一些英文表达的中文含义1.acid test2.green with envy3.babe in the woods4.last but not least5.beginner's luck6.laughing like a hyena7.black as pitch8.a needle in a haystack9.blind as a bat10.point with pride 11.brought back to reality12.ripe
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 18:41:14
一些英文表达的中文含义1.acid test2.green with envy3.babe in the woods4.last but not least5.beginner's luck6.laughing like a hyena7.black as pitch8.a needle in a haystack9.blind as a bat10.point with pride 11.brought back to reality12.ripe
1.acid test
2.green with envy
3.babe in the woods
4.last but not least
5.beginner's luck
6.laughing like a hyena
7.black as pitch
8.a needle in a haystack
9.blind as a bat
10.point with pride
11.brought back to reality
12.ripe old age
13.sadder but wiser
14.crack of dawn
15.shoot yourself in the foot
16.cry over spilt milk
17.sleep like a dog
18.dog-eat-dog world
19.slowly but surely
20.don't count your chickens
22.straw that broke the camel's back
23.few and far between
24.tender age
25.flash in the pan
26.white as a sheet/ghost
27.gentle as a lamb
一些英文表达的中文含义1.acid test2.green with envy3.babe in the woods4.last but not least5.beginner's luck6.laughing like a hyena7.black as pitch8.a needle in a haystack9.blind as a bat10.point with pride 11.brought back to reality12.ripe
1.acid test 药物试验(acid test),
2.green with envy是个固定词组,表示“十分嫉妒”.
3.babe in the woods:初出茅庐的人
4.last but not least (最后,但不是最不重要的),这是老外的一个口语使用习惯,就像中文的最后一样.not the least没有什么意义,不过也可以理解为不是不重要.
5.Beginner's Luck (2001的一部外国电影名),另外Beginner's Luck 是中国经典的武侠《东邪西毒》的英文名,这里面有介绍,可以看看:)
6.laughing like a hyena (疯狂的笑)
7.black as pitch (漆黑)
8.a needle in a haystack(海底捞针)
haystack是「大干草堆」之意,find a needle in a stack of needles这句话的意思就是「海底捞针」,
9.blind as a bat(有眼无珠) ,bat 成了睁眼瞎的典型形象.blind as a bat(瞎得跟编幅一样,眼力不行,有眼无珠),
10.point with pride(充满自豪感)
11.brought back to reality(使某人面对现实)
12.ripe old age(老当益壮)
Toast Red Wine for a Ripe Old Age
13.sadder but wiser 越抑郁越明智.也就是说,抑郁的人对现实的分析更清楚.
14.crack of dawn“破晓时分”,就是凌晨三四点钟左右.
15.shoot yourself in the foot字面意思是(自作自受)意译是“自立发展”.
16.cry over spilt milk 不要做无益的后悔.
17.sleep like a dog睡得死沉.
18.dog-eat-dog world“竞争剧烈,弱肉强食的世界”
19.slowly but surely 稳扎稳打
20.don't count your chickens别打如意算盘.
完整的句子是:Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.小鸡未孵出前,数也没用;别打如意算盘.
21.state-of-the-art 字面上的意思是「某人的宿命会成为……∕做某事」,也就是「某人一定会成为……∕做某事」的意思.(美国现在今年最流行的词汇)
22.straw that broke the camel's back“致命的一击”.
23.few and far between (不长的).说长不长,说短不短(的时光)
24.tender age敏感的年龄(还可以指“童年”)
25.flash in the pan(昙花一现)
26.white as a sheet/ghost(面色苍/发白 )惊吓过度
27.gentle as a lamb(性情温和)(像羊羔一样)
1.acid test --------n.酸性试验, 严峻的考验
2.green with envy -----adj.
3.babe in the woods ?
4.last but not least
5.beginner's luck
6.laughing like a hyena 狞笑
7.black as pit...
1.acid test --------n.酸性试验, 严峻的考验
2.green with envy -----adj.
3.babe in the woods ?
4.last but not least
5.beginner's luck
6.laughing like a hyena 狞笑
7.black as pitch 沥青一样的青
8.a needle in a haystack 被忽略的人
9.blind as a bat
10.point with pride
11.brought back to reality
12.ripe old age 高龄,晚年
13.sadder but wiser 聪明的
14.crack of dawn 黎明, 破晓
15.shoot yourself in the foot 自作自受
16.cry over spilt milk 作无益的后悔
17.sleep like a dog 熟睡
18.dog-eat-dog world 人吃人的世界
19.slowly but surely 有条不紊
20.don't count your chickens 别高兴太早
21.state-of-the-art 技术发展水平
22.straw that broke the camel's back
23.few and far between 稀少
24.tender age 幼年
25.flash in the pan 翁中鳖
26.white as a sheet/ghost 极苍白的
27.gentle as a lamb 性情温顺如小羊
1.acid test --------n.酸性试验, 严峻的考验
2.green with envy -----adj.
