The robber went( )the window last night A.across B.up C.through D.over
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 08:41:33
The robber went( )the window last night A.across B.up C.through D.over
The robber went( )the window last night A.across B.up C.through D.over
The robber went( )the window last night A.across B.up C.through D.over
选 C through
go through the window 穿过窗户
The robber went( )the window last night A.across B.up C.through D.over
The robber ( )a red car and went away是不是get into?
S( ) the robber turned around
run ___ the robber 怎么填写?
The robber _____(not find) so far.
A policeman came and___(catch)the robber.
The police are looking for the robber everywhere.同义句The police are______ everywhere______the robber .
The police were chasing the robber when the robber fired his gun.怎么翻译
—Have you heard from Jack_________? —Yes, he went to Japan on business last week. One night he returned to his hotel ______, and met with a robber in the street. He fought bravely. ________, the police came and the robber was seized. —Well, t
The police are searching the woods for a robber
the police---(look )for the robber aren't they
The robber robbed the bank _______force.jie ci tian kong.
The policeman _ a robber in the street
I asked the victime if he __(know) the robber
can you describe the robber's ____(大概的)appearance?
Jack was very b___ and he fought anainst the robber.