1.Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger.Solid data is also needed to effectively respond to .句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是修饰programmes的还

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 06:13:27

1.Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger.Solid data is also needed to effectively respond to .句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是修饰programmes的还
1.Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger.Solid data is also needed to effectively respond to .句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是修饰programmes的还是不定式做状语?如何辨别?见过都是的humanitarian crisis,此处的crises为什么用复数?
2.On this World Population Day,I call on decision-makers everywhere to make each and every person count.Only by considering the needs of all women and men,girls and boys,can we achieve the Millennium Development Goals and advance the shared values of the United Nations.句中为什么用each and every,用一个不就可以吗?count是什么词性?此处是不是应该用被动做宾补?by引导的介词短语做状语,那only是干什么的?什么词性?
3.It is promising that many countries that were unable to complete a national census in the past have reported success during this current round.
4.Public service is not always an easy career choice to make,but it can be
immensely rewarding for the opportunity it offers to get involved in addressing
the challenges of our time.这句话中的to后面那个句子是状语还是定语?修饰什么?如何判断的?
5.We need to recruit into the public service an ever-increasing tide of ambitious
youth.句子an ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth是宾补吗?宾补不是只有某些动词才可以有吗?

1.Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger.Solid data is also needed to effectively respond to .句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是修饰programmes的还

Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger.Solid data is also needed to effectively respond to humanitarian crises句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是不定式做目的状语

根据意思 辨别  句子意思 人口数据可以帮助领导者和决策者作出明智的决定  来 减少 贫穷 和饥饿
如果说 作定语 也能 说通 .但 我的 看法 是作状语 .
 此处的crises用复数 表示 不同种类的 humanitarian crises
2.On this World Population Day,I call on decision-makers everywhere to make each and every person count.Only by considering the needs of all women and men,girls and boys,can we achieve the Millennium Development Goals and advance the shared values of the United Nations.句中用each and every是为了强调 ,用一个可以
count是动词 是秃头 不定式 作宾补  此处不应该用被动做宾补  因为 这里是不及物动词  重要 的意思   by介词短语做状语,only是副词 修饰状语的 起加强语气的作用 
3.It is promising that many countries that were unable to complete a national census in the past have reported success during this current round.不知道 这句 你要 问什么问题
4.Public service is not always an easy career choice to make,but it can be
immensely rewarding for the opportunity it offers to get involved in addressing
the challenges of our time.这句话中的to后面 没有 发现 句子 
你的意思 是动词不定式 作什么成分
 to make是作定语的 与所修饰词 是动宾关系 
to get involved in addressing.是动词不定式短语  作目的状语 
5.We need to recruit into the public service an ever-increasing tide of ambitious
youth.句子an ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth是宾语 
原句=recruit an ever-increasing tide of ambitious   into the public service

1.句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是修饰programmes的,做定语。此处的crises强调各种各样的humanitarian灾难。
2 each and every== every 或者 each ,用一个完全可以,只是文采问题。count是动词,应该是counts(第三人称单数) == is important.
3.It is promisi...


1.句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是修饰programmes的,做定语。此处的crises强调各种各样的humanitarian灾难。
2 each and every== every 或者 each ,用一个完全可以,只是文采问题。count是动词,应该是counts(第三人称单数) == is important.
3.It is promising that many countries that were unable to complete(做countries的主语补足语) a national census in the past have reported success during this current round。
4.Public service is not always an easy career choice to make(做定语), but it can be
immensely rewarding for the opportunity it offers to get involved (做opportunity的定语)in addressing
the challenges of our time。
5.We need to recruit into the public service an ever-increasing tide of ambitious
youth。句子an ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth是宾语。
正常语序是 recruit A into B ------- == recruit an ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth into the public service


1. Population data helps leaders andpolicy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes toreduce poverty and hunger。Solid data is also needed toeffectively respond to humanitarian c...


