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莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地(Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi मोहनदास करमचंद गाँधी, 1869年10月2日-1948, January 30), also known as "Mahatma Gandhi", the Indian nationalist movement and Congress Party leaders. He is India's Sun Yat-sen, is also India's greatest political leaders. He lead the country towards independence, from British colonial rule. His "non-violent" philosophy, that is, he said the "satyagraha", impact on the world's nationalists and those who seek peaceful change of the international campaign.
Through "non-violent" non-cooperation of citizens, Gandhi, India from the British rule. It also inspired the other colonies to the people for their independence struggle. Ultimately the British Empire collapsed, replaced by the Commonwealth or, more accurately point is Federation (because "the British" prefix in 1946 and has not become the Commonwealth of Nations). Gandhi's main belief is "satyagraha", English to soul force, which means "spiritual force" and "the road of truth" and "the pursuit of truth." This inspired other pro-democracy movement, such as Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and others. He often said that he values is very simple, that is (from the traditional Hindu belief to the evolution): truth (satya), non-violence (ahimsa).
Early career
Gandhi was born in the West Indian port city of Porbandar (India was a state soil, this is a state of Gujarat jurisdiction) of the Hindu family, his father, Karamchand Gandhi (Karamchand Gandhi) is At that time, the Prime Minister state soil. His mother, Putlibai, his father's fourth wife. They are the descendants of traders ( "Gandhi" means the food business). 13-year-old, he and the Kasturbai Tongsui married. They have four children, all boys. Harilal Gandhi, born in 1888; Manilal Gandhi, born in 1892; Ramdas Gandhi, born in 1897; smallest Devdas Gandhi, born in 1900.
1888, which is his 19-year-old, schooling in the United Kingdom, University College in London studying law. While in London, he abide by the Indian when he left his mother to his teachings, not Chihun and alcohol abuse. Although he tried to Britain, for example, on the dance courses, but he did not eat his wife to his landlord mutton and cabbage. He introduced her to a vegetarian restaurant in London, where Gandhi to understand and become a vegetarian who. This can be considered to be a conscious choice of his non-violent first step. He participated in the vegetarian societies, and was elected member of the Executive Committee, he also set up a local branch. According to him, to his organization and operation of societies very valuable experience. He encountered the vegetarian, some are Shenzhi members of society. Xue Shen Zhi Societies from Madame Blavatsky established in 1875 as a university extension of the Brotherhood. Their commitment to learning Indian Buddhism and Brahmanism a classic. They encouraged Gandhi to read "Bhagavad." At this point, Gandhi also did not convert to religion, but read on the Hindu, Catholic and other religious writings.
After returning home, he has made the British Empire Bar. He tried to work as a lawyer in Bombay. But work has not improved.
South Africa, the civil rights movement
April 1893, Gandhi sent an Indian company to work in South Africa. He saw that Indian immigrants in South Africa, civil liberties and political rights to a large extent be deprived of the status quo, it is discouraged. These migrants are mainly contract workers and individual businessmen. So he began to protest and lobbying against the Indians against South Africa the legal and racial discrimination. It was therefore criticized him for not extend to protest against the laws of all Africans. In his in South Africa early, there is one thing often instituted. That is, he bought a first-class train ticket, for refusing to third-class compartments were in the train from Pietermaritzburg threw out. June 1903, Gandhi organized a protest movement against the "black law" (The Black Act), the Act make it mandatory for all Asians in South Africa's registration.
1906, Gandhi, the first non-cooperation, and promote non-violent ideology. He led the Indians to the South African authorities cancelled a protest against the illegal Indians the right to vote the proposal, held a demonstration, the Indians collected the signatures, and then set up the Congress Party - the first South African Indians for a civil rights organization. He called on the Indians not to board the South African authorities and Fingerprinting plot, and organized his followers and the South African railway workers to strike, the South African authorities against the oppression of the railway workers. Some Indians because of strikes or demonstrations were arrested, Gandhi put their families together. He from a number of rich people in India and raised the money for them have set up a 1,100 acres of farm land, so that these families live there in a new, simple life of the workforce.
