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And It Was So
prolusion:Ladies and gentlemen,do you believe in God?Today we are going to tell a story about the Goddess.
Story-teller:Long ,long ago there was a goddess.She created the mule.(and the goddess pointed the mule,the mule began to move.The mule look around)
Mule:who am
Goddess:(smile)My dear,you will be a mule.
Mule:Mule?What’s that?
Goddess:That’s your name.And you should work whole day long.
Mule:What shall I eat?You know whatever we do,we needs energy.
Goddess:Grass.But I think you will be foolish.And you will live for 50 years.
Mule:No,No ,No.50 is too long for me to work.Can you give me no more than 20.
Story-teller:The Goddess thought for a while.
Goddess:Er.Yes.That’s all right.
Mule:thank you.I’ll try my best to finish it.
Story-teller:And it was so.The next day,the goddess created a dog.
Goddess:You will be a dog,my dear.
Dog:You mean a watchdog?
Goddess:That’s right.How clever you are!
Dog:But I didn’t want to be a watchdog.It’s so boring
Goddess:No,my dear.You will find it interesting.You will be a good friend with your master.And you will be submissive,too.
Dog:OK.What should I eat then?You know,my dear Goddess everyone need to eat.
Goddess:You will eat his table leftovers.
Dog:That’s terrible!How long will I like to be this?
Goddess:About 25 years.
Story-teller:The dog didn’t feel well,so he said to her Goddess.
Dog:Oh,my dear goddess.I’m only a watchdog.25 years is too long for me to live.Neither the watchdog or the other kinds of dogs need it.Please take 10 years away.
Story-teller:And it was so.The following days,Goddess created a monkey.
Goddess:You are a monkey You are so clever.You shall swing from one tree to another,acting strange.
Monkey:You mean I shall do acrobatic show to people and give them relaxation.
Goddess:And you will live for 20 years.
Monkey:Sorry,I didn’t catch what you said.You mean 20 years?
Goddess:Yes.Monkey:Good heavens!It’s heavy enough.Please give me only ten years to do that.
Story- teller:And it was so.Finally,she created human being.He is the luckiest being that have ever been built.
Goddess:You are a woman.The greatest being in the world.You are different from any other kind of animals.
Woman:Thank you.By the way,why am I greatest?
Goddess:You have brain.You can think over problem and difficulty.But you must change the world into peace,beautiful and modern.
Woman:I will take your advice.
Goddess:But you will live for 20 years.
Woman:20 years is so little that I can’t do more things by myself.It’s unfair.
Goddess:You are telling the truth.I will give you 20 years that the mule refused,the 15 years that the dog refused.
Woman:I’m genuinely sorry that it isn’t more.
Goddess:Oh,I think I should give you 10 years that the monkey refused.
Story-teller:And it was so.God made human being to live 20 years as a man,then marry and live 20 years like a mule working carrying heavy loads on his back.(shoulder) Then,he is to have children and live 15 years as a dog,guarding his house for its protection and eating the leftovers; then,in his old age,to live 10 years as a monkey,acting strange to amuse his grandchildren.

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