
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/05 14:21:24


in spring,it growed up bud.In summer,it flourished.In autumn,leaves falled down it.In the winter,it is filled with white snow.

In spring, it is long out of the new bud. In the summer, it flourished. In fall, leaves are falling down it. In the winter, it is filled with white snow.
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In spring, it is long out of the new bud. In the summer, it flourished. In fall, leaves are falling down it. In the winter, it is filled with white snow.

In the winter, it is covered with snow.

In spring, it is long out of the new bud. In the summer, it flourished. In fall, leaves are falling down it.


In spring, it is long out of the new bud. In the summer, it flourished. In fall, leaves are falling down it.In the winter, it is filled with white snow.

英语翻译在冬天,它身上堆满了白雪.在正确对的! 冬天的白雪在那? 用英语翻译 它们像血液一样在它身上流淌 冬天,太阳照在身上火辣辣的怎样修改?今天就要答案,明天就不要了. 英语翻译“他们在一只老鼠身上做了实验” 英语翻译从前有只猪~它很懒!可他很聪明,一天,有只灰狼想吃它~它灵机一动,在自己身上写了猪链球菌```狼狂晕! 冬天一直贴暖宝宝,铁粉漏在身上了怎么处理!现在身上全是铁粉洗不掉,感觉都长肉里了似的,再也不用暖贴了! “冬天,太阳照在身上火辣辣的”怎样修改a 一只羊骑在了你身上, 冬天常青的松树和柏树,堆满了蓬松松、沉甸甸的雪球(缩句)我觉得是堆满了雪球但给你个最佳 梦到皑皑白雪,太阳出来了,在融雪了, 在蚯蚓身上涂凡士林,它会 为什么在水蛭身上撒上盐它就会死? 英语翻译冬天常常下雪,房顶上、操场上、路上堆积着厚厚的白雪.昨天雪下得很大,我在回姥姥家的路上看到有些行人在雪面上滑倒了,“该死的天气”他们抱怨道.吃过午饭,姐姐和我在空地中 除雪任务在我国的北方,冬天常会突降大雪.路上如堆满了雪,便要影响交通,需要用除雪机来清扫.现有一条10公里的长街,每当路面平均积雪0.5米时,就需除雪机清扫.在开始除雪时,往往天空仍在 英语翻译我想纹在身上 一定要准确! 冬天风吹到脸上觉得特别冷,该怎么办?冬天身上穿了很多,就是脸露在外面,怎么才能保持脸部暖和呢?谢谢回答! 1河床布满了大石头,2河床堆积了很多鹅卵石,3河床堆满细沙,请问哪个在上游,哪个在中游,哪个在下游