September 1913, he participated in a protest in accordance with the Catholic ceremony of marriage invalid on the campaign.
November 6, 1913, Gandhi was arrested, he is leading a group of Indian miners in South Africa procession. 1914, the Government promised to reduce South Africa to the Indians of discrimination.
In South Africa these years, Gandhi from "Bhagavad" and Lev Tolstoy's works draw inspiration. Tolstoy in the 19th century changes in the 1980s has become a personal form of Christian anarchist. Gandhi translated Tolstoy's "Letter to an Indian." The letter is addressed to Tolstoy in 1908 a radical nationalists in India. They have communication to the 1910 death of Tolstoy. Tolstoy's letter cited the "Weida as" the Indian philosophy and Hindu god Vishnu's famous quote to express his gradually rising nationalism in India's views. In addition, Gandhi has also been works of American writer Henry David Thoreau, "On the civil disobedience" inspired. In short, the years in South Africa, Gandhi is as a period of the formation of social and political activists. At this time non-violent civil disobedience and resistance to the concept and technology began to take shape.
A time of war, Gandhi returned to India, where he launched the campaign, calling on Indians to participate in the British Indian Army. He believes that this performance will be loyal to Britain to the United Kingdom agreed that the British Empire in India as an autonomous form of government of India to achieve self-government. However, this did not succeed.
Indian independence movement
One after the war, he participated in the Congress of the independence movement. He cited his civil disobedience and non-cooperation, and the hunger strike, and other political views, access to worldwide attention. He was arrested by British authorities on many occasions. For example, on March 18, 1922, because of his leadership of the civil disobedience sentence of six years, but only served two years.
Gandhi's other successful strategies of the independence movement there swadeshi policy, that is, boycott foreign-made goods, especially British products. Related to this is also available on all the Indians he should wear Tubu publicity. Oppose the use of British cloth. Gandhi said India's advocacy of women, rich or poor, should spend a certain amount of time each day weaving, to support the independence movement. At that time, many people believe that these independent campaigns these things, not suitable for the participation of women. Gandhi's strategy of women to join the independence movement in the past.
The 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, he supported a more independent stand firm. At that time, the British Government and the Gorkha mercenaries to peaceful political gatherings of people shot, hundreds of Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims have been killed. Apart from the boycott of British products, Gandhi also strongly encourage people to boycott British schools, legal institutions, dismissed the government work and refused to pay taxes and abandon the United Kingdom to the title and honor.
April 1920, he was elected Chairman of the Indian Self-Government League. December 1921, he was awarded the National Congress Party alliance in the implementation of representatives. Under his leadership, the party reorganization, development of a new constitution. New Constitution provides his goal is to strive for independence. Anyone who paid a nominal fee to join the party. To the rules and disorderly and chaotic management of the campaign committee of the hierarchical structure has been established. Congress Party from an elite organization change has become a popular political party.
1922, in Chauri Chaura, Uttar Pradesh after the outbreak of violence, Mahatma Gandhi suspended his disobedience campaign. He shift social activities. Ajmedabad established in Sabarmati Ashram (monk self-cultivation), the newspaper "young India" (Young India). He was trampling on the history of the caste fight for equal rights, especially for the untouchables (what he called "God's children") to the right.
Gandhi once again participate in the independence movement in 1930. He then called on the Congress Party that he led another large-scale civil disobedience campaign. He therefore in 1930 of March 21 to April 6 leadership of the most famous of his life in a campaign to protest against the colonial government — the public sale of salt, Gandhi Ahmedabad from Delhi to the procession of 400 km , Is called the procession of Delhi (or "salt Team"). Thousands of people walk to the sea salt from their own government rather than to pay tax.
He returned to India in 1915 and quickly become engaged in the independence movement are the leaders of the Congress Party. Through a joint boycott of British goods, Gandhi in India to promote rural industrial development, while non-violent resistance through advocacy, to curb terrorist activities of the tyrannical, although he can not stop these terrorist activities.
