英语翻译周五我们年级进行了拔河比赛.这次比赛给我留下了深刻印象 我觉得它十分有意义.比赛之前我们都很紧张 互相都彼此打气.我们脚靠脚 握紧了绳子等待比赛开始.哨声响后,我们用尽

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 02:24:23

英语翻译周五我们年级进行了拔河比赛.这次比赛给我留下了深刻印象 我觉得它十分有意义.比赛之前我们都很紧张 互相都彼此打气.我们脚靠脚 握紧了绳子等待比赛开始.哨声响后,我们用尽
周五我们年级进行了拔河比赛.这次比赛给我留下了深刻印象 我觉得它十分有意义.比赛之前我们都很紧张 互相都彼此打气.我们脚靠脚 握紧了绳子等待比赛开始.哨声响后,我们用尽所有力气,一起用力拉绳子,大家都很努力.最后我们赢得了比赛,这锻炼了我们的团队精神,也让我为彼此的友谊深受感动.

英语翻译周五我们年级进行了拔河比赛.这次比赛给我留下了深刻印象 我觉得它十分有意义.比赛之前我们都很紧张 互相都彼此打气.我们脚靠脚 握紧了绳子等待比赛开始.哨声响后,我们用尽
On Friday we grade for the tug of war.The game left a deep impression to me I think it is very meaningful.We were very nervous before the game each other,each other waters.We hold the rope on foot feet waiting game started.Posts sound,we try all strength,together pull cord,everybody is very hard.Finally,we won the game,this exercise our team spirit,also let me for friendship was deeply touched.

On Friday,our grade have played Tug-of-war competition.The competition gave me a deep impression,I think it really make some sense.Before the competition,we were very nervous,we encouraged each other....


On Friday,our grade have played Tug-of-war competition.The competition gave me a deep impression,I think it really make some sense.Before the competition,we were very nervous,we encouraged each other.We put our feet one by one,gripped the rope tightly,and we were waiting for the start.After the whistle,we tried our best.And we won the competition,this event is a test of our teamwork spirit,and made us become better friends.


Friday was our grade tug of war. This competition has left a deep impression on me I think it is very meaningful. Very nervous before the game we all give each other encouragement to each other. Foot ...


Friday was our grade tug of war. This competition has left a deep impression on me I think it is very meaningful. Very nervous before the game we all give each other encouragement to each other. Foot by foot we clenched the rope waiting game starts. Whistle, we have exhausted all efforts, together with rope force, we are working very hard. Finally, we won the game, this exercise of our team, let me deeply moved by the friendship for each other.


英语翻译周五我们年级进行了拔河比赛.这次比赛给我留下了深刻印象 我觉得它十分有意义.比赛之前我们都很紧张 互相都彼此打气.我们脚靠脚 握紧了绳子等待比赛开始.哨声响后,我们用尽 用取组词填进句子中只有不断学习,我们才能【 】更多的知识 我们从小养成认真【 】别人意见的好习惯詹天佑他们最后【 】了中部凿井法进行施工这次拔河比赛,我们班一定要【 】夺得冠军 作文——小学年级拔河比赛我们班赢了,我是拉拉队. 如何赢得拔河比赛?我们明天下午就要比赛了! 这次拔河比赛五年级三班打败了五年级一班获得了冠军(加两次标点,使句子意思不同 这次拔河比赛五年级三班打败了五年级一班获得了冠军(加两次标点,使句子意思不同 拔河比赛标点一天下午()天气晴朗()我们二年级一班和二班进行拔河比赛()比赛马上开始了()大家的心情很激动()劲头也很足()同学们有的卷裤腿()有的系鞋带()还有的伸 甲乙两班进行拔河比赛,结果甲班赢了,请问拔河的绳子哪边的拉力大?Why? 问一道初二一元二次方程题,某校初二年级举行迎奥运拔河比赛,每两个班之间进行一场比赛,一共进行了45场比赛,问该校初二年级有多少个班级? 这次拔河比赛五(1)班打败了五(2)班获得了冠军 尽管这次拔河比赛输了,----------【把句子补充完整】急 新华中学七年级八个班进行循环拔河比赛,共可赛-----场 问:学校6个年级进行拔河比赛,每年级8个班,进行单循环赛,共赛多少场? 如何赢得拔河比赛?求指导!我们明天下午就要比赛了!复制的不要来! 六年级四个班之间将进行拔河比赛.采用单循环制进行比赛.全年级一共要进行多少场比赛? 某校八年级组织象棋比赛,每两个参赛选手之间都必须赛一场,全年级共进行了28场比赛问这次参赛的选手有几位? 某校二年级组织象棋比赛,每两个选手之间都必须赛一场,全年级共进行了56场比赛,问这次参赛的选手有几位 某校八年级组织象棋比赛,每两个参赛选手之间都必须赛一场,全年级共进行了56场比赛,问这次参赛的选手有几位?