中文简历转化英文简历性别:男婚史:已婚 出生年月:1977 年10月生出生地:上海工作年限:10年----------------求职意向期望工作性质:全职 期望从事职业:销售行政专员/助理、渠道/分销总

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 04:50:52

中文简历转化英文简历性别:男婚史:已婚 出生年月:1977 年10月生出生地:上海工作年限:10年----------------求职意向期望工作性质:全职 期望从事职业:销售行政专员/助理、渠道/分销总
出生年月:1977 年10月生
2007/07 -- 至今:上海江崎格力高食品有限公司 | 促销企画部 | 销售主管 | 工资:8000元/月,负责过城市:杭州,宁波,苏州,1,制订月销售计划2,分化销量,完成销售目标3,及时沟通经销商,零售商完成每月销售活动4,安排2名销售员,2名销售助理,23名理货员日常销售工作5,管理办事处日常工作
2005/08 -- 2006/09:上海安峻营销策划有限公司 | 项目主管 ,工资:4000元/月 1,策划,组织,管理康师傅方便面再上海所有大卖场每周的促销活动!2,协调大卖场和促销活动间出现的突发事件 3,细致安排和管理督导以及促销员的日常执行工作!4,执行市场促销计划以达成公司的市场目标,完成促销活动前期各项准备和执行工作!5,活动完成后的总结和检讨,精进!6,新产品的推广以及进行特别陈列设计 在工作中不断提高促销员的销售技能和卖场沟通能力,加强对的人员的管理,不断提高每个人的企业忠诚度,通过对市场分析随时修正促销计划,为能完成销售计划,及时调整工作中心来配合销售计划的执行.

中文简历转化英文简历性别:男婚史:已婚 出生年月:1977 年10月生出生地:上海工作年限:10年----------------求职意向期望工作性质:全职 期望从事职业:销售行政专员/助理、渠道/分销总
Marriage Status:Married
Date of birth:October 1977
Work Experience:10 years
Job Expectations
Expectation of the nature of the work:full-time
Occupation:Sales Executive/ Assistant,Channels / Distribution Director,Customer Represatative,Regional Sales Director / Manager
Target Industries:Others,fast moving consumer goods (food / beverage / tobacco and alcohol / cosmetics),office supplies and equipment,trade / import and export
Expectations of the work area:Shanghai
Expected salary:8000 yuan / month
Current situation:the present work is quite satisfactory but I can consider,if any,other better job opportunities .(on board time negotiable)
I am cheerful person and can quickly integrate myself into a team and is eager to become an active team member or a team leader;
Work Experience
2007/07 - present:Shanghai Ezaki Glico Foods Co.,Ltd.| Promotional Planning Department | Sales Executive | Salary:8000 yuan / month,Cities Responsible for:Hangzhou,Ningbo,Suzhou,
1.Monthly sales planning,
2.Allocating sales quantities and accomplish sales targets,
3.Timely communicating distributors,retailers to achieve monthly sales activities,
4.Managing 2 salespeople,2 sales assistants,23 clerks in the day-to-day sales activities
5,The daily management of the sales office
Direct subordinates:salesmen,sales assistants,clerks,subordinate persons in total:27
1.Hangzhou monthly sales target of 3.5 million before tax;
2.Monthly allocated sales:DS 1.8 million dealers 1.7 million (including wholesales);
3.Achieved 100% yearly targets in both 2010 and 2012 ;
2005/08 - 2006/09:Shanghai On Jun Marketing Planning Co.,Ltd.| project manager,salary:4000 yuan / month,
1.Planning,organization,management for the weekly promotions of Master Kong instant noodles in all supermarkets
2.Coordination emergencies in stores and during promotional periods,
3.Carefully steering arrangement and management as well as the day-to-day implementation of promoters
4,The implementation of market promotion programs to achieve the company's goal and completing the various preparation and implementation work for the prestage promotional activities
5 Summarizing and review after the completion of activities.
6.New product promotion and design for special displays
During the work continuously improve promoter's sales skills and communication skills with stores ,strengthening management on personnel and constantly improve everyone's loyalty,timely adjust the promotional plan by the market analysis data,timely adjustment of the work center to cope with the execution of the sales plan.
有问题再交流 ,用了要采纳,否则以后怎么帮你呢?

Gender: Male
The second: married
Birth date: 1977 October
Birth place: Shanghai
Work experience: 10 years
Job intention
Job nature: Full-time
Expected ...


Gender: Male
The second: married
Birth date: 1977 October
Birth place: Shanghai
Work experience: 10 years
Job intention
Job nature: Full-time
Expected Occupation: Executive / Assistant, channel / distribution manager, customer representatives, regional sales director / Manager
Expect in industry: other, fast-moving consumer goods ( food / beverage / tobacco / cosmetics ), office supplies and equipment, trade / import and export
Working area: Shanghai
Expected salary: 8000 yuan / month
Current status: I was satisfied with the existing work, such as a better job opportunity, I also can consider. ( time to work separately)
Self evaluation
I am cheerful, able to quickly integrate into the team and the work, eager to become team of activists or leader character;
Work experience
2007/07 -- so far: Shanghai Esaki Gree high food limited company | promotional planning department | Sales Supervisor | salary: 8000 yuan / month, responsible for the city: Hangzhou, Ningbo, Suzhou, 1, formulate the sale program of the month 2, differentiation of sales, sales target 3, timely communication with dealers, retailers achieve monthly sales activities 4 arrangement, 2 sales, 2 sales, 23 tally clerk daily sales work 5, management of daily office work
Direct: sales, sales assistant, clerk, the number of subordinates: 27
In 1, Hangzhou monthly sales target in 3500000 without tax; 2, the monthly sales: differentiation of DS 180W 170W, dealers (including wholesale ); 32010 and 2012 annual index reached 100%;
2005/08 - 2006/09: Shanghai Jun marketing planning limited | project supervisor, salary: 4000 yuan / month 1, planning, organization, management Kangshifu instant noodles and all of Shanghai shopping weekly promotions! 2 hypermarkets and promotional activities, coordination between the emergency of 3, meticulous arrangement and management supervision and promotion of daily perform work! 4, to implement marketing and promotional plans to Achieve Inc's marketing objectives, complete the preparation and implementation of promotional activities in early 5, after the completion of the work! Activities are summarized and reviewed, sophisticated! 6, the promotion of new products and special display design work to develop sales promotion sales skills and sales ability to communicate, strengthen on the personnel management, and constantly improve everyone's loyalty, based on market analysis revised promotion plan, to complete the sales plan, adjust working centre to match the sales plan.


