来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 01:18:04
这个电影讲述了五年前兰彻(Rancho)顶替他人来到一所知名学院读书.这是一所印度传统的名校,这里的检验学生的唯一标准就只有指成绩!成绩不好就意味着没有未来!而兰彻却不随波逐流,他用他的善良、开朗、幽默和智慧影响着周围的人.他用所学的物理知识来教训野蛮的学长,他用智慧打破了学院墨守成规的传统观念.最后他用智慧征服了印度科学界他实现了自己的梦想,也做回了真正的自己.近三个小时的片长,有喜有泪,这部电影的经典之处个人认为在于融入了生活,升华到了人性,总能把那些触动人心的东西演绎的淋漓尽致.社会很浮躁,我们更是浮躁,总想特立独行,但现实的生活使我们不可能那样去做,很多时候只能沿着那特定的轨道或被牵着鼻子走,展现在我们自己的身上就是亲朋的期许,生存的必须,努力的艰难.这部影片中讲述的”做自己“也许才是人生终极的成功,故事中融入了亲情,爱情,友情,虽然很曲折,但最终都近乎完美的实现!电影中的经典台词—All is well,这句话总展现于整个故事中,不过生活中不管发生什么能淡定的拍着胸口说声All is well,是一种心态,也是一种境界.不能“做自己”,总能说声“All is well”也是好的!
This films tells a story about Rancho who began his study at a famous college in the place of another student five years ago.It was a traditional elite school in India where the sole criterion for the students was their academic performace!A bad performance was in parallel to a dimmed future.But instead of following the crowd,Rancho lived in a brand new lifestyle and influenced people around him a lot with his kindness,openness,humor and wisdom.He had taught a good lesson to a truculent senior schoolmate with his knowledge in physics and he had broken into pieces the fossilized values that the college always clang to with a clever technique.Finally,he conquered the scientific sphere in India with his great intelligence,thus realizing his dream and returned to what he truly was before.The 3-hour fiml is of ups and downs and makes the audience laugh and cry.Personally,I think this film is a classic one because the story is derived from life and reveals humanity,which has offered a perfect description of those stuff that can touch the softest part of our heart and soul.The society is now in a restless state and so are.We always want to make a difference from the others but unfortunately reality always prevents us from doing that way and for most of the times we have to walk in the pre-destined track or move on as required.We live for the expectancy from our family and friends,the law of life and we have no other choice but to make our way forward.In contrast,maybe the "be myself" philosophy revealed in this film is the true ultimate success for our life.In this story,we have witnessed kinship,love and friendship.Even though the characters had a hard time getting things through,the valuable meaning of these emotions have been fully shown throughout the film!When we are watching this movie,we hear a sentence-"All is well" been said many times. Actually if we can always say "all is well" to ourselves in front of hardships,it wil help develop a good mindset in ourselves and a life us to a new spiritual level.Even though we can't live a life as we want to,it'll be good if we can remind ourselves that "All is well" now and then.
To sum up, this is a film that can make the audience laugh again while tears are still not dry in their eyes.And the version with Chinese dubbed voice is being shown in many cinemas in China,you can have a watch if you are free.