countryside, my parents are very nervous about my condition all the time.
Therefore I have to ask a girl I hardly know to come with me.
However, I am a boy who is quiet and shy that have no idea about communicating with girls.
The problem is really annoying me, can you give some advice?


英语翻译《我现在处于麻烦之中,因为,到目前我还是单身,没有女朋友.我知道我还很年轻,不必着急,可是我来自农村,所以,父母对我很着急,所以,我要去叫一个我根本不认识的女孩子,但是我是 现在处于十万火急状态之中,我加以感激 翻译卷入到麻烦之中(involve) 英语翻译非洲大象正处于极大危险之中.翻译 穿过这座桥要花费我十分钟的时间如果你忘记关门你将会处于危险之中请用英语翻译 英语翻译在电视剧中经常会出现因为误解而产生不必要的麻烦以及不随人愿的结果的情节,一方面我们会为这种误解感到可惜,另一方面我们经常处于误解和被误解之中.我们应该正确的认识到 英语翻译我cloze和阅读水平还可以,一般cloze错6到8个,阅读4篇共错6到8个左右,我现在处于什么水平?因为我刚开始复习所以不是很有概念.翻译我觉得是个难点,关键是很多单词不认识,即使背过许 英语翻译因为我要寄信到澳大利亚 英语翻译麻烦您用英语帮我翻译下100元到1000元,英语翻译后用中文谐音说出来,因为我看不懂英语. 求北师大版九年级数学上册目录现在正处于水深火热之中 翻译句子:我想他们现在正处于危险之中.I thought them ___ ___. 处于危险之中英语怎么说 英语翻译语句通顺不要又语病.对于我们说(野生动物)的(保护)非常重要,因为目前它们要么(濒临灭绝)要么(处于危险)之中.一方面,人们(捕猎)动物是为了(获取)食物或动物身上 到现在为止我很好.用英语翻译 为什么有些动物处于危险之中 我们该怎样保护动物 用英语翻译下 英语翻译1.处于贫困之中2.向某人收某物的...钱 英语翻译1.你认为什么动物处于危险之中?2.杀死熊猫. 英语翻译丹尼尔,麻烦你告诉马克,因为下雨他的车大概要晚上10点到,如果可以的话,明天我把车送到COCO