问大家几条英文题(急!今晚要用~)1.She is the best in her class(同义句)______________________________2.He is fastter than I.(两句同义句)____________________________________________________________

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 10:48:20

问大家几条英文题(急!今晚要用~)1.She is the best in her class(同义句)______________________________2.He is fastter than I.(两句同义句)____________________________________________________________
1.She is the best in her class(同义句)
2.He is fastter than I.(两句同义句)

问大家几条英文题(急!今晚要用~)1.She is the best in her class(同义句)______________________________2.He is fastter than I.(两句同义句)____________________________________________________________
1.She is the top one in her class.
2.I am slower than him./ He is quicker than me.

1.She is better than others in her class.
2.He is fastter than I am.
I am slower than he.

1.She is better than any other student in her class.
2.I'm slower than he

问大家几条英文题(急!今晚要用~)1.She is the best in her class(同义句)______________________________2.He is fastter than I.(两句同义句)____________________________________________________________ 问大家几条英文题(急!今晚要用~~~)1. Which is ________,Chinese or English.(difficulf)2. Who is______(最慢) .Tom runs_______(最慢)3. This was_______(最容易). He finish it_________(最容易)4. Lesson Two isnot so________(in 语文题(急,明天要交,请今晚十一点前告诉我)一、你知道有关诗歌的那些小知识?请搜搜集几条写下来.(要短一些)____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 《童年的萤火虫》(金翠华)阅读答案急急急急急急急,今晚用,大家帮帮忙!!!!!!!! 今晚流星雨几点?急 第二章 整式的加减(答案)急今晚要用,急选择、填空题 帮忙几条食物链.最少3条大家,帮忙说几条食物链.最少3条急!谢谢 用英文表示几条人生哲理. 英语翻译今晚要用的.急. 白居易 松树 赏析 急,今晚要用 急.今晚复习用 问大家几道地理题 三条直线两两相交,问同位角,内错角,同旁内角各几对?急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急! 英语翻译翻译、今晚要...急 怎样即兴英文话题论述 步骤和窍门~ 今晚要面试了 急急急! 给我们看他的邮票 这个短语用英文怎么说今晚就要,急死了! 1列长200M的火车,以10m/s的速度通过长6700m的大桥问火车全部在桥上的时间是多少,过大桥要多少时间很急今晚就要用算式表达1,2两问 我真的不会iya,问大家几道数学填空题,我真的要急死了!11又追分啊!1.某产品,先提价1/20,在降价1/20,现在价格与原来相比( ).2.把甲油桶的1/4倒入乙桶后,两桶油质量相等,原来乙桶油的质量是甲