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3 身教与言教的关系

1,democratic management,energy management and the so-called harmonious relationship management,harmonious development,is to emphasize the individual and the collective,higher and lower levels of the initiative,thereby optimizing the management to achieve the desired goal.This management is based on a people-oriented management based management.First,we should emphasize wholeness,and reflects the overall thinking,kind of get rid of the vast number of staff who is responsible for the management who thought,When bystanders to avoid the situation,so that the staff play an active role.Two are equal,efforts to form your management me,I supervise your atmosphere,so that we can work together to give full play to the staff's independent-mindedness,the establishment of self-management and mutual management,supervision and management of effective mechanisms.Third,demanding harmony,we should fully reflect the individual and collective harmony,unity and create a positive atmosphere,I get rid of my final say,I say you have to listen,I said you run a paternalistic management model.In the management of work,we must fully believe in the main role of the staff,to stimulate their enthusiasm for the management and the sense of responsibility and control everything.possession of a good atmosphere for everyone.2 strict management and patience to convince the strict management and patient persuasion are a dialectical unity,interaction,and neither can be dispensed with the relationship.From the actual situation of the enterprises of some units strict enough loose management; Some units of light weight Education,blocking much less the center.Adhere to the people-centered,it is necessary to emphasize the rules,and management according to law,but also to emotional stress,to persuade Jimmy,strict management of the mandatory and patient persuasion inspired consciousness together to form a powerful management efforts.truly "enterprises without the wall,a line of mind." 3 frugality with the precept of frugality is in line with the precept of the two complementary aspects.At present,the main problem is that while some cadres light,and anything that does not image well; Some of the other cadres not fair and equal treatment.Cadres not only want good,and gives inspiration to do good,to give an example.To the same treatment every member of the staff,fair and honest treatment of each one thing,enable the troops to truly create a harmonious left upright atmosphere.

英语翻译1、民主管理与能级管理的关系所谓和谐管理,和谐发展,就是强调个人与集体,上级与下级的主动配合,从而优化地实现预期的管理目标.这一管理是建立在以人为本的管理基础之上的管 民主决策与民主管理的区别 民主管理,民主选举,民主决策的联系与区别. 能层与能级的关系    能级与原子轨道的关系 民主管理 民主监督 民主选举 民主决策的关系主要是问民主管理的内容 电子跃迁与能级有什么关系导电是不是也是电子从低能级向高能级跃迁如果是在导电时能级是怎么样的 费米能级与半导体导电性的关系费米能级的位置与半导体导电性有什么关系啊? 什么是管理层次与管理幅度?管理层次与管理幅度的关系 什么是管理层次与管理幅度?试述管理层次与管理幅度的关系? 民主管理的形式 管理层次与管理幅度的关系是怎样的? 英语翻译要写一篇论文,《论管理会计与财务会计的关系与不同点》 领导与管理的关系是什么? 政治统治与政治管理的关系 物理中原子能级与化学中电子层能级什么关系?在每个状态中原子得能量值都是确定的,各个确定的能量值叫做能级.而化学书上说的能级是1S 2S 2P..描述的是某个电子的能量两种概念什么关系? 光电效应与能级跃迁有什么关系? 电子的能级分几种?有能级层吗?电子的能级跟跃迁有关系吗? 原子能级疑问我想知道原子中电子的能级与电子与原子核的距离的关系.假设有一个孤立系统:一个氢原子(包括原子核与一个核外电子).1:某一时刻核外电子的能级与该时刻电子与原子核的