请将下面一段的语法错误找出来 As the saying goes,"Humanbeings are of the animals with delicate feelings ." No matter what kind of languages it is used in ads,we can be sure that excellent ads are of those highly appeal to people which ca

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 23:48:32

请将下面一段的语法错误找出来 As the saying goes,"Humanbeings are of the animals with delicate feelings ." No matter what kind of languages it is used in ads,we can be sure that excellent ads are of those highly appeal to people which ca
As the saying goes,"Humanbeings are of the animals with delicate feelings ." No matter what kind of languages it is used in ads,we can be sure that excellent ads are of those highly appeal to people which can make the them lasting forever.In turn it requires our translators to be smartly flexible or "sensational" .This emotional factors in a good advertisement can cause association of the product quality,and arouse the desire of purchase,it reach the the result "both fish and bear's paw." As an advertisement is an information carrier and is closely related to people's lives.The translation should be colorful,fresh and lively,rich in flavor of life.With the development of the times,advertising in English will add new content to its characteristics and become more sophisticated.Learning English and master the advertisement characteristics on translation is not only conducive to learning English,but also help to understand the culture,value of English-speaking countriess,and more importantly,effective advocacy for our products to enter the international market.

请将下面一段的语法错误找出来 As the saying goes,"Humanbeings are of the animals with delicate feelings ." No matter what kind of languages it is used in ads,we can be sure that excellent ads are of those highly appeal to people which ca
There is a saying:"Humanbeings are animals with delicate feelings ." No matter what kind of language it is used in advertisements,we can be sure that excellent dvertisements are those highly appealing to people which can last forever.In turn it requires our translators to be smartly flexible or "sensational" .This emotional factor in a good advertisement is able to cause an increase in the product quality,and to arouse the desire of purchase.And finally it reaches the result of "both fish and bear's paw." Because an advertisement is an information carrier and is closely related to people's lives.
The translation should be colorful,fresh,lively and rich in flavor of life.With the development of the time,the advertisements in English will be added new contents to its characteristics and become more sophisticated.Mastering the advertisement characteristics on translation is not only conducive to learning English,but also helpful to understand the culture and value of English-speaking countries; more importantly,it is an effective advocacy for our products to enter the international market.

请将下面一段的语法错误找出来 As the saying goes,Humanbeings are of the animals with delicate feelings . No matter what kind of languages it is used in ads,we can be sure that excellent ads are of those highly appeal to people which ca 下面一段话中有二个错别字,一个病句,二个用错的标点,请找出来,并在原文上改正:  署假里的一天.我下面一段话中有二个错别字,一个病句,二个用错的标点,请找出来,并在原文上改正: 请将下面个组中能组成的比例写出来 将下面的天气预报改成一段具体、生动、形象的描写天气的语音,请表述出来.天气:晴转多云,午后有小雨,力1~2级 下面一段文字有两处语病,请将病句找出来,然后进行修改.1,2008年北京奥运会火炬“祥云”长72厘米,重985克.2,红银对比蕴含醒目的视觉效果,有利于各种形式的媒体传播.3,祥云的文化概念在中国 《一个美丽的故事》文中有一段含有哲理的抒情 请找出来 请帮忙把下面的诗词原文找出来,请标明顺序,作者,朝代. 请接着下面这一段话,把你对冬天独到的感悟写出来 下面关于文艺复兴的一段表述,其中有六处错误,请找出来并加以改正.13世纪,文艺复兴开始与英国,莎士比亚是文艺复兴的先驱,他创作的长诗《神曲》,率先对教会提出批评.14世纪,文艺复兴扩展 下面一段话画线句中有两处语病,请找出来修改.(2分)①温家宝说,要加快完善覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系.扎实推进新型农村社会养老保险试点,试点范围扩大到23%的县.②加快解决未参保 下面一段话中有两处病语,请找出来并修改《长征组歌》全曲由十个乐章组成,艺术地再现了红军长征途中重大若干历史事件,构成一部宏伟壮丽的英雄史诗,塑造了中国工农红军的光辉事迹,热 请将下面一段话翻译成英文“中国农村劳动力转移问题的探讨” 找下语法错误的地方, 三峡一文中描写“春冬之时”的景象部分,肯定会引发你美好而无穷的想象.请将你的想象具体地描绘出来,写在下面,那肯定是一段优美的写景文字 请帮我看看下面这一段英文有没有语法错误,The fifteen years time has flied,once I had thought that I was destined to drift all my life.However,I never expected to have my own family like this,thank you for giving me the stable life th 下面一段话中,有一句有语病,有一句标点符号使用不恰当.请找出来并修改.(4 分) ①4月17日,玉树某学下面一段话中,有一句有语病,有一句标点符号使用不恰当。请找出来并修改。(4 分) 下面一段话中有两处语病,请找出来,并作修改.(4分) ①父亲无时无刻都在影响着我.②他做事非常认真,下面一段话中有两处语病,请找出来,并作修改.(4分)  ①父亲无时无刻都在影响着我.②他 下面五个括号句子中有三句存在语病,请找出来并将修改后的句子写下来.  据中央电视台新闻联播报道:①(中国国家博物馆水下考古研究中心的专家日前在肯尼亚帕提岛海域展开水下考