He had often dreamed of retiring in England 新概念的句子,of retiring 大侠来说说

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/17 09:09:00

He had often dreamed of retiring in England 新概念的句子,of retiring 大侠来说说
He had often dreamed of retiring in England 新概念的句子,of retiring 大侠来说说

He had often dreamed of retiring in England 新概念的句子,of retiring 大侠来说说
这里的dream是一个不及物动词Vi,不及物动词就是说这个动词后面不能直接跟名词,这种动词后面要加上一个介词才能跟名词.比如说我昨晚梦见你了是I dreamed about you last night.而不是I dreamed you.所以后面要加of ,about等介词,dream of/about 表示梦想,幻想,想象的意思,而我们知道介词后面一般是要放名词的,retire本是一个动词,要放在介词后面的话就要把这个动词变成它的动名词形式retiring.因为没看原文哈,我只能说翻译下来是.他过去经常回想在英国隐退的那段时光.

dream of是一个短语“梦想”

of 为介词,故其后的动词要用动名词形式即ing

he had often dreamed of retiring in england 划分句子成分he had often dreamed of retiring in england 划分句子成分 He had often dreamed of retiring in England 新概念的句子,of retiring 大侠来说说 新概念第38课.He had often dreamed of retiring in England.这是为什么是过去完成式而不是过去式? He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country.这句话中为什么前面用了过去完成时,后面也用 he was very excited because he had long __(dream)of becoming a college student 为什么是dreamed He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country这句话从新概念第二册复制下来的,文章的翻译是他常幻想退休后到英国,但我感觉怎么也应该是他常幻想在英国退休啊,难 英语翻译他为什么用IN 表示到英国而不是在英国 如果 He had often dreamed of retiring in England 是表示 退体修后到英国 那我用 dream of这种句型表达 我梦想在英国退休 这句怎么表达 英语翻译他梦到自己有几十亿美元:He dreamed he had ______ _______dollars.那座山有好几千米高:The mountain is ______ _______ _______ _______. hawking don it let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamed of谁能翻译 most often than 原题是:Most often than not,he had to go in person. 请问 :he has never dreamed of.与he never dreamed of...的区别是什么? Obviously,he--a bad cold.He sneezes so often.A.has B.had Tim had nothing for breakfast,did he?--(.),he often had nothing for breakfast.是填yes还是no? 第六句:After a large meal of crab meat,Stoker dreamed that he was being attacked by an enormous cAfter a large meal of crab meat,Stoker dreamed that he was being attacked by an enormous crab,and this,combined with the stories he had already hear He'd been hoping for the position for a long time.He had long dreamed of the dean's position.这两句有什么区别?六级近5年听力里面出现的 For many years,people____electric cars.however,making them has been more difficult than predicted.A had dreamed of B have dreamed of C dreamed of D dream of He dreamed of some a________ flying around him last night David lived in a small village.His father was often ill and he had to