麻烦大家给做几个选择题(1)最好有简单的解释,THX11.The rivers,lakes and streams have been polluted for __that the animal population is declining.A such long time B so long time C such long a time D so long a time12.It's really none of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 04:17:24

麻烦大家给做几个选择题(1)最好有简单的解释,THX11.The rivers,lakes and streams have been polluted for __that the animal population is declining.A such long time B so long time C such long a time D so long a time12.It's really none of
11.The rivers,lakes and streams have been polluted for __that the animal population is declining.
A such long time B so long time C such long a time D so long a time
12.It's really none of your business__I'll go shopping.
A in which B to which C on which D where
14.You will have to practice __times before you can do it.
A many more B more several C more often D more many
16.Because of the low ceiling the bookcase was much too__go into the room.A tall B high C long D big
19 As the storm drew near,black clouds were over the sky.
A smootthing B wandering C running D gathering
21.This watch is very expensive.It will__you at least 10yuan.
A take B spend C need D cost
24.No permission has__for anybody to enter the building.
A been given B given C to give D be giving
26.They asked me to have a drink with them.I said that it was at least ten years sincce I __a good drink.
A had enjoyed B was enjoyed C enjoyed D had been enjoying

麻烦大家给做几个选择题(1)最好有简单的解释,THX11.The rivers,lakes and streams have been polluted for __that the animal population is declining.A such long time B so long time C such long a time D so long a time12.It's really none of
such a long time or so long a time
因为不知道which指代什么,不确定是用in which or at which
云 聚集
cost sb sth

麻烦大家给做几个选择题(1)最好有简单的解释,THX11.The rivers,lakes and streams have been polluted for __that the animal population is declining.A such long time B so long time C such long a time D so long a time12.It's really none of 麻烦大家给做几个选择题(3)最好有简单的解释,THX42.I am sorry__you to so much trouble__my bick.A for putting,repaired B for putting,of repairingC to put,for repairing D to put ,repairing43.He could never resist__a joke whenever he was 手上502胶水怎么洗掉今天做模型手上沾了502,难过的要死!希望大家给我几个法子,要简单点的,别太麻烦. 有关国内各种知名的作文大赛希望大家给介绍几个类似于新概念这样的比较规范出名的作文大赛,最好有简单的介绍. 生活需要什么?麻烦大家给几个比较有创意的题目 魏忠贤与东林党的争斗做一个历史ppt,麻烦大家给个简单点的简介, 请问有什么简单的发明.最好附有设计图,麻烦可以给个设计图么? 麻烦大家给举几个c++ 类的 例子 大家给我说一下这几个词的区别,get go turn grow 做变化意思时用法有什么区别,最好有例句,感激不尽 夏天想吃凉拌菜,告诉几个简单做的凉拌菜.最好有做法和图 有关材料力学的选择题,麻烦大家帮下忙 一道简单的极限选择题,麻烦给个解题过程,谢谢 帮我推荐几个名人传记我想找当代的,中外皆可,最好是科学、计算机领域的.麻烦大家给我推荐几个. 麻烦大家能不能给我起一个简单、好记、顺口、有内涵有意义的女英文名我叫小琦 麻烦大家帮忙做几个英语填空 本人要做消防班会的主持人 麻烦大家找谢消防知识的选择题 跪求一篇以信心为题的作文.急用.麻烦大家给个700左右的作文.字不要太多.能多弄几个最好.我给同学. 麻烦大家给我简单解释或讲解免疫缺陷病与过敏反应和自身免疫病的关系,最好有联系图体温调节是神经体液调节,还是神经调节?