
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 00:27:05


* [ Entire ] Kobe Bean Bryant Cox
* [ Chinese translated name ] kopeck - 比恩 - 布莱恩especially - Cox
* [ Height ] 6 foot 6 inch /198cm (this is the NBA officialdata)
* [ Body weight ] 220 pound /99.8kg * [ Team ] Los Angeles lake person /NBA number -8; 06-07 seasonstarts to put on 24
* [ Position ] point guard/young vanguard * [ Presently lives ] Los Angeles
* [ Language ] spoke a fluent English and Italian, recentlyalso in study Spanish
* [ Birthday ] on August 23, 1978/constellation - constellationvirgo
* [ Wife/daughter ] 瓦尼 sand - 布莱恩especially/纳塔利 Asia - wears the Mongte - 布莱恩especially/lucky elegant - Mary - Austria lake - 布莱恩 especially
* [ School record ] Lower the Merion high school graduates the/UCLA international trade to discontinue studies
* [ Place of birth ] Philadelphia/Pennsylvania state/US
* [ Other family members ] father, mother, eldest sister, twoelder sisters
* [ Once lived ] the Italian Milan
* [ Elects Xiu ] 96 years to choose the Xiu first turn of 13cis-position to select by the hornet, in the same year on July 11 isexchanged the lake person, the hornet obtains enlightens 瓦茨
* Obtained honor: 99-00 season wins the NBA total championship along with the lakeperson 00-01 season wins the NBA total championship along with thelake person 01-02 season obtains the NBA three time champion along withthe lake person 97 year beautiful season obtains the NBA entire star match tobuckle the basket match champion 03 seasons NBA entire star match MVP 05-06 season 35.4 receives respectively the alliance by thefield to score points the king
* In individual record and professional profession individualhonor 02-03 season confrontation ash bear goes on stage 34 minutes,chops the next 56 minute 02-03 season confrontation supersonic speed entire audience hits 12three to divide, continuously hits for 9 three minute,03 years onMarch 28 half-court to hit 8 to the rare talent three to divide,history first, All created at that time the NBA record 02-03 season continuously 9 40+ Continuously 13 35+,continuously 16 30+ 04-05 season continuously 62 penalty kicks hits, breaks theNBA record 05-06 season entire season 27 40+, are the lake person teamhistory On December 20, 2005 confronts the calf to go on stage 33minutes to chop the next 62 minute On January 23, 2006 confronts the fierce dragon to chop the NBAhistory 2nd high score for 81 minute 2006 year: To evenly divides equally for 35.4 minute to capture NBA toscore points the king 2006 year: Is selected the NBA first battle formation 2006 year: Is selected NBA to defend the first row 2006 year on January 22: Attains for 81 minute with the fiercedragon competition in; 2005 year: The field 27.6 minute, 6.0 secondary attack are selectedthe NBA third battle formation; 2004 year: Is selected NBA to defend the first row; 2004 year: The field 24.0 minute are selected the NBA first battleformation; 2003 year: The field 30.0 minute are selected the NBA first battleformation; 2003 year: Is selected NBA to defend the first row; 2003 year on March 5: The confrontation pedestrian, becomes thealliance history young to achieve 10,000 minute players; 2003 year: The total finals confrontation network team, the field 26.6minute, 5.8 secondary attack, help the lake people to capture in 2002the NBA total champion; 2002 year: The field 25.5 minute, 5.5 rebounds and 5.5 secondaryattack, are selected the NBA first battle formation; 2002 year: Is selected NBA to defend the second row; 2002 year: In the competition obtains 31 minute, 5 backboards and 5secondary attack, were elected in 2002 the entire star match most tohave the value player; 2002 year: West continuously fourth time becomes team's first round inthe entire star match; 2002 year: The total finals confronts 76 people, the field 24.6minute, 5.8 secondary attack, help the lake people to capture in 2001the NBA total champion; 2002 year: Was elected the NBA second battle formation; 2001 year: The total finals confrontation pedestrian, the field 15.6minute, 4.6 secondary attack, help the lake people to capture in 2000the NBA total champion; 2000 year: Is selected the NBA second battle formation; 2000 year: Is selected NBA to defend the first row; And is selectedNBA to interview the second row; 1999 year: The lake person battle formation snatches breaks the king(1.44 time to snatch breaks), the team second scores points for 19.9minute, is selected the NBA third battle formation; 1998 year: Takes on the New York entire star match west is highest 18divides and 6 backboards, becomes the youngest entire star player; 1998 year: With 莱斯利 the cooperation, captures entire starweekend two people to shoot the match champion; 1997 year: In 71 competitions, the field 7.6 minute, go on stage 15.5minutes, the selected beautiful second row; 1997 year: Captures the entire star match to buckle the basket biggame champion; 1997 year: At the entire star beautiful big game, attains 31 to divideand 8 rebounds; 1996 year on November 3: 18 year old of in February 11 days, theconfrontation forest wolf is taken to the threshing ground, primarilybecomes NBA to be taken to the threshing ground the youngest player; 1996 year: Elects in Xiu to select by the first turn of 13cis-position by the hornet team * You must know about the kopeck 81 matters: Childhood stage 1: On August 23, 1978 was born 2: The place of birth is the Philadelphia 3: The name origin source to the parents the beefsteak namewhich sees in a Japanese restaurant menu 4: Center the surname (between name and surname name) iscalled 比恩 (bean) 5: Tall hit eight years ball father in NBA to marry motherPam 6: Some two elder sisters, separately call Sha Ruila andXayar 7: The father has hit 8 years ball in Italy, therefore alwayslives in Europe. 