some thing like that翻成中文是什么意思?帮个忙,THANKS

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 02:16:02

some thing like that翻成中文是什么意思?帮个忙,THANKS
some thing like that翻成中文是什么意思?帮个忙,THANKS

some thing like that翻成中文是什么意思?帮个忙,THANKS


前面一定说了什么,又不太确定,所以说something like that,大概是那样

所以请大家帮个忙,我参考一下,然后进行适当修改就行了。现在告诉你们作文Over the years, I feel like that I have changed a lot, and

some thing like that翻成中文是什么意思?帮个忙,THANKS it seems that there really is such a thing like bequeathedcriminal human naturewithin some of us.怎么翻译 thing like that意思,举例今晚就要! thing that people like to do.是什么意思 would you like some thing to have能不能这样说 it seems that there really is such a thing like bequeathedcriminal humannaturewithin some of us.句尾within some of us.怎么翻译好?some of =some吗 Would you like some thing to eat?Id like some tea.错在哪里? why'd canada do some kinda thing like...annual seal hunt?i mean,why?canada seems so gorgeous without that...anyone knows? it was because the same thing like that on yesterday. it's c__.who would do a thing like that HDU 1039Problem DescriptionPassword security is a tricky thing.Users prefer simple passwords that are easy to remember (like buddy),but such passwords are often insecure.Some sites use random computer-generated passwords (like xvtpzyo),but users have HDU 1039Problem DescriptionPassword security is a tricky thing.Users prefer simple passwords that are easy to remember (like buddy),but such passwords are often insecure.Some sites use random computer-generated passwords (like xvtpzyo),but users have i like to thing up some maths problems for them.I like to thing up some maths problems for them.其中think up是不是词组? 英语翻译I'm quite sorry I wad not able to get that due to some wired thing on my pc not being able to scroll Down to see what you typed I would like to be your friend Somebody to some thing some thing about..sdhuin Some thing about 李孝恭 Why should we say like this?When we met with some accident,we may say:Why me?Why couldn't that truck have hit someone else?This is the last thing I need right now.But why should we say like this?What does the last sentence This is the last thing I n