secretary minister都是部长大臣有什么区别?.那种词语解释贴了不如不贴..我自己也能找..我想要大家总结的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/17 01:42:23

secretary minister都是部长大臣有什么区别?.那种词语解释贴了不如不贴..我自己也能找..我想要大家总结的
secretary minister都是部长大臣有什么区别?

secretary minister都是部长大臣有什么区别?.那种词语解释贴了不如不贴..我自己也能找..我想要大家总结的
Secretary of State 国务卿
Secretary of the Treasury 财政部长
Secretary of Defense 国防部长
Attorney General 司法部长
Postmaster General 邮政管理局长
Interior Secretary 内政部长
Agriculture Secretary 农业部长
Commerce Secretary 商务部长
英国内阁的首脑为首相(Prime Minister),其他组成人员有
First Lord of the Treasury 第一财政大臣(首相兼任)
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs 外交大臣
Lord President of the Council 枢密院大臣
Lord Chancellor 大法官
Secretary of State for the Home Department
and Minister for Welsh Affairs 内政和威尔士事务大臣
Chancellor of the Exchequer 财政大臣
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 兰开斯特公爵郡大臣
Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons 掌皇大臣兼下院领袖
Minister of Defence 国防大臣
Secretary of state for Commonwealth Relations 联邦关系事务大臣
Secretary of State for the Colonies 殖民地事务大臣
Secretarv of State for Scotland 苏格兰事务大臣
Minister of Labour and National Service 劳工大臣
Minister for Housingand Local Government 住房及地方政府事物大臣
Minister of Town and Country Planning 都市及乡村计划大臣
Minister of Health 卫生大臣
Minlster oi Education 教育大臣
Presldent of the Board of Trade 贸易大臣
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries 农业和渔业大臣
Minister of Pensions and National Insurance 年金及国民保险大臣
First Lord Of the Admiralty 海军大臣
secretary of State for War 陆军大臣
Secretary of State for Air 空军大臣
Minister of Fuel and Power 燃料电力大臣
Minister of Transport 运输大臣
Minlster of Supply 供应大臣
Minister of Economic Affairs 经济事务大臣
Minister of Food 粮食大臣
Minister of Civil Aviation 民航大臣
Minister of Works 工程大臣
Paymaster General 主计大臣
Labor secretary 劳工部长
Postmaster General 邮政大臣
Attorney一General 检查总长
Sollcitor一General 副检查总长
Lord Advocate 苏格兰检察总长

都说了没什么区别的,就比如说I feel sad跟I feel unhappy有什么差别呢,就是换一个词罢了。

secretary :秘书 书记 文秘
minister : 部长 公使 大臣 君臣佐使 使臣

求翻译,Minister of State,Minister,Secretary of State and Vice-Minister secretary minister都是部长大臣有什么区别?.那种词语解释贴了不如不贴..我自己也能找..我想要大家总结的 Minister和Secretary在作部长,大臣解时,区别在哪儿? Treasury Chief和Treasury Secretary区别Treasury Secretary因该是美国的“财政部长”了,相当于Treasury Minister,但本人不知 Treasury Chief 该怎样理解,请英语通们帮忙, undersecretary,vice minister和deputy secretary的区别?各用在什么场合,比如正式与非正式 Minister和Secretary在作部长,大臣解时,区别在哪儿?比如哪个国家或地区习惯用哪个?在不同的场合下,分别用哪个? prime minister minister是什么意思 英语翻译翻译:Present at the ceremony hosted by US Sceretary of State Colin Powell were UN Food and Agriculture Director-Ceneral Jacpues Diouf ,US Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman and Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission of the Chinese Emb 英语翻译这俩词同时出现在这条新闻里:He will meet with the head of sate on the sideline of the summit and be accompanied by Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar and the Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani. 这句话应该句子成分如何分析?The Turkish government has described as objectionable a request by the US Secretary of State John Kerry for the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan to delay his planned visit to Gaza. 英语翻译Secretary of State Colin Powell said Tuesday that President Bush has not pre-judged any final-status issues in Middle East peace negotiations with his commitments this month to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. 英文讲解:He rose to the position of Chief Private Secretary to the Minister这句话是说从主要的私人秘书到部长还是部长的主要私人秘书?为什么?这个to怎么解? 一些英美政治以及澳大利亚、新西兰国家概况 1.In American politics,( )is mainly responsible for foreign affairs.A.Foreign Minister B.Secretary of State C.Secretary of Defense D.Vice President2.( )has the sole right to interpret the C Secretary是什么意思 secretary是什么意思 madam secretary chartered secretary