8: Also plays the english-type soccer in Italy besides the basketball. High school time 9: Joins Pennsylvania state Luo fertile Money to raise themiddle school 10: Once passed through 33 sports attires 11: Southeast the Pennsylvania state in the area history高中生 high scores points: 2,883 12: Shan Chang competes the highest 50 minute 13: Once secretly entered 76 person of training battalion toexperience the NBA experience 14: Participates in the MaC$donald entire America star matchand wins an award 15: Takes the next year best player award item before thegraduation 16: The belt future traditional entertainment involvingtalking and singing Le Nvxing 布兰迪 (in front of three minutekings Richard woods girlfriend) will attend the graduation danceparty 17: Becomes 27th directly to promote from the high school theNBA player 18: 96 year first turn of 13 cis-position is selected by theCharlotte Hornets 19: In the same year in July with enlightens 瓦茨 theexchange to change to the lake person team 20: Chooses 8 sports attires, the reason is reaches in Si'sABCD training battalion in Ardee the serial number 143 (1+4+3=8) 21: Broke at that time the NBA youngest player record, 18years old of 5 months 5 days. 22: 96-97 season best beautiful battle formation second row. 23: 97 years buckle basket big game champion 24: Became at that time the NBA youngest entire star player in98 years 19 year-old him 25: 02 year Philadelphia entire star match obtains 31 minute,was elected MVP 26: When 03 years continuously nine competitions surpasses for40 minute, becomes achieves this recording the historical thirdperson 27: 03 years on January 7 invests for 12 three minute to thesupersonic speed to create the NBA historic record 28: 03 years on March 28 half-court hits 8 to the rare talentthree to divide, history first 29: The professional profession already completed 21 timecertainly kills (a decision victory and defeat ball) 30: The professional profession already obtained 14 times ofthree pairs 31: Three time is selected the NBA best battle formation firstrow 32: A three selected best defense battle formation row Facing rocket 33: Fights 29 times, the average 24 minute 34: In December 12, 1997, third arrived in the fourth 12minute 47 second to obtain 27 minute 35: 03 years on February 18 has hit the professionalprofession longest 54 minutes, obtains 52 minute 36: On May 13, 2001 obtains the playoff person highest 48minute 37: West 01 years play in the finals sweep away the spurs infour competitions equally to obtain 33.3 minute 38: In front of this season on January 14 obtains 56 in 02years to the ash bear to divide into the occupation to be highest 39: Equally obtains 30 in 02-03 season to divide into atpresent to be highest 40: When 03 years on March 28 to rare talent half-courtobtains 42 minute 41: Before this five seasons all are NBA score pointsannouncement first six 42: Average 23.3 minute platoons in NBA history 17th 43: Equally obtains 22.6 minute in the playoff 44: 2,694 minute platoons score points announcement 23 in theplayoff 45: The field 20.1 divides in the entire star match historythe row fourth 46: The professional profession secondary attack most is highis 15 47: The professional profession backboard most is high is 15 48: The professional profession snatches breaks high is 6 49: The professional profession puts on a cap high is 5 50: 00-02 season continuously is selected the NBA firstbattle formation 51: Creates continuously 43 penalty kicks hits record in 05years in March 52: On January 30 continuously punishes 23 in 01 years to theknight single field 53: In the past three seasons all were the team score pointsthe king 54: In the past in six seasons five seasons were the teamsnatch break the king 55: In the past in six seasons five seasons were the teamsecondary attack kings 56: Hits 709 three minute balls to arrange at lake personteam history second 57: 15,641 minute platoons in lake person team history sixth 58: 977 time snatches breaks Pai Lake person team historysixth 59: 2,981 secondary attack Pai Lake person team historyseventh 60: 420 time puts on a cap Pai Lake person team historyninth 61: The wife name is called 瓦内 Sa 62: Gives wife's marriage ring to reach as high as 100,000Dollar 63: Daughter natrium tower Li Asia previous month justcrossed the 3rd birthday 64: Will have the second child in May, the hope still will bethe daughter 65: Presently lives in the California Hsin Kang beach 66: Most likes the song is 布莱恩 Mike specially bears"HOLD ME REMIX" (to remould self-) 67: Most likes the movie is the star war 68: This season is 7 years 136 million US dollar contractssecond year 69: Continuously west eighth year entire star match firstround 70: Average 35.7 subtitles front rows NBA scores points theannouncement first 71: Becomes in the NBA history to score points surpasses15,000 minute youngest players 72: 14 time scores points surpasses 40 73: Becomes historical third continuously 4 to score pointssurpasses 45 minute players 74: Becomes in the history above second two to surpass 40players in a month average score (03 years in February field 40.6minute, 05 years in January field 43.4 minute) 75: Confrontation calf team three obtain 62 minute,temporarily becomes the history to be highest 76: The same date obtains 30 to the calf team single-node todivide creates individual and the team record 77: The same date punishes 14 balls to the calf teamsingle-node 78: Obtains 50 minute in January 7 to the quick fleet 79: The team obtains 51 minute in January 19 to king 80: Half-court obtains 55 minute in January 22 to the fiercedragon competition in 81: Last must remember, similarly is on January 22, theentire audience obtained 81 minute to the fierce dragon competitionin, this is NBA single field second high scoring points

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