
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 13:55:47


希望能帮到你Is it Rat or Mouse?
The Chinese word 鼠 can refer to either rat or mouse - there are no distinctive words for them. The illustrations in the Chinese Zodiac scripts depicted a common look of the two, or some look more like rat and others more like mouse. So the English translation “Rat” or “Mouse” is fine either way as both are common unisex nouns. We use “Rat” on this site because it has been widely used for Chinese Zodiac.
Is it Ox or Cow?
Similar to “Rat or Mouse” above, the Chinese word 牛 can refer to water buffalo, cattle, ox, etc. The illustrations in the Chinese Zodiac scripts often showed water buffalo as it was a common livestock in ancient central China, or sometimes it showed ox or cattle. We use “Ox” on this site because it has been widely used for Chinese Zodiac.
Is it Sheep, Goat or Ram?
Chinese word 羊 does not mean “goat” or “sheep” specifically. Goat was commonly illustrated in the Chinese Zodiac scripts, but modern zodiac books depict Sheep more often. We use “Sheep” on this site because it has been widely used for Chinese Zodiac. Goat is fine too, but Ram is not recommended as it refers to male sheep.
Is it Rooster or Chicken?
Although the Chinese word 鸡 (chicken) is a generic, unisex noun, the illustrations in Chinese Zodiac scripts always showed a male chicken, i.e., rooster. This is the only exception of all 12 Zodiac animals, possibly because rooster’s crown depicts chicken more distinctively so it is not mistaken for other birds. So We use “Rooster” on this site.
Is it Pig or Boar?
Pig is a commonly used unisex term, whereas Boar is a male pig. So, it is a no-brainer, “Pig”.

牛、老虎、兔子、蛇、马、猴子、鸡、的单词是什么? 牛,猴子,猫,兔子,狗,羊,鸡,老虎,老鼠,的英语简介.40个单次左右.写外貌等等都行...不用中文翻译,随便选4,5个写...重金!牛和老鼠和羊优先选择 老虎、兔子、猴子可能吃什么? 老鼠.---马--牛--猪--鸡--狗--蛇--老虎--兔子--羊--猴子--龙天涯海脚何处不在的动物,买一 双手的 动物是什么?90后 就别来了真的有代沟 动物会流泪吗【比如狗、牛、猫,老虎、猴子】 动物会流泪吗【比如狗、牛、猫,老虎、猴子】 老虎,猫,鼠,大象,狮子,猴子,兔子,狼一般寿命是多少啊? 狗、蛇、狮子、猴子、狐狸、猪、鼠、老虎、兔子、绵羊的性格特点分别是什么? 老山羊 狐狸 猴子 兔子的作文 什么动物可爱而且很厉害备注:不可以是猫、猪、青蛙、狼、蜘蛛、兔子、老虎、蜥蜴、狗、鸡、猴子、马、熊一定要非常可爱而且又带着一点凶猛(或者自己的某种特点,比如 聪明) 用猴子兔子老虎狐狸 编一个童话故事少一点 描写兔子,猴子,老虎的语段..马上就要, 兔子,龙,蛇,马,羊,猴子,鸡,狗,猪的成语! 按食性分类:人、老鼠、羊、老虎、牛、狮子、猫、鳄鱼、马、鲨鱼、狗、兔子(分草食性、肉食性和杂食性) 歇后语:老鼠给猫刮胡子- 水牛吃了萤火虫- 老虎头上拍苍蝇- 兔子拉车- 龙王爷的军队- 草丛里的眼镜蛇- 马脖子上挂铜铃- 羊羔吃奶- 猴子吃辣椒- 鸡脑袋上插鹅毛- 关于十二生肖的歇后语试卷上的一道题,老鼠过街?牛过合拽尾巴?老虎打架?兔子尾巴?龙王搬家?蛇吞大象?马尾做琴旋?羊身上剪驼毛?猴子爬竹竿?杀鸡动牛刀?狗捉老鼠?猪鼻孔里插大蒜?(问号代 给下列动物怎样分类猫头鹰 蝴蝶 燕子 长颈鹿 猴子 松鼠 螳螂 蜜蜂 鹦鹉 七星瓢虫 老虎 牛 蚊子 蚯蚓 猪 狼 羊 蝗虫 鸡 狮子 蝉 苍蝇 驴 鸽子 狗熊 鸭 啄木鸟 大象 兔子 蜻蜓 马野兽类:家禽 写出下列动物爱吃的食物名称(英文)1.老虎 2.兔子 3.猴子