Gender: Male
The second: married
Birth date: 1977 October
Birth place: Shanghai
Work experience: 10 years
Job intention
Job nature: Full-time
Expected ...


Gender: Male
The second: married
Birth date: 1977 October
Birth place: Shanghai
Work experience: 10 years
Job intention
Job nature: Full-time
Expected Occupation: Executive / Assistant, channel / distribution manager, customer representatives, regional sales director / Manager
Expect in industry: other, fast-moving consumer goods ( food / beverage / tobacco / cosmetics ), office supplies and equipment, trade / import and export
Working area: Shanghai
Expected salary: 8000 yuan / month
Current status: I was satisfied with the existing work, such as a better job opportunity, I also can consider. ( time to work separately)
Self evaluation
I am cheerful, able to quickly integrate into the team and the work, eager to become team of activists or leader character;
Work experience
2007/07 -- so far: Shanghai Esaki Gree high food limited company | promotional planning department | Sales Supervisor | salary: 8000 yuan / month, responsible for the city: Hangzhou, Ningbo, Suzhou, 1, formulate the sale program of the month 2, differentiation of sales, sales target 3, timely communication with dealers, retailers achieve monthly sales activities 4 arrangement, 2 sales, 2 sales, 23 tally clerk daily sales work 5, management of daily office work
Direct: sales, sales assistant, clerk, the number of subordinates: 27
In 1, Hangzhou monthly sales target in 3500000 without tax; 2, the monthly sales: differentiation of DS 180W 170W, dealers (including wholesale ); 32010 and 2012 annual index reached 100%;
2005/08 - 2006/09: Shanghai Jun marketing planning limited | project supervisor, salary: 4000 yuan / month 1, planning, organization, management Kangshifu instant noodles and all of Shanghai shopping weekly promotions! 2 hypermarkets and promotional activities, coordination between the emergency of 3, meticulous arrangement and management supervision and promotion of daily perform work! 4, to implement marketing and promotional plans to Achieve Inc's marketing objectives, complete the preparation and implementation of promotional activities in early 5, after the completion of the work! Activities are summarized and reviewed, sophisticated! 6, the promotion of new products and special display design work to develop sales promotion sales skills and sales ability to communicate, strengthen on the personnel management, and constantly improve everyone's loyalty, based on market analysis revised promotion plan, to complete the sales plan, adjust working centre to match the sales plan.


中文简历转化英文简历性别:男婚史:已婚 出生年月:1977 年10月生出生地:上海工作年限:10年----------------求职意向期望工作性质:全职 期望从事职业:销售行政专员/助理、渠道/分销总 怎样把中文简历翻译为英文简历? 英文简历该如何写才好?我已经写好了中文简历,请问英文简历是不是按中文的大概翻译一下,那中文一开头的姓名性别啊这些也要翻译一次吗?还是直接从正文开始大概翻译? 可以帮我翻译一下中文简历为英文简历吗? 英文简历这样的格式正式吗中文简历的格式基本上都是表格的形式,英文是不是直接一排下来的?这样的英文简历正规吗 急!帮忙将中文简历翻译成英文简历!谢谢各位高手了!如果感觉不错 追加财富值 英语翻译请把此话翻译成英语,“很高兴收到你的邮件,由于我正在更新英文简历,所以我将最新更新的中文简历先发给你,而英文简历估计需晚一些发给你,请见谅.保持联系.” 求教英文简历请问有做英文简历的高手吗?是不是把自己的中文简历翻译过来就好?还有什么要注意的地方吗?有愿意帮忙的可否留一下联系方式? 制作英文简历的问题面试要提供中英文简历,那么制作英文简历是否要先把自己的中文简历制作好然后再对应翻译下即可能否在面试时,中英文简历意思不是完全相同,不是对应翻译下来的那种 帮我把我的简历翻译成英文简历, 把这份中文简历翻译成英文简历,注意格式和语法把这份中文简历翻译成英文简历,注意英文语法和格式,翻译好后,可以直接发送,不用修改的,不用给我个网址让我自己去翻译.谢谢 50元翻译起价,简历翻译公司(英文简历翻译报价+求职简历翻译报价) 英文简历里的性别怎么写?男的,哪个词? 英文简历 简历中文翻译成英文 求职简历的性别是用Gender还是用sex 英语翻译帮我翻译一份英文简历,中文简历已经写好,在一起,就翻译一下,对着翻译就行了,最好是化工专业人士.,简历在邮箱[email protected]里面,密码是liu860323,就一封邮件附件下下来,发到liuboyon 英文简历模版简历是用表格的格式好还是别的个是好?请推荐以下,