急求关于waht do you think are the personality traits of a fine student?急求口语稿子,2分钟的就够了,谢谢
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急求关于waht do you think are the personality traits of a fine student?急求口语稿子,2分钟的就够了,谢谢
急求关于waht do you think are the personality traits of a fine student?
急求关于waht do you think are the personality traits of a fine student?急求口语稿子,2分钟的就够了,谢谢
) 大学最重要的,是给自己一个定位,就是自己到底喜欢些什么.要多读书多锻炼,无论你的课程多重,也应该挤出时间做些别的,因为兴趣隐藏着无限力量.
The most important thing about university is to find an orientation for yourself. That is to say, find out what you really like. You should read a lot of books and exercise a lot. Even if your course load is very heavy, you should still squeeze in some time to do other things, 'cause interest contains limitless power.
2) 永远记得,身体比成绩重要得多.
Always remember, your health is much more important than your grades.
3) 如果进了不喜欢或者不擅长的专业,可以抱怨,但是,如果能转系就转系,能坚持就坚持,只要你活下来,就能得到别人没有的财富.
If you enter a major that you don't like or aren't good at, it's okay to complain. But if you can switch departments then switch departments, if you can stick with it then stick with it; as long as you survive, you'll gain riches that others don't have.
4) 不要忽视社团,那里可以让你找到新生活.
Don't overlook clubs, because they can help you find new experiences.
5) 不要为了参加社团而参加.
Don't join clubs just to join them.
6) 网恋是游戏,很危险,所以最好拒绝深夜无聊的QQ陌生人,因为你不知道他是你的爸爸,奶奶,还是什么不认识的坏人.
Online romance is a game, and it's dangerous, so it's best to refuse to stay up late having boring online chats with strangers, because you never know if it's your father, your grandmother, or some scoundrel that you don't know!
7) 世界上最快乐的事情,莫过于帮助别人,然后再被别人尊敬.这就是我加入爱心社的原因.如果你去过老年公寓或者支教,你会明白的.虽然会有钉子碰,但更多的是温暖.
There's nothing on this earth that brings more happiness than helping others and earning their respect. This is why I joined the "Kindness Club". If you've been to an old folk's home, or taught in underprivileged areas, you understand. Even though you'll run into snags, the feeling of warmth makes it worth it.
8) 可能的话,去练武,如果你困惑,看看校园里横冲直撞的机动车,就知道软弱是多么悲哀的一件事.
If possible, practice martial arts. If you feel perplexed, take a look at the cars as they barge about the campus, and you'll realize how sorrowful it is to be weak and feeble.
9) 在自己强大的同时,保持谦逊,因为总有比你更强大的.
When you're at your strongest, maintain your modesty, because there are always those who are stronger than you.
10) 不要放弃玩的时间,有的时候,玩比书本更可贵.
Don't forget to leave time for play. Sometimes play can be more valuable than books.
11) 不要溜须拍马,阿谀奉承,热衷权力,就像某些学生一样.权力是个诱人的东西,正因为它诱人,所以才非常危险.
Don't fawn on others and hanker after power, as some students do. Power is alluring, and because it is alluring it is also extremely dangerous.
12) 最感人,却最容易被人忽视的,是对父母,对那些爱你和你爱的人的感情,还有你们之间美好的关系.
The most touching sort of feeling, yet the easiest to ignore, are the feelings you feel towards your parents, those who love you and those you love, as well as the wonderful relationships between you.
13) 对于男生而言,追求爱情没有错误,但是真正的爱是宽容,是体贴,是淡然,而不是一见之下轻易说出来的“我爱你”.爱同时是一种亲情.
As far as male students are concerned, pursuing love is not wrong. But true love is tolerant, considerate and cool, not rashly saying "I love you" at the first glance. At the same time, love is a form of affection.
14) 如果你没追上一个女生,就让她随便,你哭是可以的,但是不要等人家结婚了才想起来自己单身,记得,无论多好的女子,面对一个自己不爱的人,也不得不冷漠.
If you don't succeed in getting the girl, just let her go. You can cry, but don't wait until she marries to realize that you are single. Remember, no matter how great a girl she is, when facing someone she doesn't love, she can only feel cold and detached.
15) 网络游戏是毒品,如果你不怕死,或者意志够坚强,可以去玩.我遇到的人里,除了同寝室有一位,其他人还没有会不上瘾的.
Online games are a type of drug. If you don't fear death, or have a strong enough will, you can play them. Of all the people I've encountered―with the exception of one roommate―no one has failed to become addicted.
16) BBS上怒气冲天地吵架,是最愚蠢的行为,你也许会勃然大怒,但是记得,你气炸了肺,对手会笑开花.锋芒太刺眼的人往往没有好结果.
Expressing rage in arguments on a BBS is the stupidest form of behavior. You might get mad, but remember, when you explode with anger your adversary will start smiling. Aggressive and irritating people rarely end up with a good result.
17) 对于女生而言,感情并非生命的第一要务,更不要轻易献出自己,因为我是男生,了解那些自诩所谓不在乎贞洁的男生心理,他们可能是很可怕的.
As for girls, you shouldn't think that feelings are the most important things in life, let alone lightly give yourself out. Because I'm a male, I understand the mentality of those male braggarts who say they don't care about chastity, and they can be quite terrible.
发信人: Rommel, 信区: Freshman
Sender: Rommel Area: Freshman
标 题: 同学们在大学期间要保管好各种证件、证明
Subject: Credentials and documentation that classmates should take care not to lose
发信站: 北大未名站 (2004年06月16日12:32:09 星期三)
Forum: Peking University Weiming (06/16/2004)
Here's a list of things that are very important come graduation(=when graduation arrives; upon graduation): your student ID, your library card, your medical card, and the deposit slip for your accommodation.
If you don't have them, you'll be in trouble when graduation comes around, and quite a few bills will be pulled out of your pocket