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Part Ⅰ
How Should Parents Help Children to be Independent
Nowadays, there is a growing concern over such a phenomenon, that is, some parents take care of almost everything concerned with their children, including study, work, marriage. Some parents believe that this is love, however, it is only to destroy children’s independence thoroughly.
For the future of the next generation, more efforts should be made by parents to help their children to be independent. The fundamental one is to cultivate the awareness, namely, the importance and necessity of being independent, which is supposed to begin from childhood. Children should be taught that no one can be stronger and more helpful than themselves in this world.
The quality of independence is so indispensable for us that parents had better act as a tutor, not a dictator. And only with parents’ trust, can the next generation accumulate confidence step by step.
Part Ⅱ
Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)
1.A) People instinctively seek nature in different ways.
解析:第一段最后一句直接给出关键字profound belief, whether 引导的从句对应答案中的instinctively
2.D) Things that are purchased.
解析:第二段最后一句,what is best对应题目中的prefer, that is to say作为暗示直接引出之后的things that can be bought,选择D
3.B) More access to nature makes children less likely to fall ill.
4.D) are less likely to be involved in bullying
5.B) Provide more green spaces for them.
6.B) They enjoy a life of better quality.
7.C) access to nature contributes to the reduction of violence
解析:十一段引文中can reduce violent behavior,直接对应C选项
解析:题干是有关人们错误观念的问题,找到倒数第三段的关键段error引导的内容,再对应到humanity and the natural world,得出separated(照抄原文separable与can重复,separable本身词义即能够分离的)
9.the wild world
解析:最后一段第二句直接命中题干,照抄the wild world即可.
10. harmony
Part Ⅲ
Listening Comprehension
Section A
11. A) The man should visit the museums. B) She can’t stand the hot weather.
C) The beach resort is a good choice. D) She enjoys staying in Washington.
解析:Woman最后说到I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature. 这表明了她待在这里很愉快,很享受待在华盛顿,故选D.
12. A) Her new responsibilities in the company.
B) What her job prospects are.
C) What the customers’ feedback is.
D) The director’s opinion of her work.
解析:Woman说到but I wish the director would give me some feedback. 这表明了她希望得到director的意见(即反馈),故选D.
13. A) Combine her training with dieting.
B) Repeat the training every three days.
C) Avoid excessive physical training.
D) Include weightlifting in the program.
14. A) When she will return home. B) Whether she can go by herself.
C) Whether she can travel by air. D) Whether she will completely recover.
解析:Man开头就说到I’m worried about her going on a plane. 从中可知,他担心的是年老的母亲能不能乘飞机,故选C.
15. A) The woman knows how to deal with the police.
B) The woman had been fined many times before.
C) The woman had violated traffic regulations.
D) The woman is good at finding excuses.
解析:警察开头问到 Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads? 通过这句话就可以知道女士没有遵守交通规则,故选C.
16. A) Switch off the refrigerator for a while.
B) Have someone repair the refrigerator.
C) Ask the man to fix the refrigerator.
D) Buy a refrigerator of better quality.
解析:Man说到 Maybe you should have it fixed,女士回答到You’re right.
17. A) He owns a piece of land in the downtown area.
B) He has got enough money to buy a house.
C) He can finally do what he has dreamed of.
D) He is moving into a bigger apartment.
解析:Man第二句话说到Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on and build a house on it. 表明他能实现买地建房的理想了,故选C.
18. A) She is black and blue all over.
B) She has to go to see a doctor.
C) She stayed away from work for a few days.
D) She got hurt in an accident yesterday.
解析:Woman说的第一句话是My hands still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday.从中可知这位女士昨天在冰上滑倒受伤了,但是男士认为伤势并不严重,只建议她休养几天就可以了,不必去看医生.C是较强的干扰项,应该是女士现在需要休息而不是过去已经休息了几天,故选D.
Part Ⅳ
Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)
Section A
47. M) raised
48. L) psychological
49. E) contributions
50. A) abilities
51. B) achieve
52. N) smart
53. I) extent
54. J) indicates
55. G) essentially
56. H) eventually
57. C)
58. A)
59. B
60. D)
61. A)
62. D)
63. B)
64. A)
65. A)
66. B)
Part Ⅴ
67. D came out
68. C less
69. D by
70. A almost
71. B developed
72. C growth
73. B lead
74. A pressure
75. B services
76. B into
77. C driven
78. C wealth
79. C unless
80. D expand
81. C at
82. C common
83. A major
84. D trend
85. C but
86. B possibilities
Part Ⅵ
87.___________________(为了确保他参加会议),I called him up in advance.
解析:In order to ensure him to attend the meeting
To ensure his attendance at the meeting
【结构分析】本题句子的主干 “I called him up in advance”已经给出,无需翻译,需要翻译部分为“为了确保他能参加会议”.该部分在句子中作目的状语
【考点解释】本题考查是目的状语.①目的状语可以由to/in order to来引导.②确保 ensure sb to do 确保某人做某事,ensure sth 确保某事
88.The significant museum________________(据说建成于)about a hundred years ago.
解析:is said to have been built
【结构分析】本题句子的主语为the significant museum,缺谓语,即(据说建成于)
about a hundred years ago为时间状语.
【考点解释】本题重点考查:①被动语态.主语museum与动词build之间为被动关系; 且bulid这一动作发生在过去.②据说 be said to;be said to+ 动词不定式的完成时,表示不定式表示的动作已经完成.
89.There would be no life on earth ____________________ (没有地球独特的环境).
解析: without its unique environment
but for its unique environment
【结构分析】本题句子含有There be结构.主干完整,there主语,would be 谓语,no life 表语,on earth 地点状语
【考点解释】本题重点考查:①without的用法 without 是介词,后接名词;同时,表示“没有”,除without外,还可用but for;②单词拼写 unique adj.独特;environment n.环境 ③当名词重复出现时,可适当使用代词,避免重复.
90.______________________________(给游客印象最深的)was the friendliness and warmth of the local people.
解析:What impressed the tourists most
【结构分析】本题句子为主系表结构,主语即考查部分,was 系动词,剩余部分为表语.
【考点解释】本题重点考查①what引导的主语从句;what可引导句子充当主语;②impress用法 给…留下印象 impress sb;③最高级的用法most;结合考点②③,可推出“给…印象最深”为impress sb most
91.They requested that ___________________________ (我借的书还回图书馆) by next Friday.
解析:books I borrowed (should) be returned to the library
I (should) return the book I borrowed to the library
【结构分析】本题句子的主干部分分别是they 主语,request 谓语,后接that引导的宾语从句.
【考点解释】①request的用法.request v. 要求;当request表示“要求”时,引导的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气,即(should)+ 动词原形.②定语从句.“我借的书”, the book (that) I borrowed;③单词的拼写.归还 return,借 borrow,图书馆 library ④本题就此题提供了两个版本的答案,但在表示“规定,规则”时,被动语态更为常用.
