
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/28 22:10:12


The weight of a huge (11 feet long),wild Siberian tiger is about 230 kg.However,when raised in captive,a 10 feet and 11 inches long Siberian tiger can weight up to 465 kg.This demonstrates that with an abundant food source and good habitat,the Siberian tiger will gain weight.In comparison,a wild lion,which weights 180 kg in the wild,will maintain its weight of 180 kg even in captivity.

A height 11 foot giant wild Siberia tiger body weight only then 230 kilograms, but are rearing in a pen, height 10 foot 11 inch Siberia tiger body weight 465 kilograms, explained that if food is suffi...


A height 11 foot giant wild Siberia tiger body weight only then 230 kilograms, but are rearing in a pen, height 10 foot 11 inch Siberia tiger body weight 465 kilograms, explained that if food is sufficient, the ecological environment is good, Manchurian tiger's body weight will increase, on the contrary 180 kilogram wild male lions will be rearing in a pen the body weight still to maintain at 180 kilograms;


A wild giant 11 feet of the Siberian tiger, weight, while only 2.3 kilograms captive, a 10 feet 11 inches of the Siberian tiger weight 465 kilograms, if food, good ecological environment, the east-northern tiger weight increases
Instead of a 180 kg of wild lions in weight still remain in 180 kg

A huge 11-foot length of wild Siberian tiger weighs only 230 kg, while in captivity, a 10-foot 11-inch length Siberian tiger weighing 465 kilograms, stating that if sufficient food, good ecological en...


A huge 11-foot length of wild Siberian tiger weighs only 230 kg, while in captivity, a 10-foot 11-inch length Siberian tiger weighing 465 kilograms, stating that if sufficient food, good ecological environment, will increase the weight of the Northeast Tiger
On the contrary a 180 kg body weight of wild lions in captivity is still maintained at 180 kg


英语翻译一只身长11英尺的巨大野生西伯利亚虎体重只有230公斤,而在圈养,一只身长10英尺11英寸的西伯利亚虎体重465公斤,说明如果食物充足,生态环境良好,东北虎的体重会增加相反一只180公 一只成年熊猫的身长是一只小熊猫身长的十倍 用英语怎么说 野生翠鸟多少钱一只 一只工蜂的身长为15mm,蜂王的身长比工蜂长3分之一.蜂王的身长是多少毫米? 一只蚂蚁身长0.5厘米,把他画到比例尺是10:1的图纸上,图上的蚂蚁身长多少厘米?请用算式列出来 巨大的成就英语翻译 巨大的发展 英语翻译 一只虫子每天长一倍,20天后身长20厘米,问长到5厘米的时候需要几天? 猫狗赛跑谁将取胜一只训练有素的猫与狗赛跑,100英尺直线往返,狗每一步是3英尺,猫每跑一步是2英尺,但是狗跑2步猫能跑3步 英语翻译这本书讲了古巴的一个名叫圣地亚哥的老渔夫,独自一个人出海打鱼,在一无所获的84天之后钓到了一条无比巨大的马林鱼.这是老人从来没见过也没听说过的,比他的船还长两英尺的一 中国现在一共有多少只野生大象? 里的那只小动物叫什么名字?长着大大的眼睛,一身长有绿绿的毛. 一英尺的于几厘米 码,英尺,英尺的换算 英语翻译巨大的是形容词 在一张比例尺是30:1的图纸上,量得一只昆虫的身长3厘米,这只昆虫的实际长是多少? 在一张比例尺是30比1的图纸上,量的一只昆虫身长6厘米,这只昆虫的实际距离多长? 英语翻译One vision,one purpose是什么意思?这是C&C泰伯利亚之日中Nod的一句切口,只是不知是什么意思……