
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/22 20:46:53


第二要有团队精神,相互合作.团队合作精神是企业发展的灵魂,合作精神对企业的前途关系重大.因此我认为大学生有较强的团队协作精神,具有整体思维和团体意识,在一个团队中扮演好自己的角色,做好本职工作.Secondly,the graduates need teamwork spirit.They should learn to cooperate with each others.As we all know,the teamwork spirit is the soul of a company,the teamwork spirit play an important role to the future of the company.So,I believe that the graduates should have a strong teamwork spirit,with a collectivity mind and group consciousness.They can find their own place in the company and do their own work well.
再来,我觉得大学毕业生应该具备沟通能力、领导能力,以及发现问题解决问题的能力.思维要灵活,面对面试,以及以后工作上的问题,能从容应对,并快速解决问题,才有可能脱颖而出.Moreover,I think the graduates should have communication ability,leading ability,and the ability to solve the problems.Their mind should be active.Facing the interview,and the problems in the job,they can handle it with confidence,solve it quickly,this can make their talents show out themselves.
Finally,I think the modern graduates should be willing to take the challenge and dare to innovate.The innovation spirit is crucial to the development of the company.The graduates should be good at accept the novelty,dare to practice,take the challenge,use the new method to solve the problem.These are the requirements from the company.The graduates should use the new vision,dare to innovate,then they can make some progress.


Second,teamwork spirit,mutual coorperation.Teamwork spirit is the soul in the development of the enterprise,which attach great importance to the future of the interprise.Therefore,I think college stud...


Second,teamwork spirit,mutual coorperation.Teamwork spirit is the soul in the development of the enterprise,which attach great importance to the future of the interprise.Therefore,I think college students should have strong teamwork cooperation ,holistic thinking and the awareness of team work. You would play your part well and do a better job in your position.
Then,I feel the college student should have the capacity of communication,leadership and the ability of finding and solving problem.Confronting the interview,the problem which will be met in the next work , your thoughts should be flexible .meanwhile,you could solving the problem quickly. All the capacity above should help you stand out.

Finally,innovation is important to the enterprise development.You could be good at aborbing the new things, dare to practice, meet the challenge,use the new thoughts and methods to solve the problem whatever new and old.This is the company's demand to the employees.先翻译至此吧!你看一下,你原来这段话有很多地方说的不是很清楚,让人有点蒙,能再说的清楚点吗?我只能翻译至此了,你先看看,有什么不明白的,再联系。


英语翻译第二要有团队精神,相互合作.团队合作精神是企业发展的灵魂,合作精神对企业的前途关系重大.因此我认为大学生有较强的团队协作精神,具有整体思维和团体意识,在一个团队中扮演 英语翻译第二要有团队精神,相互合作。团队合作精神是企业发展的灵魂,合作精神对企业的前途关系重大。因此我认为大学生有较强的团队协作精神,具有整体思维和团体意识,在一个团 为什么要有团队精神.合作意识.竞争意识 英语翻译该同学能积极主动融入团队合作共事,有较强团队精神和人际沟通能力.他善于向资深设计师请教,认真听取老师傅的指导,不时利用间隙时间翻阅公司资料书籍,表现出较强的求知欲,并 英语翻译:我能够很好地与团队成员合作 “任何成功都离不开团队合作”英语翻译,要人工的! “任何成功都离不开团队合作”英语翻译,要人工的! 团队合作的意义 怎样修饰团队合作 英语翻译自我鉴定我热情开朗、敏于思维、勤奋刻苦、积极上进、实事求是,同时懂得相互团结帮助的团队合作精神的重要性.每次在困难和挫折面前,我总是依靠不屈不挠的斗志战胜一切.2005 英语翻译对终端管理、线下活动、大客户管理、通路策略有一定的实战经验;有较强的团队管理能力和作战意识,爱好武术运动,有很强的团队精神和团队荣誉感,对销售充满热情. 英语翻译最伟大的精神是团队精神 最伟大的力量是团队力量 团结共进 众志成城百川汇海可憾天 众志成城比金坚团结拼搏 高效创收 团结一条心 石头变成金 没有完美的个人 只有完美的团队 团队风采 用英文怎么说团队风采和团队精神是一样吗? 团队合作的重要性在于? 关于团队合作的词语 团队合作的意义是什么? 团队合作精神怎么理解? 如何提高团队合作精神