求英语小演讲:How to Prepare for Earthquakes?如题,不用太长,2-3分钟吧,谢谢~

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求英语小演讲:How to Prepare for Earthquakes?如题,不用太长,2-3分钟吧,谢谢~
求英语小演讲:How to Prepare for Earthquakes?

求英语小演讲:How to Prepare for Earthquakes?如题,不用太长,2-3分钟吧,谢谢~
1Check for hazards inside your home:
Make sure shelves are fastened securely to the walls.
Place large, heavy objects on lower shelves or on the floor. They might fall. You can also screw them onto things, such as on desks.
Place breakable items (bottles, glass, china, etc.) in closed cabinets that have latches. Make sure to board them up so that the cabinet doors won't fly open.
Heavy pictures and mirrors should be hung away from beds, couches, and anywhere that someone might sit.
Overhead light fixtures should be braced to prevent falling.
Evaluate your electrical wiring and gas connections and repair if needed. During an earthquake, these can become potential fire hazards. Additionally, turn them off and unplug them, so the outlet is not neat the metal part of the cord.
Secure your water heater by strapping it to wall studs (not just the drywall) and bolting it to the floor.
If you have any deep cracks in the ceiling or foundations, repair these immediately. You might need to consult an expert if there are signs of structural weakness.
Store flammable products in closed cabinets with latches on the bottom shelf.
2Identify safe places both indoors and outdoors. Examples include: under sturdy furniture, against an inside wall (where the other side is not exposed to the outdoors), away from mirrors or windows, or in the open away from buildings and trees. If you don't need them anymore, you can throw them away.
3Seek to educate yourself and those in your family about the best place to go during an earthquake and what they can do if you are incapacitated. Children should know how and when to call 9-1-1 and someone besides yourself should be able to shut off your dwelling's gas, water, and electricity.
4Obtain disaster supplies that are in a central location
Flashlight with extra batteries (preferably one for each individual)
Portable, battery-operated radio with extra batteries
Purchase and use "Self Powered Radios" and "Self Powered Flashlights". Batteries will be hard to find, if you can find them. Some models will charge cell phones, but the cell phone towers may be damaged, even destroyed.
Purchase and use "Glow Sticks". These are SAFER than candles, since you will be dealing with ruptured gas lines, flammable, explosive gas.
First aid kit and manual
Emergency food and water (some sources say you should have up to 2 weeks worth of extra food on hand in case rescue workers cannot reach your location)
Nonelectric can opener
Essential medicines
Cash and credit cards
Sturdy shoes for each family member
5Create an emergency communication plan that is known by every member of the family. You should determine a central meeting place, in case you are separated before or during an earthquake. Also, ask an out-of-state family member or friend to serve as a central contact (and maybe you can be their contact too). Make sure everyone memorizes this person's phone number. Don't rely on cellular phones or radios for contact.
6Help your community to prepare. It can be as simple as printing this article and circulating it, or more elaborate like creating community meeting places and central food stores.
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edit TipsAlways have connection with family members.
Confusion is the first thing after an earthquake. Try to eliminate confusion and worry by developing a communication plan that does not rely on cell phones, radios, or other portable devices.
Try to develop routes and methods for getting home after an earthquake has occurred. Since there is no precise time of day when an earthquake might strike, you may be at work, at school, on a bus, or in a train when one strikes. It is highly likely that you will need to know several ways to get home since roads and bridges will likely be obstructed for long periods of time.
If at all possible, avoid living near fault lines and large mountains in an earthquake-prone region. Not only will the damage to your home be more severe, but it will be more likely that you cannot get to your home if you are away from it.
Make sure all gas lines are completely tightened. And do not turn any lights on after an earthquake!
Have a plan for any natural disaster.
Consider keeping a pair of shoes, a flashlight and an energy bar under your bed.
Make sure the kit is in a place that can be easily accessed
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edit Things You'll NeedFlashlight with extra batteries
First-aid kit
Portable radios with extra batteries
Clothes (enough for a minimum of 3-5 days)
Bottled water (enough for 1 gallon per person)
Non-perishable food able to eat with minimal heat (ex. cereal bars)
Any non-electrical source of entertainment
Phone numbers of possible shelter if a cell phone is available and working
"Self Powered Radios" AND "Self Powered Flashlights", glowsticks. Batteries will not be available and candle use forbidden due to ruptured gas lines, you smell gas. Find these radios at the local Radio Shack, these lights, glowsticks at the local Wal*Mart. Get these AHEAD of time.

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