将下面短语造句扫地sweep the floor 为…做准备get ready for,be ready for 工作at work,春节Spring Festival,听老师讲listen to the teacher,做饭cook the meal,做卫生do some cleaning 购物do some shopping,做阅读do some reading

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 18:12:01

将下面短语造句扫地sweep the floor 为…做准备get ready for,be ready for 工作at work,春节Spring Festival,听老师讲listen to the teacher,做饭cook the meal,做卫生do some cleaning 购物do some shopping,做阅读do some reading
扫地sweep the floor 为…做准备get ready for,be ready for 工作at work,
春节Spring Festival,听老师讲listen to the teacher,做饭cook the meal,
做卫生do some cleaning 购物do some shopping,做阅读do some reading
扫去sweep away,观光 游览do some sightseeing,好运good luck,
坏运bad luck,在午夜at midnight ,一整年all the year round,
在元旦那天on New Year’s Day,穿上put on,几天a few days,
一种a kind of ,买衣服buy clothes,给某人某物give sb.sth.,give sth.to sb
.从…得到get….from,对…感兴趣be interested in,上节钢琴课havea piano lesson,
one’s homework 在工作 be at work,be working,
查看我的电子邮件check my e-mail,复习准 备考试revise for a test,呆在床上 stay in bed,
野餐have a picnic,参加聚会go to a party,在周末at the weekend,
听音乐listen to music,在晚上,in the evening 几个 a few,
在周六下午on Saturday afternoon 早起get up early,在一个朋友家里at a friend’s home,
期待look forward to doing sth.,登长城walk up the Great Wall,中国文化Chinese cultrue,
外国文化foreign culture 躺在沙滩上lie on the beach,想做某事want to do sth.,
想要某人做事want sb.to do sth.与某人交朋友make friends with sb.,外出go out,
去骑自行车go cycling,去购物go shopping,去游泳,go swimming
从…到from…to,做计划make plans,坐飞机take the plane,
环游世界travel around the world,下周末next weekend,玩电脑游戏play computer games,
坐公共汽车take a bus,坐小汽车take a car ,坐自行车ride a bike,
举办晚会have a party,在将来in the future,把某物寄给某人,send sth.to sb.
在电脑上on a computer,在家里学习study at home,我不确定,I’m not Sure,.
通过电子邮件by email,没有一个人no one,在黑板上on the blackboard ,
在每张桌子上on every desk,变暖get warm,坏天气bad weather,
在秋天in autumn,在夏天in summer,在春天in sring,
在冬天in winter,强风strong winds,大雨heavy rain,
许多热水lots of hot water 做枯燥的工作do dull jobs,做繁重的工作do heavy work,
一周三天three days a week,长假long holidays ,在农场on a farm,

将下面短语造句扫地sweep the floor 为…做准备get ready for,be ready for 工作at work,春节Spring Festival,听老师讲listen to the teacher,做饭cook the meal,做卫生do some cleaning 购物do some shopping,做阅读do some reading
I often sweep the floor .
I has got ready for/been ready for the test.
I am at work.
Spring Festival is a important festival.
Please listen to the teacher.
I often cook the meal.
I often do some cleaning

将下面短语造句扫地sweep the floor 为…做准备get ready for,be ready for 工作at work,春节Spring Festival,听老师讲listen to the teacher,做饭cook the meal,做卫生do some cleaning 购物do some shopping,做阅读do some reading 4.让我们轮流扫地.汉译英.let's take _____ ______ sweep the floor. 关于英语短语和名词的用法1、名词表示单数时,前面必须要有冠词对吗?那么如果写短语“扫地”时,是应该说“sweep the floor”还是“sweep floor”?如果写洗脸是写“wash face”还是“wash my face”2 拖地是不是mop the floor,可不可以用clean the floor,扫地是不是sweep the floor?请举例!怎样学习英语 扫地,做饭,倒垃圾,浇花,打扫房间的音标是什么?sweep the floor ,是这个扫地,clean the room ,是这个打扫房间 Sweep the sweep the sweep.the. Sweep the 英语卷I cen sweep the floor划线句子提问?(在sweep the floor下面提问) 急用 ...下面几个短语造句!The same asto help do make doto help withto kake 用sweep the floor造句,狠急,用英语造句,注上中文, 我相信机器人将能帮助我们扫地 I believe robots will ___ ___我相信机器人将能帮助我们扫地I believe robots will ___ ___ ___ help us to sweep the floor. I can sweep the Let.Me sweep.The sweep the table sweep the floor是扫地的意思,那扫地怎么读?请各位在回答的时候,加一点关于扫地英语的相关汉字!最后一个请求:就帮我看看put away (整理)和wash thedishes(洗盘子)知道那个就打哪个,加一点关 短语造句