帮下忙翻英斗兽场 (Colosseo)也称作弗拉维奥剧场,是罗马的象征,世界旅游的主要目的地.由维斯帕夏诺国王下令开始其建筑于公元72年,竣工于其子铁托即位后的公元80年.下列数字可以证实该建

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 19:29:13

帮下忙翻英斗兽场 (Colosseo)也称作弗拉维奥剧场,是罗马的象征,世界旅游的主要目的地.由维斯帕夏诺国王下令开始其建筑于公元72年,竣工于其子铁托即位后的公元80年.下列数字可以证实该建
斗兽场 (Colosseo)
也称作弗拉维奥剧场,是罗马的象征,世界旅游的主要目的地.由维斯帕夏诺国王下令开始其建筑于公元72年,竣工于其子铁托即位后的公元80年.下列数字可以证实该建筑的宏大:直径 188 米,高度50米,可容纳5万人(一些证据表明还可达7万人).在古罗马时期,那里进行海战、角斗士的格斗,追杀野兽等表演.
梵蒂冈 (Città del Vaticano)
作为教皇所在地和基督教的精神中心,梵蒂冈是罗马市内的一个真正的国家 (教皇为元首),它被教科文组织宣布为人类文化遗产,是一个非凡的艺术宝库.绝不可错过的有圣比得广场,世界上最大的广场之一,贝尼尼的建筑杰作,他在1656至1667年间用284根和88根的双排柱围成了宏大的椭圆形广场.在广场上有被认为是世界上最漂亮、雄伟的圣比得教堂.在施工中担任指挥的有最重要的大师布拉曼特、拉斐尔和米开朗琪罗,后者实现了高达119米的教堂大圆顶.不可不看的还有梵蒂冈博物馆,特别是西斯廷厅,那是整个艺术史的最高层次的杰作之一;文艺复兴时期的几位意大利大师都为其绘画:波提切利、基尔兰达佑和米开朗琪罗,后者画了天花板上的壁画.最突出的是米开朗琪罗的最高杰作“最后的审判”.

帮下忙翻英斗兽场 (Colosseo)也称作弗拉维奥剧场,是罗马的象征,世界旅游的主要目的地.由维斯帕夏诺国王下令开始其建筑于公元72年,竣工于其子铁托即位后的公元80年.下列数字可以证实该建
The Colosseo
The Colosseo, also named as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is a symbol of the city of Rome, as one of the destinations of the world-wide travelling. Its construction started from 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian and was completed in 80 AD under Titus. The following numbers can see the magnificence of the Colosseo: With the diameter of 188 meters and height of 50 meters, the Colosseo is capable of seating 50,000 people (some documents indicate this figure is 70,000). In Ancient Rome, the games would be held there such as sea battles, gladiatorial games and hunting animals.
The Vatican City
Vatican City, where locates the Pope and the Spirit Center of the Christianity, is a landlocked sovereign city-state (The Pope as the monarch)which is announced as the human culture heritage by UNESCO. You can not miss the St. Peter's Square, one of the largest squares in the world, as the architecture masterpiece of Benigni. From 1656 to 1667, Benigni used 248 columns and 88 pilasters to make this grand elliptic square. In this square, there is the St. Peter's Basilica, which is regarded as the most beautiful and most magnificent church in the world. During its construction, the Architects who were in charge include Master Donato Bramante, Raphael and Michelangelo who completed the vault of the church with the height of 119 meters. You can not miss the Vatican Museum especially the Sistine Chapel which is one of the master pieces in the whole art history. The museum has works of art of painters during the Renaissant, including Botticelli, Fra Angelico and Michelangelo who painted for the ceiling. The most prominent is the masterpiece of Michelangelo - Last Judgment.