根据以下内容写一段话.(英语)(用以下内容写我一天的生活)My day6;45 get up7:00 go to school4:30 exercise5:30 get home6:30 eat dinner7:30 do my homework10:00 go to bed(在时间的右边是相对应该做的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 17:53:16

根据以下内容写一段话.(英语)(用以下内容写我一天的生活)My day6;45 get up7:00 go to school4:30 exercise5:30 get home6:30 eat dinner7:30 do my homework10:00 go to bed(在时间的右边是相对应该做的
My day
6;45 get up
7:00 go to school
4:30 exercise
5:30 get home
6:30 eat dinner
7:30 do my homework
10:00 go to bed

根据以下内容写一段话.(英语)(用以下内容写我一天的生活)My day6;45 get up7:00 go to school4:30 exercise5:30 get home6:30 eat dinner7:30 do my homework10:00 go to bed(在时间的右边是相对应该做的
I am afraid of waking up late,so I always has an alarm on my bedside table and it is set at 6:45 in the morning.It is the time for me to getup.After wash up and have the breakfast,I leave my home to the shcool at 7:00.The traffic is not very good,thus I have to leave earlier.
To have a strong body,we have body exercise at 4:30 pm.Then,I go back home at 5:30 PM.Normally,I have the dinner with my parent after one hour.It is a happy time for us.One hour later,I start to work on my homework at 7:30 pm.To have enough sleep,I go to bed at 10:00pm.This is one day in my life..

根据以下内容写一段话.(英语加中文)(用以下内容写我一天的生活)My day6;45 get up7:00 go to school4:30 exercise5:30 get home6:30 eat dinner7:30 do my homewor 根据以下内容写一段话.(英语)(用以下内容写我一天的生活)My day6;45 get up7:00 go to school4:30 exercise5:30 get home6:30 eat dinner7:30 do my homework10:00 go to bed(在时间的右边是相对应该做的 根据以下内容写一段话.(英语)(用以下内容写我一天的生活)My day6;45 get up7:00 go to school4:30 exercise5:30 get home6:30 eat dinner7:30 do my homework10:00 go to bed(在时间的右边是相对应该做的 用以下几个词写一段话 用以下5种标点写一段话,.《 》 .: 请用以下词语写一段话 ( 拜访 消磨 梅花 自信) 用以下几个词语写一段话(在线等):始料不及 束手无策 为所欲为 在劫难逃 安家落户 物竞天择 用以上五个词语写一段话 用以下词语写一段话怎么写?请用:形影不离 欢声笑语 洋溢 温馨 朝夕相处 谆谆教诲写一段话. 用以下的词语任选两个写一段话 (三句以上) 慢慢地、轻轻地、渐渐地 用以下要求写一段话 不出现“热”字的文段里描写天气炎热 用以下词语任选三个写一段话 畅谈 神往 一叶孤舟 遥遥在望 用以下词语写一段话咆哮 放肆 狞笑 狂奔 势不可挡 别太长啊 用以下词语写一段话笼罩 模糊 弥漫 蒸腾 凝结 缀满 缭绕 淹没 写一处雪景 用以下成语任选6个写一段话:人迹罕至 人声鼎沸 来势汹汹 荒草凄凄 高枕而卧 可歌可泣 用以下单词写一段话grocery insist extremely introduce present treatment glance whisper approach gently 用以动衬静写一段话 用以下英语单词写一段话这是个英语跟生物题目.用以下10-15个单词写一段话.要求用此词性.不可以像,今天我学了这些单词.,这样的句子.单词是:natural selection fitness adaptation traits survival of the fit