
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 02:45:44


Cats and pigs are good friends.One day the cat fell into the hole.The pig brought the rope,cat's pig rope down,and as a result,it threw the whole bundle.The cat is very depressed said:"so down how to pull me up?"The pig ask:"otherwise,how to do?"The cat said:"you should pull a rope!"Pig jumped,with one end of the rope,said:"now you can!".The cat cry,cry happily.

Cats and pigs are good friends. A tmall fell into the pit. The pig brought the rope, cat rope thrown to the pigs, the results, it threw the whole bundle down. The cat is depressed to say: "throw it do...


Cats and pigs are good friends. A tmall fell into the pit. The pig brought the rope, cat rope thrown to the pigs, the results, it threw the whole bundle down. The cat is depressed to say: "throw it down how to pull me up?" Pigasked: "otherwise how do ah?" The cat said: "you shouldpull a rope!" Pig jumped in, took a rope head, said: "now."...... The cat cried, cry very happy.


Cat and pig are good friend. One day, the cat fell into a deep hole, and the pig brought a rope to rescue the cat, and the cat told piggie to throw the rope down to her but piggie dropped the entire d...


Cat and pig are good friend. One day, the cat fell into a deep hole, and the pig brought a rope to rescue the cat, and the cat told piggie to throw the rope down to her but piggie dropped the entire drope into the hole. Cat was wondering how could piggie bring her up from the bottom of the hole. Piggie answered that how could he do then, cat said that piggie should hold at one end of the rope. Piggie heard that and he jumped into the hole too and got hold of one end of the rope and told cat that "Now, it is ok". Cat cried out loundly with joy.


用英语翻译下面的小故事:猫和猪是好朋友.一天猫掉进了大坑里.猪拿来绳子,猫叫猪把绳子扔下来,结果,它把整捆扔了下去.猫很郁闷地说:“这样扔下来怎么拉我上去?”猪就问:”猫说:“ 用英语翻译下面的小故事:猫和猪是好朋友.一天猫掉进了大坑里.猪拿来绳子,猫叫猪把绳子扔下来,结果,它把整捆扔了下去.猫很郁闷地说:“这样扔下来怎么拉我上去?”猪就问:“不然怎么 《青蛙和蟾蜍好朋友》里面有几个小故事 用英语翻译下面小短文:我有一个好朋友,他的名字叫Ben.他13岁,是个英国男孩.他喜欢打篮球和游泳,我经常和他一起打篮球.他一个星期游泳一次.他擅长数学,我爱我的朋友. 小作文题目是我的好朋友.用英语写. 迈克和我是好朋友用英语翻译 英语翻译:她们是我的好朋友 “从今以后,我们还是好朋友”的英语翻译是? 下面的小故事中, 他们是好朋友 英语翻译 英语翻译故事内容如下:“猫和猪是好朋友.一天猫掉进大坑,猪拿来绳子,猫叫猪把绳子扔下来,结果它整捆扔了下去.猫很郁闷的说:这样扔下来,怎么拉我上去?猪说:猫说:你应该拉住一头绳 用英语翻译的英语名人小故事 名人的好朋友的故事 英语翻译“好朋友很好的!” 英语翻译一个翻译家的故事或者是和生活比较接近的有趣的翻译小故事 英语翻译我们总是愿意分享彼此的欢乐和悲伤,我们将永远是好朋友 英语翻译麦克和这个女孩是好朋友.(翻译)请回答老师的问题.(翻译) 和大家成为好朋友 英语翻译