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  后来他们又去了一些地方.5月3号那天,他们到了荷兰迈林根的一个小镇,住宿在“大英旅馆”内,4日下午,他们打算翻山越岭到罗森罗伊的一个小村庄去过夜.而福尔摩斯则建议绕些路去欣赏半山腰上的 莱辛巴赫瀑布 .  就在他们打算返回时,看到一个拿着 盖着 他们所住旅馆的章的信 的瑞士少年,说是店里来了一个处于肺结核晚期的妇女,只有几个小时的生命了,所以希望找一个英国医生诊治.华生对此很是犹豫,他不想留下福尔摩斯一个人,于是最后决定将这少年留下作为福尔摩斯的向导,可是却没想到这是他们的最后一面(当然后来又让其复活了,但是当时看来真的很让人伤心).
In April 24,1891 Holmes night at Wahson house.Wahson discovered that Holmes compared to usual more pale and thin,and very careful.
Holmes invited Wahson to go with him to Europe for a week,then the first to Wahson mentioned professor Moriarty things,and tells the story of the struggle between him and Moriarty,and his current condition precisely because of their destroyed one of Moriarty's plan and he came for the results.Due to concerns about Wahson threatened,so Holmes is not in the Wahson house.
The very next day morning,according to the agreement,Wahson by Holmes 's brother Macro J Te to the train station,and then in the encounter disguised as an old Italy pastor Holmes ( of course not Wahson discovered),also see can't catch the bus Moriarty ( Holmes arrangement,because he already know they are watched a ).During the conversation that,in their house on Beck street was lit a fire,and we know that this several day is more critical for several days,can the Moriarty Gang catch all in one draft will hang upon this single action.
In the next few days they went to many places,but one night,Holmes receives a telegram that Moriarty Gang basically captured,but still let Moriarty escape,so Holmes was very upset.
Then they went to some place.On May 3rd,they reached Holland in a small town in meiringen,accommodation in " the hotel ",4 in the afternoon,they are going to tramp over mountains and through ravines to Rosen Roy in a small village to stay.While Holmes is recommended to appreciate some way around half way up the hill,the Lessin Bach falls.Just as they were about to return,see one with a covered their hotel chapter letter Swiss Boy,said to be the shop to a tuberculosis in advanced women,only a few hours left to live,so I hope to find an English medical doctor.Wahson was very hesitant,he doesn't want to leave Holmes alone,he finally decided to leave Holmes as the boy wizard,but did not think this is their last side (of course,then let the resurrection,but then looks really very sad people ).
When Wahson hurried to the hotel when I know there is no contracted tuberculosis in women.Then Wahson hurried back,the back and forth,spent more than two hours.In their separate place,Wahson saw Holmes's rod,when he has a bad feeling.Later along the saw footprints found Holmes left a silver cigarette case and three sheets of paper,the above described him and Moriarty in the fight that happened before,and he actually knew the boy 's real purpose.But he wants closure.
Then Holmes fell Lessin Bach falls,along with his rival,Moriarty.