
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 14:11:20

A.男 B.女
A.很了解 B. 比较了解 C.不了解
A.步行 B.自行车 C.公交车 D.摩托车 E.小车
A.不关机,也许等以下什么时候就会用到 B.关机,要用到的时候再开机
A.E-mail B.打印成纸质稿
A亲戚朋友同学互相传播B.专业环保机构的宣传 C.电视、广播、互联网、杂志等媒体宣传
A.节能灯 B.白炽灯 C.日光灯
A.从来不带 B.有时带,但次数很少 C.大多数时候带 D.总是带
A.已经很脏了,直接倒掉 B.留着擦地板/冲厕所等二次使用
A.没用了,丢掉算了 B.留着装垃圾或者其他东西,进行二次或三次利用 11.您用一次性制品的频率
A.没用过 B.坚决不用 C.偶尔用到 D.需要采用 E.经常用
A.累计到一定量的再洗 B.随换随洗
A.经常开着,并且温度很低 B.热的不行了就开着.温度调的很低 C.热的不行了就开着,温度控制在24℃-27℃ D.经常开着,温度控制在24℃-27℃

Low carbon life questionnaire survey
Dear friends:
Hello! This questionnaire is a university students' social practice questionnaire, is concerned with the low carbon life situation is put forward, and hope that you can fill in the questionnaire of objective truth, this survey completely using anonymous way, I promise never to your study and life bring any negative effects, the results of the survey will only be used for academic research. Thank you!
1. Your gender
A. male b. female
2. You now for society advocated "the low carbon life, energy conservation and emission reduction" to know? *
A. very understanding b. understand better C. Don't know
3. When you travel time, generally choose which traffic way?
A. b. C. Walk bicycle bus d. motorcycle E. The car
4. When you do not need to use computer
A. if you don't, maybe under such as what time will be used b. shutdown, should be used to turn on
5. When you need to pass a lot information or documents when you choose the:
A.E E-mail b. print into paper draft
6. Your main is how to know to low carbon way of life?
A relatives and friends spread my classmates b. professional environmental agency propaganda C. Television, radio, and the Internet, magazines and other media
7. The lamp of your home is?
A. b. c. incandescent lamp energy-saving fluorescent lamp
8. Plastic limit to has been in force for a very long time, if you get to go to the supermarket shopping with the bag or recycle plastic bags take the habit of plastic bags?
A. never took B sometimes take, but few C. Most of the time the number with D. Always take
9. Wash your clothes or wash dishes used water such as how to handle?
A. is dirty, direct away b. keep clean the floor/flush the toilet A second use
10. With a plastic bag, you if disposal?
A. and useless, lose well b. leave garbage or other things, dressed in secondary or three times by using disposable products with 11. Your frequency
A. used b. resolutely need not use d. c. occasionally need to adopt E. Often use
12. You wash his clothes frequency
A. cumulative to A certain amount of again wash b. with wash with change
13. Enter your home air conditioning, since the summer
A. often open, and temperature is low b. hot not just open. The low temperature of the heat of the die cristiano is open, temperature control in 24 ℃-27 ℃ d. often open, temperature control in 24 ℃-27 ℃
14. (law) the following what you know is can reduce carbon emissions?
A cotton clothes than nylon clothes production process more less carbon dioxide emissions
B than natural gas more environmentally friendly solar energy
C reduce the meat intake can reduce carbon emissions
D sundry in your car trunk will increase emissions of carbon dioxide
15. For low carbon life, what are your opinions or Suggestions?
This is the end of this questionnaire, thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire.