1.relatives make their once-a -year visit to each other2.she arrived at the airport just about the time when it was due to check in3.i hate to set rules on anything.i like doing things whatever way i feel like to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 04:26:46

1.relatives make their once-a -year visit to each other2.she arrived at the airport just about the time when it was due to check in3.i hate to set rules on anything.i like doing things whatever way i feel like to
1.relatives make their once-a -year visit to each other
2.she arrived at the airport just about the time when it was due to check in
3.i hate to set rules on anything.i like doing things whatever way i feel like to

1.relatives make their once-a -year visit to each other2.she arrived at the airport just about the time when it was due to check in3.i hate to set rules on anything.i like doing things whatever way i feel like to
relatives make their once-a -year visit to each other
she arrived at the airport just about the time when it was due to check in
.i hate to set rules on anything.i like doing things whatever way i feel like to

1 亲戚们门年走动一次
2 她到达机场的时候刚好赶上检票
3 我讨厌对所有的事情作出规定. 我喜欢用自己的方式做事

i used to lie in the dark and make up relatives that i didn't have what can you do to make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guest list for your party I used to lie in the dark and make up relatives that I didn't have.这里的make up是作幻想解释吗 people in the west make_ a rule to buy christmas presents for their relatives and friends .people in the west make it a rule to buy christmas presents for their relatives and friends .此处为何用it people in the west make it a rule to buy christmas presents for their relatives and friends .这句话的中文意思是什么? 1.relatives make their once-a -year visit to each other2.she arrived at the airport just about the time when it was due to check in3.i hate to set rules on anything.i like doing things whatever way i feel like to people usually visit their relatives at the Spring festyival visit their relatives 划线提问. 高分求按要求写一篇英语口语(100分)1.what factors may weaken one's memory?2.can you describe some possible advantages of having a poor memory?3.What can you do to make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guest list for your 1.what can you do make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guset li2.what study habits seems to be common among successful students?3.what do you think of lives of single mother?4.what course are useful for one's job?5.why do some people t 请帮忙用英语回答这些回答这些问题,1.what can you do make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guset list for your birthday party 2.what study habits seems to be common among successful students?3.what do you think of lives of I miss you,the relatives Beyond the horizon! 求教高一英语题People in the west make ( )a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friend ...A,that B,it C,this D,the thing How did relatives of MH370 passengers__after hearing the plane probably crashed in the ...后面省略懒得打字了选项有find out make out reach out come out选哪个? often,relatives,visit,we,our,the,at,weekends连句 1、We____(meet)our relatives at the aieport next Monday. The old man has few relatives.反义疑问句 what can you do to make sure all your relatives and friends are on the guest list for your birthday要求以这个为题写一篇作文,各位才子才女们,分给得不多,凑合凑合 it means people give presents to each other to make their relatives and frie