英语翻译要求:文中的“销售'或"分销"等词译成"distribution" ,句子尽量通顺达意哦!译的好适当追加分数!中文如下:娃哈哈是怎样控制分销渠道的娃哈哈集团公司2008年的销售收入达到325亿元,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 02:18:23

英语翻译要求:文中的“销售'或"分销"等词译成"distribution" ,句子尽量通顺达意哦!译的好适当追加分数!中文如下:娃哈哈是怎样控制分销渠道的娃哈哈集团公司2008年的销售收入达到325亿元,
要求:文中的“销售'或"分销"等词译成"distribution" ,句子尽量通顺达意哦!译的好适当追加分数!
其实,从娃哈哈的管理制度和实际操作中我们可以发现其管理策略:一、实行双赢的联销体制度,娃哈哈在全国31个省市严格选择了1000多家经销商,组成了几乎覆盖中国每一个乡镇的联合销售体系,并采用保证金的方式建立双方的信任,这种方式极大地改变了娃哈哈的交易组织形式,娃哈哈公司董事长兼总经理宗庆后称这种组织形式为“联销体”; 二、实行级差价格体系,娃哈哈现在的销售网络构成是公司自身、特约一级经销商、特约二级经销商、二级经销商、三级经销商、零售终端,并实行严格的价格管理体系;三、全面的激励措施,娃哈哈的返利激励并不是单一的销量返利这样的直接激励,而是采取包括各种优惠活动等间接激励在内的全面激励措施;五、实行严格的区域责任制并制定了严明的奖罚制度,娃哈哈和经销商签订的合同中给特约经销商限定了严格的销售区域,防止经销商跨区域销售,以严格保护各地经销商的利益;六、与经销商建立深厚的感情,娃哈哈和经销商一旦确定合作关系就致力于发展成为长期的战略伙伴;七、重视营销队伍的建设,娃哈哈在全国各地只有3000多销售人员,为什么如此少的销售人员可以帮助公司完成超过325亿元的年销售额,这与娃哈哈注重营销队伍的建设和培养是分不开的.

英语翻译要求:文中的“销售'或"分销"等词译成"distribution" ,句子尽量通顺达意哦!译的好适当追加分数!中文如下:娃哈哈是怎样控制分销渠道的娃哈哈集团公司2008年的销售收入达到325亿元,
how wahaha control its distribution channels
In 2008,the wahaha group had achieved the sales volume of 32.5 billion , being the Mr.Big in Chinese beverage industry.there is no great difference between the technology of its products and its competitors'.so what made wahaha itself outstanding? the indestructible distribution network tells the secret. wahaha has showed a good exemple in dealing with the distribution channels ,which are the most challenging part in the management of a business.
the management system and practices of wahaha are run through by its unique management strategy.
1、the joint marketing system. wahaha has prudently picked up over 1000 dealers in China's 31 provices. they all together unite to be a great joint marketing system,covering nearly every town and country in China. to build up mutural trust, wahaha adopt the caution money to change the organization form of trading between itself and its loyal franchisers.this new organization form, named by Qinghou Zon, the chairman and general manager of wahaha, is called the joint marketing system.
2、the different price rank system. the current markeing network of wahaha consists of the company itself, the special Class A and Class B dealers,the general class B and Class C dealers, and the retail terminals. and strict price management is implemented in the network.
3、the overall incetives.wahaha not only offer rebates for certain sales volume,but also take various stimulant measures such as holding sales events to bestir dealers indirectly.
5、the strict sectional responsibility system and system of awards and penalties.in the contracts wahaha signed with special dealers,there is a rigid restriction of the sales territory, which can prevent dealers from selling goods in other areas and effectively protect the benefit of dealers in every specified region.
6、the establishment of good relationship with dealers. after the cooperation with dealers is settled, wahaha will make efforts to turn it into a long-term strategic partnership.
7、the special attention on the marketing team foundation. wahaha has only about3000 salespersons in the whole country. but it is this small group which creats the miracle of over 32.5 bilion annual sales volume. the achievement should be owed to wahaha's special attention on the construction and cultivation of the marketing team.
一天译一点,终于完啦 不急的话我再改改…

英语翻译要求:文中的“销售'或分销等词译成distribution ,句子尽量通顺达意哦!译的好适当追加分数!中文如下:娃哈哈是怎样控制分销渠道的娃哈哈集团公司2008年的销售收入达到325亿元, 独家分销的含义 英语翻译以保税货物分拣、分配、分销、分送等国际配送分拨业务和集运的综合处理、邻港增值加工后的国际采购为基础 英语翻译自我评价 本人从事医疗器械产品销售工作7年多时间,对医疗器械产品的直销,分销工作均有多年工作经验.熟悉医疗器械产品市场环境及运作手法.本人对工作认真负责,积极主动且具有 宣航讲的:巨分销BMC商业模式是什么? 市场营销 分销渠道里面的 分销系统 有个叫 垂直渠道系统 通俗点 老师的肩膀为题的作文要求:文中出现四个四字成语或名言名句. 汽车的分销渠道用英语怎么说啊? 求几句高中英语作文中常用的名言警句或谚语.多方面的,如感恩、励志等 分销渠道 英语翻译销售合同书 的英文翻译, 英语翻译我唯一的遗憾是没有出去旅游这个寒假.翻译:_______________________________________要求:不许从网上(百度翻译,有道翻译等)来复制粘贴(或抄袭) 文言文中、关于主谓宾定状补等分别都是由哪些词性充当的?是名次或动词等?、急 我要求重新邮寄或退款的英语翻译 英语翻译如他的背景或经历等 英语翻译由于销售季节的问题,客户要求延期出运,因此商检过期.特此请求开具商检延期证明. 要求450字左右,一件曾经发生过的事.作文中要有一句名言 警句 格言等 求一篇有关北京的英语作文,文中要求涉及长城,鸟巢,水立方,天安门,故宫等著名建筑,有急用,