英语翻译So what did we learn?Mostly what we expected,what everybody knows:People judge by appearances.Just looking poor brings with it prejudice,accompanied by removal of much of the social grace most of us take for granted.Lacking the culturally

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英语翻译So what did we learn?Mostly what we expected,what everybody knows:People judge by appearances.Just looking poor brings with it prejudice,accompanied by removal of much of the social grace most of us take for granted.Lacking the culturally
So what did we learn?Mostly what we expected,what everybody knows:
People judge by appearances.Just looking poor brings with it prejudice,accompanied by removal of much of the social grace most of us take for granted.Lacking the culturally acceptable symbols of belonging in this setting,we became,to a degree,objects,with less inherent dignity as persons.

英语翻译So what did we learn?Mostly what we expected,what everybody knows:People judge by appearances.Just looking poor brings with it prejudice,accompanied by removal of much of the social grace most of us take for granted.Lacking the culturally
那么,我们学到了什么?通常,我们所期望的(事物),所有人都知道(的东西):人们根据外表/事物表面做出判断.<分析:“what +sb.+v.(动词)”中what表示“…所…的事物/东西,如:what we need我们所需要的(事物);what we do我们所做的.judge by:从…判断.>
poor:穷的,不好的(这里指看问题不深入,比较浅显);prejudice:偏见,成见; remove of:消除,去除;grace:行为(引申为这种行为引起的问题);granted:副词,“带有…/伴随…”;accompany:伴随.
仅仅浅显地看问题带来/引起成见/偏见,它通过消除我们大多数人所带有的观点取向(take for不知什么意思…有点抽向,大概引申为这意思,就是我们所认为的观点这一方面)而伴随许多社会行为/问题.<分析:accompanied前其实省略了 主语谓语it is,指前面所指的事,省略主谓而用逗号隔开表示对前面句子的进一步修饰解释,表示伴随这种情况发生的状态.most of us…作grace的定语,修饰grace,表示“伴随我们…(而形成)的行为”.>
最复杂最后一句:在这种背景下(in this setting),缺乏(laking of)文化上(culturally)可认可(acceptable)的东西(belonging,财产,在此可引申为某样东西)作为标志象征(symbol),从某种程度上说(to a degree),作为人(as person)我们有更少的固有(inherent,固有的内在的)高尚/尊严/自尊(dignity)(也可以说是“我们缺少内在品质”),(于是)便成为了对象(object讨论研究的对象).<分析:to a degree作插入语.with…用于修饰“we became object”,表示“我们”带有这种特点,可改写为以下较容易看:In this setting,lacking the culturally acceptable belonging's symbols,to a degree,we beame object with less inherent dignity .>楼主不知哪来这些句子真费神.


我们从中可以学到什么?正如我们所料想的,也正如大家都知道的:人们总是以貌取人 。仅凭穷酸的外表就会招致歧视,与此同时,(人们)本该是天经地义的社交礼貌便也荡然无存。由此可知,一旦缺乏大众认可的物质符号,我们就在某种程度上沦落为了毫无人性尊严的物件。


我们从中可以学到什么?正如我们所料想的,也正如大家都知道的:人们总是以貌取人 。仅凭穷酸的外表就会招致歧视,与此同时,(人们)本该是天经地义的社交礼貌便也荡然无存。由此可知,一旦缺乏大众认可的物质符号,我们就在某种程度上沦落为了毫无人性尊严的物件。


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