Brain in a

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Brain in a
Brain in a

Brain in a
缸中之脑 一个人被施行了手术,他的脑被从身体上切了下来,放进一个盛有维持脑存活营养液的缸中.脑的神经末梢被连接在一台超级计算机上,计算机按照程序向脑输送信息,同时接受大脑输出的信息,计算机可以完全模拟真实环境对大脑的刺激.

1981年,希拉里·普特南(Hilary Putnam)在他的《理性,真理和历史》(Rea
son, Truth, and History)一书中,阐述了关于“缸中之脑”的假想: “一个人(可以假设是自己)被邪恶科学家施行了手术,他的脑被从身体上切了下来,放进一个盛有维持脑存活营养液的缸中。脑的神经末梢连接在计算机上,这台计算机按照程序向脑传送信息,以使他保持...


1981年,希拉里·普特南(Hilary Putnam)在他的《理性,真理和历史》(Rea
son, Truth, and History)一书中,阐述了关于“缸中之脑”的假想: “一个人(可以假设是自己)被邪恶科学家施行了手术,他的脑被从身体上切了下来,放进一个盛有维持脑存活营养液的缸中。脑的神经末梢连接在计算机上,这台计算机按照程序向脑传送信息,以使他保持一切完全正常的幻觉。对于他来说,似乎人、物体、天空还都存在,自身的运动、身体感觉都可以输入。这个脑还可以被输入或截取记忆(截取掉大脑手术的记忆,然后输入他可能经历的各种环境、日常生活)。他甚至可以被输入代码,‘感觉’到他自己正在这里阅读一段有趣而荒唐的文字:一个人被邪恶科学家施行了手术,他的脑被从身体上切了下来,放进一个盛有维持脑存活营养液的缸中。脑的神经末梢被连接在一台计算机上,这台计算机按照程序向脑输送信息,以使他保持一切完全正常的幻觉…” 有关这个假想的最基本的问题是:“你如何担保你自己不是在这种困境之中?”


Brain in a Brain in a Dish 请问这句话应该怎样翻译? 求翻译The brain of a child reorganizes itself in a way that increases its efficiency. brain brain Can you imagine that we have a computer in our brain?怎么译? She’s a walking brain 语法分析:Brain scans of people shown images of.Brain scans of people shown images of individuals they hated revealed a pattern of brain activity that partly occurs in areas also activated by romantic love. That fellow is clever,he has___.A brain B a brain C the brain D brains In the brain all is you. 问一道英语阅读!To investigate these brain differences in humans,Noonan and her colleagues found 18 participants for a structural brain-imaging study.They asked people how many social interactions they had experienced in the past month,in order The research suggests a connection between social interactions and brain structure.“We're interested in how your brain is able to allow you to find the right way in complex social environments,” MaryAnn Noonan said,a neuroscientist (神经学家) 英语翻译Brain is a vevy active student who obviously enjoys all classroom activities.I wish him well in future. 英语翻译they are a direct current in the brain on which faster AC ( alternating current) waves ride. I think there are several types of memory in our brain ___? not I B.are not there I realise a screaming pain,hearing loud in my brain,but i still go straight with the scar Is a case for your brain bad. your brain was eaten by a