英语翻译荷兰被称为“海上马车夫”,求此术语比较权威的官方的英文翻译.最好能给出这个翻译的证据(比如出处神马的- -)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/04 22:28:35

英语翻译荷兰被称为“海上马车夫”,求此术语比较权威的官方的英文翻译.最好能给出这个翻译的证据(比如出处神马的- -)
最好能给出这个翻译的证据(比如出处神马的- -)

英语翻译荷兰被称为“海上马车夫”,求此术语比较权威的官方的英文翻译.最好能给出这个翻译的证据(比如出处神马的- -)
Netherlands revolution of 17 century,the Dutch created the conditions for the economic upsurge.Netherlands after independence,to develop capitalist industry and commerce,commercial,marine transport and financial services,quickly became one of the Western European powers.At that time,rapid economic development of capitalism in Europe,trade frequently.Was the main trade routes at sea,thus shipbuilding industry developed or not,has the number and tonnage of merchant ships,determine whether a country has control of East-West trade,dominate the ocean and doing overseas colonial exploitation capabilities.Dutch shipbuilding industry ranks first in the world at that time.Amsterdam,there are only hundreds of shipyards,the country can also start the construction of hundreds of ships.At that time the Netherlands has 15,000 merchant ships,tonnage,accounting for three-quarters of total tonnage in Europe at that time almost monopolized the maritime trade.Amsterdam was the center of international trade,often harbor more than 2,000 merchant ships berth.Shipbuilding technology is a world leader,many European countries to the Netherlands Order of vessels,a quarter of 17th century British ship was built in the Netherlands.Dutch Navy ships than Britain and France almost 1 times the Navy to make the Netherlands a well-deserved "sea coachman." They are cruising the world's oceans,to protect its merchant ships,and to engage in overseas colonial plunder.

sea coachman, sea chauffeur

Sea Coachman

Sea coachman

sea coachman, sea chauffeur

英语翻译荷兰被称为“海上马车夫”,求此术语比较权威的官方的英文翻译.最好能给出这个翻译的证据(比如出处神马的- -) 荷兰被称为“海上马车夫”,在殖民时期曾经占有大量殖民地,请问当时最大的一块殖民地是哪里?由谁经营?RT 17世纪被称为“海上马车夫”的是哪个国家? 海上马车夫是荷兰还是荷兰人?请说明有无“人”字 海上马车夫荷兰是怎么在早期成为世界头号大国的 荷兰为什么能成为海上马车夫?{主观原因和客观原因} 海上马车夫是指? 荷兰成为海上马车夫之后的好处荷兰建立了海上殖民霸权,对荷兰的发展产生了什么影响,比如政治、经济、军事、殖民地等 什么事海上马车夫及特点 海上马车夫是哪个国家 荷兰也是海洋强国,为什么干不过英国?西班牙、法国这些陆上强国海战不行,PK不赢英国,这没什么奇怪的.但荷兰素来以海洋立国,号称海上马车夫,民众历来在海上吃风饮浪,从来不缺少训练有素 海上马车夫用英语怎么说?.人工翻译. 荷兰获得“海上马车夫”称号的原因是?A,工业发达,商品运销世界各地B.商业发达,运转世界各地的商品C,军事发达,打败其他海上霸国D,殖民地广阔,控制各地殖民贸易 “海上马车夫”是指的哪个国家?十七世纪 新航路带来的直接影响 荷兰凭此航路成为海上强国 英语翻译厦门鼓浪屿气候宜人,四季如春,无车马喧嚣,有鸟语花香,素有“海上花园”之誉.民族英雄郑成功曾在此安营扎寨,从荷兰侵略者手中收复台湾.由于历史原因,岛上建有英、美等13个国家 为什么台湾被称为“海上粮仓” 荷兰为什么被称为运河之国?急