我的英语该怎么挽救,内有英文文章I think that i did not pay any attention in my primary school.In f.4,i awake it ,but is it late?The exam is coming soon,i never past on ever english test and eaxm,reading and listenning.It is the history

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 13:56:20

我的英语该怎么挽救,内有英文文章I think that i did not pay any attention in my primary school.In f.4,i awake it ,but is it late?The exam is coming soon,i never past on ever english test and eaxm,reading and listenning.It is the history
I think that i did not pay any attention in my primary school.In f.4,i awake it ,but is it late?
The exam is coming soon,i never past on ever english test and eaxm,reading and listenning.It is the history of my P.1 to F.4.Then,my english miss told me,your english results is progressing after you pay attention in enlish lession.
However ,i think my test mark also bad that not different from pass.
I see the progressing hard and is improving my grammar(ask teacher)but how i change that aslo not pass in test/exam ,listenning especially.I have give up the listenning .Every time it speak faster than i load.
Reading ...I don't why i can't pass.last time,I was understanding 3 text but not pass too.Actually,it usually have a easy word connecting(i kown every word mean) yet i can't do it.
what i can do?I don't want to not pass in english.People Who have experience can help me?I can do wt to improve?particularly reading and listenning

我的英语该怎么挽救,内有英文文章I think that i did not pay any attention in my primary school.In f.4,i awake it ,but is it late?The exam is coming soon,i never past on ever english test and eaxm,reading and listenning.It is the history


我的英语该怎么挽救,内有英文文章I think that i did not pay any attention in my primary school.In f.4,i awake it ,but is it late?The exam is coming soon,i never past on ever english test and eaxm,reading and listenning.It is the history 求英语大神挽救我 英语总结全文因为词汇量不够很多看不懂该怎么总结?是很长的分好多段的文章,要求总结成几百字内.我知道有点不切实际,但迫于现实,还是希望有能帮助得分的方法 我该如何回复领导的邮件?英文的,给领导发了个邮件,邀请他参加一活动,他回复因另有安排不能参加,我该如何回复,领导的邮件如下:I regret that I have other engagement on that day.Have a nice day for all th 用英语写《我该怎么照顾一条龙》一篇文章 我想写篇英语文章,介绍各国的国庆节风俗但我不知该怎么结尾? 我的英文不好,我的英语很烂,怎么也上不去.该怎么学啊? 翻译几句超简单的英文句子 中文翻英文 急!我的名字是 XX我有XX岁我是中国国籍我来自中国我没有工作我在巴黎生活下面这个日期写的对吗?如果不是该怎么写?monday september 8 th(the eight of) 提高打英文文章速度请问打一篇英文文章,为了提高速度,遇到大写字母该怎么打?(我会打、但是我一遇到大写字母 速度就慢了、我想问问有什么窍门)我问的是打英文文章时 遇到的大写字 问问大家英语的日期该怎么写比如今天是2009年8月5号是写August 5th,2009还是5th August,2009还是两种都可以?有没有外国人或英语老师的啊,我又有朋友的爸爸 在国外的说两种都可以啦 英语音标中读th的那两个音时舌头该怎么放? c语言:统计单词.要求读取一个英文文章,文章内有数字,空格,标点符号等,请统计出该文章中单词的个数,注意单词只有全部有字母组成才被计数. 我的平安树怎么啦?一个月前我加了一点复合肥,不久就出现大面积枯叶,叶子背面出现很多如图上的东东,花盆我摆在客厅,偶尔有太阳照射,水一星期加一次,土里有蚂蚁.我该怎么挽救它?急我拔 写花的英文文章我要做英语小报,有急用! 【满分急求】清末有一位曾有能力挽救清朝危亡的大臣,是谁?我之前看了一篇文章,但最近记忆力锐减,作为有强迫症的我,记不起来很是痛苦啊.此文分析清末有一位大臣,曾有能力,有机会挽救 我总是发不好th这个音我学了几年英语了,可是th这个音从来没说准过,一直发成d,比如they 我一直念成 day,其它th 开头的字都说不准,到底该怎么发啊?怎么改掉这个毛病? 葡萄酒氧化后怎么处理、挽救?1、怎么判断葡萄酒氧化的程度?2、有哪些办法可以把氧化的葡萄酒处理挽救,还可再利用? 医生们尽力挽救了我的生命.用英语+save+one's+life怎么说.