
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/20 00:21:36


Capitalism makes democratic republicanism system be accepted by all civilized nations; Utensil effect society manages a series of standard operatability politics bank certificate messenger created by it rather way but be called common wealth of human civilization; Its will do democratic republic concept is deeply rooted among the people ,can be used waiting indispensable becoming common ideals and New Year run after by human society for a while democratic ,equal ,free composing a key element; It has created splendid unparalleled capitalism culture ,has boosted science composing in reply a technology's developing at full speed,culture having changed human being tremendously quality and society values.

i really dont want to translate such things

Capitalism to the democratic republican system as recognized by all civilized nations; it creates a series of workable political norms while Pei proved to the effect of social management rather the ma...


Capitalism to the democratic republican system as recognized by all civilized nations; it creates a series of workable political norms while Pei proved to the effect of social management rather the manner referred to as human civilization, the public wealth; it makes the concept of a democratic republic enjoys popular support, making democracy, equality, freedom, and so become a human society to pursue a common ideal and New Year's essential elements; it has created an unprecedented brilliant capitalist culture, and promoted the rapid development of science and technology has greatly changed the quality of human culture and social values



英语翻译翻译内容:资本主义使民主共和制度为一切文明民族所认同;它所创造的一系列可操作性的政治规范则陂证明使颇具效果的社会管理方式而称为人类文明的公共财富;它使得民主共 孙中山领导的辛亥革命是实现了20世纪中国历史的第一次巨变,这次巨变的具体表现?A.使民主共和观念深入人心B.确立了资产阶级民主共和制度C.促进了资本主义的发展D.结束了帝国主义在中国 推翻统治中国几千年的郡主专制制度,使民主共和思想深入人心的革命是 辛亥革命如何使民主共和观念深入人心 辛亥革命使民主共和思想深入人心 这里的民主共和是什么意思 推翻统治中国几千年的君主专制制度、使民主共和思想深入人心的革命是( A.黄花岗起义 B.广州起义 C.安庆起义 D.辛亥革命 孙中山什么时候维护民主共和制度,反对北洋军阀复辟帝制和独裁的斗争? 民主共和和君主立宪有什么区别?还有其它的制度吗? 什么是民主共和政体? 什么是民主共和观念 为什么说中华民国是亚洲第一个资本主义民主共和国家呢?当时的日本不是吗? 辛亥革命后,“民主共和观念”深入人心.什么是民主共和观念? 法国的民主共和政体的逐步确立与宪法的制度与修改有什么关系? 孙中山发动二次革命的目的 单选A、维护民主共和制度 B、反对袁世凯称帝为什么不选B? 民主和共和的区别 民主与共和的区别 什么是民主共和思想?定义. 民主共和有什么区别