改正下面句子以这两个为例句:what does he look like he is tall what does she like she is cleverwhat does your dad look like he is pretty tallwhat is your teacher like?she is very friendly and kindwhat is your dog like?he is like cleverwh

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 19:38:53

改正下面句子以这两个为例句:what does he look like he is tall what does she like she is cleverwhat does your dad look like he is pretty tallwhat is your teacher like?she is very friendly and kindwhat is your dog like?he is like cleverwh
改正下面句子以这两个为例句:what does he look like he is tall what does she like she is clever
what does your dad look like he is pretty tall
what is your teacher like?she is very friendly and kind
what is your dog like?he is like clever
what does your mum look like she wears glasses and has long black hair
what is your sister like?she is young and has blonde hair

改正下面句子以这两个为例句:what does he look like he is tall what does she like she is cleverwhat does your dad look like he is pretty tallwhat is your teacher like?she is very friendly and kindwhat is your dog like?he is like cleverwh
Your father figure what's it look like?He is very tall
What is your teacher like?She is very friendly and kind
What is your dog?He is clever
Your mother's appearance is what kind of?She wore glasses and has black hair
What is your sister look like?She is very young,has blonde hair

初二英语改病句!在线等改正下面句子以这两个为例句:what does he look like ?he is tall what does she like ?she is clever what does your dad look like ?he is pretty tallwhat is your teacher like?she is very friendly and kindwha 改正下面句子以这两个为例句:what does he look like he is tall what does she like she is cleverwhat does your dad look like he is pretty tallwhat is your teacher like?she is very friendly and kindwhat is your dog like?he is like cleverwh 下面是一学生按照例句,通过想象,以“音乐”为陈述对象仿写的句子,句子中有错别字,也有不恰当的地方.请找出(用符号表示)并加以改正.例句:寓言是一座奇特的桥梁,通过它,又可以从单 依照下面的例句,运用比喻手法,以“爱心”为话题再写一个句子例句:理想是是,敲出星星之火;理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯. 依照下面例句,以不同的职业开头,写出两个与例句相同的句子.例句:护士犹如天使,捧出自己的爱心,温暖了每个病人.(1)(2) 以“历史”与“时间”为本体,写两个句子,有例句.例句:历史是一艘行进的船,时间是一张网.仿句:1.( )2.( ) 请回答下面问题(要有新意):1.请以“父爱”为题写两个比喻句.父爱是( ),让你的身心( );父爱是( ),让你的灵魂( ).2.请仿照例句再写一个句子.例句:春天鸟儿欢叫,夏天野花盛 请以人生为开头,仿照例句再写两个句子,使之与例句共同构成排比修辞格例句:人生是一部漫长的小说,浪漫中揉着悲哀,成功中伴着失败,酸甜苦辣,曲折生动 圈出下面句子中的错误,并把改正后正确的句子写出来:What subject do you good at? 以“梦想与现实”为内容,写两个句子.仿照下面的例句.要用到比拟和对偶的手法 太阳热烈,奔放,带着万丈光芒,给生灵以活力,月亮温馨,宽容,带着无际清静,给万物以安宁. 仿照例句,再续写两个句子 用修改符号的改正下面句子 改正下面句子中用错的关联词 请一“梦想与现实”为内容,仿照下面的例句写两个句子.要用到比拟和对偶的手法 太阳热烈,奔放,带着万丈光芒,给生灵以活力,月亮温馨,宽容,带着无际清静,给万物以安宁. 请分别以“成功”和“失败”为开头,仿照下面的示例写两个句子.要求与例句的修辞和句式一致.示例:酷夏热情、奔放,以百倍的干劲把岁月赶向硕秋;寒冷冷漠、孤独,在冰冷的世界里被梅 发挥你的想象,仿照下面例句,以”音乐“为陈述对象,仿写一个句子例句:寓言是一座奇特的桥梁,通过它,又可以从单纯走向丰富.音乐是:____________________________________________________________________ 下面句子中有一处错误,指出并改正 What's the weather likes?Do you play a instrument? 仿写句子.请以‘小学、中学、大学’为内容,仿照下面句子另写四个句子.要求用比喻例句如下童年时一张白纸,青年是一篇诗歌,中年是一本散文,