帮忙看下这篇雅思作文多少分请直接说我现在的水平是多少分,因为后天就考试了,不要说改了后能得多少分,并且指出主要的错误,题目“Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 20:26:30

帮忙看下这篇雅思作文多少分请直接说我现在的水平是多少分,因为后天就考试了,不要说改了后能得多少分,并且指出主要的错误,题目“Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type
题目“Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime.Others,however,argue that the circumstances of an individual crime,and the motivation for committing it ,should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.”
My composition:
It is acknowledged that people who commit a crime should be punished.However,a over-heated discussion about what should people consider when deciding the punishment of a crime has attracted close attention of all walks of life.Quite a number of people advocate that there should be fixed punishments for each kind of crime.Some different voices,however,arise to reveal the severe consequences we are confronted with accordingly,if we do not consider the circumstances of one crime.It is necessary to give a further view at the both opinions.
Initially,fixed punishments have a fairly long history in numerous countries,their adventages are apparent.For instance,they give a warning to all the citizens that if they committed a crime,they would be punished.Moveover,they are more convenient,for the judgements do not need to take any special circumstances into account,although it is unfair in some specific situations.
On the contrary,opponents suggest that circumstances of every crime as well as the motivation for committing it should always be considered.They also have made some well-reasoned arguements.For example,if a person did something against the law merely in order to protect himself or other people,they should not be punished as the way we punished the person who crime for his personal interests.Besides,only in this method,from their perspective,can we guarantee the development of a well-organized modern society.
I am compeletily with the later opinion,I think in that way we will live a wonderful life.Above all,I realize the reasons of an individual crime might be extremely complex,therefore,in no means should we use the fixed punishments.Further more,we will hardly clear about what should be defined as a certain type of crime,such as murder?That category is too general.
In summary,how should an individual crime be punished is a question that can only answered on a case-by-case basis,people involved should carefully weigh up the pros and cons of new developments before reaching a conclusion.

帮忙看下这篇雅思作文多少分请直接说我现在的水平是多少分,因为后天就考试了,不要说改了后能得多少分,并且指出主要的错误,题目“Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type

帮忙看下这篇雅思作文多少分请直接说我现在的水平是多少分,因为后天就考试了,不要说改了后能得多少分,并且指出主要的错误,题目“Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type 考四分雅思我现在想去考雅思四分,现在先掌握词量,四分需要多少的单词量呢?我每天必须掌握多少个词才够,我目前一天一百个.这样的进度怎么样?请高手点评下. 雅思对了31道阅读理解是多少分听力,阅读对多少是5分,6分,7分,请分别给我说一下 我的雅思作文帮忙批改 评分 我大一四级660,雅思,GMAT能考多少分?请考过四六级,雅思或GMAT的前辈帮忙~~我大一参加09年6月四级660分,大二上学期考六级.我知道四级和雅思,GMAT模式很不一样,很难比较(我口语应该属于同等笔 我现在正在读初一,但是想直接读初三,可不可以呢,请各位帮忙! 8月17日雅思作文我脑子抽风了 上来把黑色看成2000年 所有的时间都写反了 这会扣多少分啊…… 我要哭死了!求作文老师帮忙分析一下 雅思7分写作下载地址本人写作方面特别差,但是在从最基本的学期又有些小题大做,所以我决定直接攻雅思7分写作,但是本人现在身在国外,买不到什么书籍之类的,所以只好从网上搜了,请各位 我雅思考了5.5 阅读6 听力6 口语 作文都是4.5 一个月要到6分 难么?要报班的话我想只包口语和写作的 有没有好的班(济南的)请顺便说下价格 和 上大约多少时间好么..作文 和口语 从4.5 到 6 雅思作文大作文跑题能得多少分 ((你说我说他说))这个作文题目请帮忙分析一下. 雅思8月28号作文预测请高人帮忙预测下哪方面的可能性大,好有个重点,现在作文只是泛泛复习,没有重点抓 雅思作文备考用什么参考书比较好现在看到很多人说雅思八分作文和胡敏的八分作文,请问这两本书怎么样,还有其他的书可以参考吗? 现在要去荷兰大学雅思需要多少分? 求雅思写作单项在6.5以上的同学交流下经验哈!我英语基础很一般,考前需要练习写大概多少篇雅思写作?我需要雅思写作单项在6分以上,大作文我已经写了,每个类型一篇共14篇,现在写的过程中 雅思复习多久能考到6分?我现在要陪读,需要雅思6分? 雅思小作文只写了一半,大作文写完了,能得多少分?上次考试雅思小作文只写了第一段,说了一下我要说什么话题,大作文一般,有字数不够的嫌疑(大约差了二十多个词),得了3.5,这次是小作文 gre作文分数我写了篇托福雅思gre的作文,怎么才能知道大概能的多少分?