英语翻译今天收到一封奇怪的电子邮件,我英语水平不是很高,大部分都看不懂,请求高手翻译.(这封邮件看起来像是一场骗局)Dear Friend,I got your email address through search in the internet.I hope and pray

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 00:14:42

英语翻译今天收到一封奇怪的电子邮件,我英语水平不是很高,大部分都看不懂,请求高手翻译.(这封邮件看起来像是一场骗局)Dear Friend,I got your email address through search in the internet.I hope and pray
Dear Friend,
I got your email address through search in the internet.I hope and pray that I have the right person who will help me.I have Interest of investing in your country as such I am making contact with you for assistance.
Before the war in my country ( Iraq ) I deposited some funds with a security company for safe keeping.You will help me collect the Funds from the Security Company as I cannot travel out at the moment because of my present predicaments /conditions which I will explain to you if we work together.My name is Raheem Mubarak Ali,Saddam Hussein has brought destruction / Hell to our great Country and everything is practically difficult now.Please if you accept this offer of assistance you are required to give me Your Name,age,occupation,country and address.
I will send to you detailed information of this business if you indicate your seriousness to do the business,and also enclosing Your telephone fax numbers.I promise you that this deal is valid,real and risk free.What I now need from you are as follows:
1.you should make contact with the Security Company to secure the funds in cash on my behalf.
2.You will be entitled to 30% of the total sum involved for your assistance.
3.As soon as you have the funds in your custody,we will enter a new arrangement on which sector you will invest my share of the Funds in on my behalf to generate enough money for the up keep of my family in your country.
4.This project is 100% risk free,but you must keep it very secret and confidential.With strong assurance that you will never let me down at all.
Please note that my aim to transfer the funds to you for investment is because I want my wife and 4 kids to join you and stay under your care,hope my family will find comfort,peace and happiness in your country.
I want to clear you about this,the funds is not from drug deal,it’s not from arms deals,it’s not government money and its not for any terrorist or illegal activity,why I am emphasizing on this confidentiality is because I don't want you to be bordered over above issues.Can you help me?Are you trustworthy?Are you capable of handling this money?If you can,please contact me all you need to do is to claim this money from the Courier Company.For your assistance,you will be entitled to 30% of the total sum.You are also obliged to help/advise on the proper and most convenient way of investing this money in your country,hopefully,you will consider this request and respond positively.
I expect your prompt reply and let our communication be by email as it is the safest means of communication for now because I Suspect telephone lines in Iraq been connected to the US Telecommunication Network for monitoring.

英语翻译今天收到一封奇怪的电子邮件,我英语水平不是很高,大部分都看不懂,请求高手翻译.(这封邮件看起来像是一场骗局)Dear Friend,I got your email address through search in the internet.I hope and pray




收到一封电子邮件的英文是什么 英语翻译今天收到一封奇怪的电子邮件,我英语水平不是很高,大部分都看不懂,请求高手翻译.(这封邮件看起来像是一场骗局)Dear Friend,I got your email address through search in the internet.I hope and pray 我每天收到一封电子邮件 翻译英语 我今天收到一封电子邮件,但不知道里面英文说的是什么意思呢?This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.Delivery to the following recipients failed. 我不确定你是否已经收到我发的两封电子邮件 英语怎么说? 收到了一封电子邮件,本人才疏学浅,感激不尽! 今天我收到一封志愿者的微笑是北京最好的名片, 没有收到ETS寄来的GRE笔考准考证怎么办?我2006年8月28号考的GRE机考作文,都一个月了还没收到ETS寄来的笔考准考证,我今天(10月1日)刚给ETS发了一封电子邮件.想问一下这种情况下除了等待还 英语翻译“他每星期收到他姐姐的一封来信” 给老师的一封电子邮件(英文) content -type:text/plain conten - transfer -encoding:7 bit这是收到一封电子邮件的全文,有劳了 假设你叫李华,收到你网友John的一封电子邮件,得知他即将外出旅行,根据提示用英语给他回一封电子邮件, 今天收到一封英文电子邮件,一笔巨款什麼的,看不懂,是不是诈骗的呢?MR.AHMED SALAMA ,FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONAUDIT/REMITTANCE DEPARTMENTOUAGADOUGOU BURKINA FASODEAR FRIEND ,(ATTATCH IMPORTANCE)I WISH THIS MY PROPOSAL MEET YOUR DUE 英语翻译1.我刚收到一封电子邮件,信中杰西卡表露了对与她亲爱的男友结束关系的后悔之情.2.失去家人使她崩溃了,这一悲惨的事件一直影响着她的余生.3.父母都反对我出国深造.我不知道是 英语翻译我在china great 注册后收到一封陌生网友的交友email,昨天给了她回复,今天有收到她的email,我今天在百度里一搜有别人也收到这样的信,内容几乎完全一样,不知道怎么回事,郁闷,谁帮我 大卫给他的朋友写了一封电子邮件 英语翻译? 英语翻译这是我收到的一封英文邮件的上端,是说让我回复呢?还是不回复? 英语翻译:我已经收到你发来的电子邮件,现在我给你谈谈我上网的感受