
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 16:56:36


Olympic Report
Today is the 17th day since the Olympic Games began.Our China has gained 46 gold medals,while the strong American has only reaped 27 gold medals,which is expressing a information that the spirit of Olympic Games has spreaded her roots to the China and it is a sign of develping of Olympic Games.Now,China is showing her abilities to all the people in the world!

Today is the opening of the Olympic Games 17 days,China won 46 gold medals,And has always been the hegemony of the United States has won 27 gold medals,This fully shows that the Olympic spirit in China heritage and competitive sports development in China,To show the world China's great strength!!!

Olympic Alerts
Today is the opening of the Olympic Games 17 days, we Chinese have won 46 gold medals, and has always been the hegemony of the United States has won 27 gold medals, which fully sho...


Olympic Alerts
Today is the opening of the Olympic Games 17 days, we Chinese have won 46 gold medals, and has always been the hegemony of the United States has won 27 gold medals, which fully shows that the Olympic spirit in China heritage and competitive sports development in China, to demonstrate to the world China's great strength


Olympic News
Today is the 17th day of the Olympic Games, so far China have won 46 gold medals, while United States, which has always been dominating, has won 27 gold medals. This has fully present...


Olympic News
Today is the 17th day of the Olympic Games, so far China have won 46 gold medals, while United States, which has always been dominating, has won 27 gold medals. This has fully presented the heritage of Olympic spirit and development of competitive sport in China, at the same time showing the world the strength of China。


The Olympics dispatch
Today is an Olympic game opening of 17 day, our China total acquire 46 gold medal, but in times gone by own Ba lord position of the United States acquired 27 gold medal, this...


The Olympics dispatch
Today is an Olympic game opening of 17 day, our China total acquire 46 gold medal, but in times gone by own Ba lord position of the United States acquired 27 gold medal, this full elucidation Olympic the spirit spread to accept on the China the earth and tournament athletics at China of development, to world demonstration China strong real strenght


英语翻译奥运快讯今天是奥运会开幕的17天,我们中国共获得46枚金牌,而历来拥有霸主地位的美国获得了27枚金牌,这充分说明奥林匹克精神在中华大地上传承及竞技体育在中国的发展,向世界展 英语翻译翻译:奥运快讯 距离第29届奥运会开幕还有多少天 用英语怎么说!急比如距离奥运开幕还有300天 怎么说,不是问句 08奥运会开幕的那天夜晚,北京城是一个怎样的情景,写出几个四字成语 要一个准确的英语翻译:今天距北京奥运会开幕还有100天. 奥运会开幕的作文500字 英语翻译1.2008北京奥运会是第几届奥运会?2.北京申办2008年奥运会的申办口号是什么?3.北京奥运会开幕式将在哪个体育馆举行?4.2008奥运会什么时候开幕? 英语翻译1.我要争当奥运志愿者,为奥运做贡献2.这是第29届奥运会,在北京举行3.我们应该了解更多的奥运知识4.召开奥运会时间是2008.8.85.吉祥物是福娃 英语翻译悉尼奥运会的开幕式是我看过的最棒的了,因为我只看过这一个奥运会开幕市.翻译的要幽默点 2016年里约热内卢奥运会开幕时间 里约是南半球 必须是夏天,这么说中国就是要在冬天看奥运啦? 2016年里约热内卢奥运会开幕时间 里约是南半球 必须是夏天,这么说中国就是要在冬天看奥运啦?还有说8月份开幕,是指中国还是里约啊? 2001年的国庆节是星期一,那么08年奥运会开幕日是星期几? 2008奥运会开幕英文2008年北京奥运会开幕 2008年奥运会开幕 两个的英文分别怎么说.. 奥运开幕入场式,入场的国家是按照英文首字母序还是汉语拼音首字母序啊? 4篇要一篇下雨 一篇停电 一篇奥运开幕仪式 一篇奥运会比赛 奥运会的主题“------奥运,——-----奥运,——--------奥运 2008年8月8日第二十九届奥林匹克运动会在我国首都北京隆重开幕.已知今年的1月1日是星期日,那么“奥运会”开幕那天是星期几.过程写出来, 填空题:2008的北京奥运会是第( )届奥运会,主题是:( )奥运,( )奥运,( )奥运.括号里填什么?