Although he often attacked the British Government, but he has been a statement he respected the British. So the British are also admired him, although they do not understand the work of the internal Gandhi.
Gandhi began wearing a Yaobu wrapped around the countryside in India, four lectures, encouraging the use of hand Fangche to lift India to Lancashire (Lancashire) rely on the textile mill.
May 8, 1933, Gandhi began a hunger strike 21 days of the British Government of India's oppression. The summer of 1934, he conducted his life in three unsuccessful hunger strike. March 3, 1939 he again hunger strike in Bombay, India's dictatorial rule.
Gandhi, the Congress Party in the choice of his successor is Nehru, the prime minister is later. Nehru and his political opponents Sardar Patel for the independence of India那条Road publicly admitted taking a different view. But Gandhi, Nehru believed that more can be established to protect the people of India.
He was in 1922, 1930, 1933 and 1942 for four times, started a hunger strike in prison through his disobedience movement of civilization. 1931 went to London to participate in the future of India a round table, but no results. To 1942, he believed that independent India is the only possible way out. He and the British in India last two-term Governor (Archibald Po Xiwa Erweiweier and Louis Mountbatten) to cooperate in establishing the independence and partition of India programme, in the August 15, 1947 announcement. At this time, many of Gandhi's followers began known as "Saint-hung."
During World War II
In 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded Poland during World War II broke out. Although Gandhi of sympathy for the victims of fascist aggression, with the Republican Congress Party comrades after careful consideration, declared that India would not support the surface, is fighting for freedom and the war, even though India was still not free. He claimed that if India can be an independent after the war, he fought side by side with the United Kingdom. The British Government's response is entirely negative, and they also tried to India's Hindus and Muslims between the cracks created. In World War II, when Gandhi's independence demands have become more support. He drafted a British withdrawal from India in the draft. This immediately triggered a draft of the history of India's one of the biggest independence movement. The campaign has led to many arrests and the unprecedented scale of violence. Gandhi and his supporters clearly said that if India can not be independent, do not support the war. At this time, he even hinted that he would like to end his support of non-violence can not be shaken. He said: "He's not around this orderly than the real government is still no government." So he was on August 9, 1942 in Mumbai arrested by British troops, closed two years.
Gandhi that the establishment of self-government of the slow progress, and therefore strengthened the British government's resistance. He was arrested in the regular prison. 1942 during the Second World War, he claimed that the anti-fascist alliance can only get the support of independent India. This is his last imprisonment.
India-Pakistan partition and the assassination of
Gandhi of India's Hindus and Muslims have a major impact. It is said that once he makes one appear on both sides of the conflict subsided. He strongly opposed to any of India's proposal is divided into two countries.
He advocated Hindu and Muslim unity and cooperation, promote social improvement, moral self-improvement and the spirit of probation. After World War II, Gandhi hoped that India would become an independent and complete country, but in the end, in order to Indian independence, Mahatma Gandhi to accept India and Pakistan were independent of the programme, Pakistan became an independent Muslim country. The handover of the day, Gandhi did not celebrate India's independence, but alone in Calcutta for the partition and sadness.
He accepted some people dissatisfied with the India-Pakistan partition bill, rejected his non-violent philosophy. When the Indians and Muslims began rioting conflict, Gandhi began his hunger strike in the 14th, everyone notices until after the armistice he would eat. He succeeded the situation was stable. However, in January 30, 1948, has just ended a hunger strike in the Gandhi went to a prayer will be on the way by a Hindu fanatics of the Southern Blue Salim high Dexi shot. Later in the trial, the Southern Blue Salim high degree Dexi claiming: "In my shot, I sincerely wish him (Gandhi) and face-to-face respectfully bow to him."
Personal life credo
Gandhi pursued by the Ku Xingseng-Keji personal life system, including vegetarian, celibacy, meditation, abstinence, not words one day a week, give up and wear Western-style clothes in India Tubu do traditional Indian clothing, with Fangche spinning, participation in the labour.
