
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 17:39:58


These remarks were made at the Center for Distance Learning graduation ceremony,held on October 14,2001 in Saratoga Springs.
President Moore,members of the faculty,college staff,fellow graduates,family and friends,let me begin by thanking you all for being here today.To the outside world,it appears that an Empire State College student earns his or her degree independently and alone,I know from my own experience that getting from registration to graduation requires a lot of help,support and encouragement.Thank you to my mentor,Sergia Coffey,who was never too busy to be a cheerleader as well as a guide.Thank you to my tutors for taking me on the most enjoyable journey of my life.Thank you to the staff of the Center for Distance Learning; many students here can attest to your kindness and your diligence.Thank you to the students who joined me in my online courses.Your contributions made even the hardest subjects easier to get through.And thank you to my family who celebrated each victory with me and encouraged me when I was too tired to encourage myself.
Instead of talking about the things I learned at Empire State College,I’d like to tell you about the things I unlearned as a student.The founder of the Visa corporation,Dee Hock,may have said it best,"The problem is never how to get new,innovative ideas into your mind,but how to get the old ideas out." Three obsolete beliefs kept me from pursuing my bachelor’s degree for many years.They were that (1) earning a college degree meant choosing a life-long profession,(2) that I was the kind of person who could only learn sitting in a classroom,and (3) that having a family and full-time job meant there was no time for college.
Twenty years ago,I had the opportunity to attend college right after high school.But I didn’t go.I was 18 and,like all 18 year olds,I knew everything,I didn’t know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life and I was afraid that a college degree would lock me into a career that I might not want later.So much for knowing everything!I was afraid that a college education would lock me in,when earning this degree has unlocked doors that I never knew existed.Not only career opportunities,but whole realms of thought.The way that I looked at the world changed ...as well as the way that I saw myself.Thank you,Margaret Mary,for challenging me to take a chance on myself and setting my feet on this path.
When I enrolled at Empire State College,I still had some doubts.I thought,"I’m too old for this ...I can’t do this on top of everything else!" And I found that,if you say this in front of other people,they will agree with you."Yes,you are too old!" They say,"I could never do it." And somehow you hear the subtle message that maybe you can’t do it either.
But those of us graduating today,we know the other side of that thought.Little by little,paper by paper,course by course ...we find we ARE doing it.On top of everything else ...in addition to the other roles that we play ...we have carved out this role for ourselves:we are college students.And today we join the long line of college graduates.
So thank you all for being here today.Your often unseen,but very real presence on my academic journey made this day possible for me and I’m profoundly grateful.
从googel 上搜得,以英文为母语的人写的,

thank you
what a honor to recieve this form XX(颁奖的人)just to start.umm.over the last few weeks, i have done so many interviews about how perfect would be to win ...like would have been great to win...


thank you
what a honor to recieve this form XX(颁奖的人)just to start.umm.over the last few weeks, i have done so many interviews about how perfect would be to win ...like would have been great to win the award just to end it all ,and i would like to think that yes, this is the end of one very long chapter of my life, but it is also the begining of something fantastic and exciting and i hope this is not the last year you will ever see of me ,thank you to XX(颁奖的组织) and to all of the fans who have voted and who have supported me through the every steps of the processes. thank you very much. I of course wanted to thank the casts and the amazing crew that I have spent years with, not just the people who worked there today,but have worked on that show for so many years,oh godness,there are so many people that i could thank tonight, but the most important person that i need to thank is my mum,and i did realise how important she was to me and what a huge part of me she was until i have to say goodbye.and she is been like my best mate, and to been honest,i just felt like i have my right arm cut of, i just appreciate being albe to share so much of my life with everyone and i think the most important thing is i feel so appreciate,thank you so much.


获奖者英文感谢词那个什么谢谢mtv谢谢谁的帮助之类的,要完整的哦,而且是英文的! 英文MTV什么意思 fe,fe2+,fe3+有什么区别快 谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢非常感谢 谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢 表现农民起义的成语什么?谁能告诉我?谢谢!急需答案!^_^!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!感谢!^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_ 那天,那个地方,所有的一切都非常感谢汉译英那天,那个地方,所有的一切都非常感谢英文怎么说谢谢 英文高手来 感谢使用,再见. 译一下 谢谢 WTO的英文全拼怎样写?还有中文意思?最好说说WHO,MTV,DVD,EQ的英文全拼和中文意思!谢谢 0°纬线又称什么啊 各位百度高手帮帮我吧 感谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢 半角英文什么意思,谢谢 “诺贝尔奖获奖者”用英文怎么说? 吃菠菜的那个大力水手叫什么谢谢了,英文拼出来 MTV英文缩写是什么 晚上吃什么等于吃砒霜?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊不知道哦..谁告诉我呀..感谢感谢.. 手机x1 g1 g2那个好?G1 G2 G3有什么区别?手机x1 g1 g2那个好?还有G1 G2 G3有什么区别? 谢谢!是索爱的X1.G1,G2,G3都是谷歌的.谢谢!感谢! 英语作文30个词初一范围了 随便什么题目谢谢 太感谢 CAAC ,DVD,PRC,MTV,UK的意思英文缩写词 MV 和MTV 分别是什么的缩写呀?分别表示什么意思?我现在只有1分!所以不能悬赏! 谢谢帮助! 关于感谢老师照顾关心生病的我的感谢信,用英文写,500词,尽快帮助,谢谢!