1. Population data helps leaders andpolicy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes toreduce poverty and hunger。Solid data is also needed toeffectively respond to humanitarian crises。
  句中 to reduce poverty and hunger 不是修饰programs,而是名词短语decisionsabout policies and programs 的定语,其实就是decisions 带有两个定语,一个是紧跟其后的介词短语about policies and programs,另一个是分隔的不定式to reduce poverty andhunger,意思是做出了一些“为了减少贫穷和饥饿的有关政策和计划的明智决定”。
  复数的 humanitarian crises指造成poverty andhunger 多方面的的“人道主义危机”,如关心危机、救助危机、宣传危机等
2. On this World Population Day, I call ondecision-makers everywhere to make each and every person count. Only byconsidering the needs of all women and men, girls and boys, can we achieve theMillennium Development Goals and advance the shared values of the United Nations。
  each and every 是一种常用的强调说法,意思是不仅仅是“单一的人”而且也是“所有的人”,用一个也可以,但是语气不及用两个强势。
  Count 此处是不及物动词,意思是“具有价值/具有重要性”,用作使役动词 make宾语 each and every person 补足语,即“我呼吁各地的决策者要使人人都能占有重要地位”。
  Only by considering…can we achieve是倒装句,由于 only 强调的方式状语提前,后面的主语和情态动词颠倒了位置。正常语序是we can achieve …only by considering…,only 是强调副词。这句话的意思是“只有通过考虑所有男女老少的需要,我们才能实现千禧年发展目标…”
3. It is promising that many countries thatwere unable to complete a national census in the past have reported successduring this current round。
  系表部分:is promising
  主语从句:that many countries that wereunable to complete a national census in the past have reported success duringthis current round 其中 ——
  【嵌套主句】that many countries havereported success during this current round
  【嵌套同位语从句】that were unable tocomplete a national census in the past
4. Public service is not always an easycareer choice to make, but it can be immensely rewarding for the opportunity itoffers to get involved in addressing the challenges of our time。
  这句话是由 but 连接的并列句。
  第一分句:Publicservice is not always an easy career choice to make, 公共服务不总是一项要作出的职业选择。(不定式 to make 是career choice 的后置定语,即“要作出的职业选择”)
  第二分句:but itcan be immensely rewarding for the opportunity it offers to get involved inaddressing the challenges of our time 但是它(公共服务)可能对其(公共服务)为了参与我们这个时代的挑战而提供的机会是有意的。
  【嵌套主句】but itcan be immensely rewarding for the opportunity
  【嵌套定语从句】itoffers to get involved in addressing the challenges of our time(省略了佐宾语指代opportunity的关系代词,即 offer … to do sth. [为做某事提供…] )
5. We need to recruit into the public servicean ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth。
  宾补只出现在使役动词(如 have,make, get, order, ask, tell 等)和感知动词(如 see, watch, notice,observe, find 等)后
  复合使役动词:recruit into 使…被纳入
  介词宾语:the public service 公共服务
  宾语补足语:an ever-increasing tide of ambitiousyouth 成为胸怀大志青年的川流不息趋势



  1. 原问:句中 to reduce poverty and hunger是修饰programmes的还是不定式做状语?如何辨别?

    答复:to reduce poverty and hunger 按照常规分析好像跟在名词后面做定语(尤其在初级与中级英语教学中经常用这个来实施教学,比较简单与直观),但在这里做状语更为合适,它是作为决策者做决定性规划的目的;补充做状语的理由:原文“to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger”decision有两个定语(前面的informed过去分词和后面的介词about短语),这个动词不定式作为make informed decision的目的状语更为合适。

    原问:见过都是的humanitarian crisis,此处的crises为什么用复数?


  2. 原问:句中为什么用each and every,用一个不就可以吗?

    答复:这里的each与every是由不同意思与意义的,并且词性不同。each名词,表示每一个人,只是做了泛指“每一个人”。接着用了every person做了加强语气的说明,强调了“每一个公民”,在汉语里我们可以把这重叠用法译为:“每一个人,乃至每一个公民” ......;

    原问:count是什么词性?此处是不是应该用被动做宾补?count这里是动词,意思是包括,请见英语解释:“be inculded inreckoning”,这个词不用被动形式,例句:“You count among my best friends.”(你是我最好朋友中的一员,直译:你被计入我的最好朋友。)。count在这里做宾语补足语,这是前面动词“make”所需要的,否则本句意思全变了;


    答复:by引导的介词短语做状语,没错,做方式方法状语。only 是副词,在这里对by介词短语起到强调作用,并且置于句首后,引起了后面主句倒装。

  3. 原问:这句话中的to后面那个句子是状语还是定语?修饰什么?如何判断的?

    答复:问题比较含糊其辞,在原文中有三个to不定式,现逐个解释。第一个to(to complete a national census)是属于 be able to do sth 结构,可以把他考虑为表语复合形式,不是定语,也不是状语;第二个to(to make, ...)做choice的定语;第三个to(to get involved ...)做offer的宾语。不难看出,句子里出现了一些语法问题,即:这里的“it”应当用“which”才对,定语从句,修饰先行词“the opportunity”。改错后,请看:but it can be
    immensely rewarding for the opportunity which (that) offers to get involved in addressing
    the challenges of our time.

  4. 原问:句子”an ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth“是宾补吗?宾补不是只有某些动词才可以有吗?

    答复:这里“an ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth”是做宾语。其宾语补足语是“into the public service”这是介词短语做宾语补足语,这里的宾语与宾语补足语关系是系表关系,也即:recruit an ever-increasing tide of ambitious youth into the public service.由于宾语太长后置在into the public service便于句子安排。