Gandhi's philosophy of non-cooperation and non-violence (satya, ahimsa) Bhagavad by the idea of Hindu beliefs and the impact of Jainism. Non-violence (ahimsa) the concept of religion in India in a long time there. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism in this have to repeat. Gandhi in his autobiography "My experience for the practice of truth" (The Story of my Experiments with Truth) reveals his philosophy and way of life.
Although he went to London, try to eat meat, but he later became a strict vegetarian who. Studying in London when he wrote this a few books. In Hinduism and Jainism in the vegetarian is deep-rooted. His hometown there are many Hindus who is a vegetarian. He tried a different diet, believe that the ultimate vegetarian sufficient to meet the minimum requirements of the human body. He did not eat for a long time, and as a political weapon.
In his 36-year-old, he abstinence, become a complete abstinence of those. Abstinence is subject to the impact of Hinduism. However, he did not divorce. He said the decision with his wife not to discuss, but directly to her announced.
Gandhi did not say one day a week. He believed that the silence brought him inner calm. This comes from the Hindu forces from the "silence" (mouna) and "calm" ( "shanti", Sanskrit-). He靠在paper in silence to write the exchange. He started 37 from the three and a half, Gandhi refused to read newspapers. He believes that the outside world noisy than his more disturbed state of mind.
From South Africa in the success of legal work to return to India, he gave up on behalf of the rich and successful Western-style clothes. What he means is being able to wear the India's poorest people to accept. He promote the use of the family textile Tubu (khadi). Gandhi and his followers use Fangche spinning cloth to do their own clothes. This group of British power is a threat. If the Indians because there is no work and leisure, where they buy clothes from the United Kingdom. If the Indians do their own clothes, the British industry on the idle. Later, the Indian National Congress party flag out of Fangche logo.
Honorary title
His title "Mahatma", (General for Translation, "Saint-hung") from the Sanskrit language of the King mahatman, intent "Great Souled", the great soul and is often mistakenly think that is his name. This award in his Tagore "Gurudev" the title means "great teacher" after the 1915 Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore that Labindela (Rabindranath Tagore) presented his known, which means a saint and In a heroic.
The use of the title in India than has been widely accepted, may be part of the times reflected in his India and the United Kingdom complex relationship. In any case, this title is the widespread use of Gandhi in the world for such a non-violent religious beliefs and their extremely dedicated people in line with the widely accepted.

Born: 2 October 1869
Birthplace: Porbandar, India
Died: 30 January 1948 (assassination)
Best Known As: Non-violent leader of Indian independence
Revered in India as the "Father of ...


Born: 2 October 1869
Birthplace: Porbandar, India
Died: 30 January 1948 (assassination)
Best Known As: Non-violent leader of Indian independence
Revered in India as the "Father of the Nation," Mohandas K. Gandhi is also a worldwide icon of non-violent political resistance. Gandhi was born in India and studied law in England, then spent 20 years defending the rights of immigrants in South Africa. He returned to India in 1914, eventually becoming the leader of the Indian National Congress. At the time, India was part of the British Empire, and Gandhi urged non-violence and civil disobedience as a means to independence. His public acts of defiance landed him in jail many times as the struggle continued through World War II. In 1947 he participated in the postwar negotiations with Britain that led to Indian independence. He was shot to death by a Hindu fanatic the next year. An advocate of simple living, Gandhi ate a vegetarian diet and made his own clothes; the spinning wheel became a symbol of his uncluttered lifestyle. His autobiography, The Story of My Experiments With Truth, was published in 1927. His birthday, October 2nd, is a national holiday in India.
Gandhi is often called Mahatma -- the Hindu term for "great soul"... His middle name was Karamchand... Gandhi wed Kasturba Makhanji in 1883, in an arranged marriage; he was 13 at the time. They had five children and remained married for nearly 61 years, until her death in 1944... Among his many famous quotes is the saying, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"... Gandhi was played by Ben Kingsley