
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 05:09:53


〔Title〕:Owning a Car
The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport and is,therefore,not compelled to work locally.He can choose from a greater variety of jobs and probably changes his work more frequently as he is not restricted to a choice within a small radius.
Traveling to work by car is also more comfortable than having to use public transport.The driver can adjust the heating in winter and the air conditioning in summer to suit his own needs and preference.There is no irritation caused by waiting for trains,buses or underground trains,standing in long impatient queues or sitting on draughty platform,for as long as half an hour sometimes.
With the building of good,fast motorways,long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly.For the first time,many people are able to enjoy their leisure time to the full by making trips to the country or seaside at the weekends,instead of being confined to their immediate neighborhood.This feeling of independence and the freedom to go where you please is perhaps the greatest advantage of the car.
“拥有一辆汽车”大概是每个人的梦想,那么拥有汽车后都会有哪些方面的好处呢?本文做了具体的论述,包括“交通便利”“工作地点随意”“环境舒适”等,但是“the greatest advantage of the car”,就是一种感觉“independence and freedom”“想去哪儿就去哪儿”的那种自由感觉,很是受用!

英语辩论,关于汽车的好处,我是正方的!要有英文和中文的翻译!麻烦解决下~用一些简单的词汇,不需要很长! 关于看电视的辩论(我是正方) 上网的好处(辩论词)急!我星期五上课要辩论,我是正方,正方的题目是上网的好处,请大家帮忙写一份辩论词. 关于“接受同性恋”的英语辩论【我是正方】求辩论的文啊!辩论主题是《是否接受同性恋》然后要用英文辩论!我是正方,接受同性恋.但是不知道怎么组织语言和词汇! 上网,看电视 利大于弊辩论词我是正方,上网,看电视的好处要接近生活 网络是把双刃剑辩论,我是正方,要网络的好处 求关于辩论因特网广告好处的英文版是正方的辩论词 关于有其父必有其子的辩论,要全英文的,我是正方,求有力的论据啊! 动物园英语辩论(急)我是正方,要说明动物园的好处.我急用.没语法错误的来把.尽量多说点.好的话我追加. 英语外交要我们辩论关于同性恋的话题,谁帮我用英文想几个点,我是正方 支持同性恋 能附上英文最好 英语辩论 上网的好处英语辩论赛 关于上网的好坏,我是正方,上网有很多好处.从多方面提到,语法简单,没什么错误就可以了.我是一辩的辩手,跪求英语高手帮我写一篇一辩的辩词.谢谢~~~谢谢 全球变暖的好处.要英文的是辩论资料,英语课要用,我是正方,要支持全球变暖是好的. 我们班要开关于网络的好处和坏处的辩论会的辩论词(我是正方)不要太长 但也不要太短长一些也可以 关于“开卷有益”的正方辩论材料 关于看电视的正方辩论稿 关于千里马与伯乐的辩论我是正方,要求要:伯乐不重要,千里马重要最好要有事例 关于打网络游戏好还是不好的辩论会的正方辩论词和问对方的问题,我是正方!谢谢 关于 economic development is more important than protecting the environment 的辩论陈述英语辩论显然要英文版。。。要是有独特见解中文也行我是正方,如题。。