一直纠结英语专业八级的一个改错真题:They quickly brought down the age at marriage for both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height __1__ after more than a hundred years of steady decline,producing the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/18 20:20:27

一直纠结英语专业八级的一个改错真题:They quickly brought down the age at marriage for both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height __1__ after more than a hundred years of steady decline,producing the
They quickly brought down the age at marriage
for both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height __1__ after more than a hundred years of steady decline,producing the “baby boom.”

一直纠结英语专业八级的一个改错真题:They quickly brought down the age at marriage for both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height __1__ after more than a hundred years of steady decline,producing the

一直纠结英语专业八级的一个改错真题:They quickly brought down the age at marriage for both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height __1__ after more than a hundred years of steady decline,producing the 英语专业八级如何复习提高现在该对专八的每项进行何种复习方法,特别是mini lecture,改错以及作文部分如何练习并提高? 专八复习,是冲击波的改错好呢,还是星火的改错好?纠结中.改错最差了. 英语专业八级改错中的语法问题我昨天做了两篇专八的改错,有一道题有疑问.该题的上下文:Even with a training form of degree,only a few of the procedures or methods practiced in your studies are likely to be continu 每年的专八都有改错题吗求01年到04年的专八改错真题和答案解析 英语专业八级人文知识考点:英国议会中最重要的部分是上议院还是下议院? 英语发音问题,大侠请入!我一直纠结一个问题,th是不是一般发咬舌的s(那个圆圈一横不好打),那么the 是不是一定要咬舌啊.我怎么感觉这么别扭啊. 大学英语六级是考完型还是改错啊?10年12月,一直说是改错和完型换着考,但是怎么看这几年的真题都是完型啊 英语专业八级阅读与SAT阅读比较以下是随手摘选的文章,如不信可以自行搜索:专八的阅读摘选At the age of 16,Lee Hyuk Joon's life is a living hell.The South Korean 10th grader gets up at 6 in the morning to go to schoo 专八改错题.冠词.1.With occasional breaks for war,the rates of death and infection in the Europe and America dropped steadily through the 19th and 20th centuries.这题错误的是Europe前面的the要去掉.那为什么19th前面的the不用 2012专八改错真题59分能过吗 谁有1998年英语专八改错真题答案? 关于BEC的问题本人四级510,六级考了两次才433低分飘过,现在大三,非英语专业,英语水平一直一般般,但是真的很喜欢英语,以后也很想从事这方面的工作.最近BEC又可以报名了,很心动,想问下考过 带th的单词有哪些?如下: ***th** **th** **th** ***th ***th **th*“*”就是一个字母!可以填什么呀! 求八年级英语较难的改错题 请问英语专业八级的阅读理解部分怎么复习才能够提高准确率英语专八的阅读是应该精读还是像大外六级那样扫读就可以了?正常八级的阅读理解部分得多少分算是正常? 改错题,我真的很着急啊, 心里一直想考一个好的大学,但现实的成绩与美好的幻想悬殊太大,心里一直很纠结……(=_=)