3.babe in the woods ?
4.last but not least
5.beginner's luck
6.laughing like a hyena 狞笑
7.black a...
1.acid test --------n.酸性试验, 严峻的考验
2.green with envy -----adj.
3.babe in the woods ?
4.last but not least
5.beginner's luck
6.laughing like a hyena 狞笑
7.black as pitch 沥青一样的青
8.a needle in a haystack 被忽略的人
9.blind as a bat
10.point with pride
11.brought back to reality
12.ripe old age 高龄,晚年
13.sadder but wiser 聪明的
14.crack of dawn 黎明, 破晓
15.shoot yourself in the foot 自作自受
16.cry over spilt milk 作无益的后悔
17.sleep like a dog 熟睡
18.dog-eat-dog world 人吃人的世界
19.slowly but surely 有条不紊
20.don't count your chickens 别高兴太早
21.state-of-the-art 技术发展水平
22.straw that broke the camel's back
23.few and far between 稀少
24.tender age 幼年
25.flash in the pan 翁中鳖
26.white as a sheet/ghost 极苍白的
1.acid test 头疼的问题.棘手的考验
2.green with envy 嫉妒的眼睛发红
3.babe in the woods 隐藏的秘密
4.last but not least 倒数第二行
5.beginner's luck 先来先占;首当其冲
6.laughing like a hyena 奸笑,狰狞的笑
7.black as pi...
1.acid test 头疼的问题.棘手的考验
2.green with envy 嫉妒的眼睛发红
3.babe in the woods 隐藏的秘密
4.last but not least 倒数第二行
5.beginner's luck 先来先占;首当其冲
6.laughing like a hyena 奸笑,狰狞的笑
7.black as pitch
8.a needle in a haystack
9.blind as a bat 视力不好
10.point with pride 趾高气扬
11.brought back to reality 将过去带到现实,回忆当初
12.ripe old age 老谋深算
13.sadder but wiser 塞翁失马,焉知非福
14.crack of dawn
15.shoot yourself in the foot 搬起石头砸自己的脚
16.cry over spilt milk 为打翻牛奶而哭泣,无济于事
17.sleep like a dog 睡得很死像猪一样
18.dog-eat-dog world 人吃人的世界
19.slowly but surely 不求速度,只求质量
20.don't count your chickens 别高兴得太早
22.straw that broke the camel's back 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴
23.few and far between 说长不长,说短不短(的时光)
24.tender age 敏感年龄
25.flash in the pan 时光荏苒,岁月如梭
26.white as a sheet/ghost 面色苍白
27.gentle as a lamb 温顺得像只小绵羊
1.acid test n.酸性试验, 严峻的考验
2.green with envy adj. 非常嫉妒的
3.babe in the wood [废]带枷示众的人
4.last but not least 最后的但也是最重要的
5.beginner's luck 崭露头脚
6.laughing like a hyena 狞笑
7.black a...
1.acid test n.酸性试验, 严峻的考验
2.green with envy adj. 非常嫉妒的
3.babe in the wood [废]带枷示众的人
4.last but not least 最后的但也是最重要的
5.beginner's luck 崭露头脚
6.laughing like a hyena 狞笑
7.black as pitch 黑的发亮
8.a needle in a haystack 草堆中的针,不显眼
9.blind as a beetle v.十分近视
10.point with pride 普赖德的观点
11.brought back to reality 带回现实中
12.ripe old age 高龄,晚年
13.sadder but wiser 先天下之忧而忧
14.crack of dawn n.黎明, 破晓
15.shoot yourself in the foot 自作自受
16.cry over spilt milk v.作无益的后悔
17.sleep like a log 熟睡
18.dog-eat-dog world 人吃人的世界
19.slowly but surely 有条不紊
20.don't count your chickens 别高兴太早
21.state-of-the-art n.艺术级的
22.straw that broke the camel's back 弄伤了骆驼背的干草(恩将仇报)
23.few and far between 稀少
24.tender age 幼年
25.flash in the pan 翁中鳖
26.white as a sheet/ghost 极苍白的
27.gentle as a lamb 性情温顺如小羊